THURSDAY: Summer’s last West Seattle Art Walk, with music!

September 8, 2021 5:13 pm
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 |   West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Tomorrow night, the last West Seattle Art Walk of summer offers live music as well as art displays. Above is this quarter’s list of participating venues, some with artists, some with food/drink specials for Art Walk visitors, some with both. Venues span the peninsula from Arbor Heights (Brace Point Pottery & Gallery, C.A. Pierce show and sale, 4208 SW 100th, 5-8 pm) to Admiral (West Seattle Grounds, Priyanka Parmanand painting live, 2141 California SW, 5-8 pm). Some venues are showing multiple artists’ work, like Fogue Gallery (WSB sponsor), 4130 California SW, open “until late” on Art Walk night, with a group show featuring guest artist Reeve Washburn (who also happens to be the WSAW’s coordinator). This month’s highlight is the return of live music to accompany your Art Walk wanderings. The Art of Music is happening in two locations – Welcome Road Winery, 3804 California SW, hosts harpist Alyvia Miller, and bassist/vocalist Marina Christopher is at KeyBank Plaza in The Junction, both performing 6-7:40 pm. Plan your Art Walk night with this month’s full preview – venue spotlights and hours – here.

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