UPDATE: ‘Scenes of violence’ response near Fairmount Ravine

9:24 PM: Police and Fire have responded to a house on Belvidere alongside Fairmount Ravine for a “scenes of violence” callout. Medics tell dispatch they’re treating a man, believed to be in his 40s, for a gunshot wound. No word on the circumstances so far.

9:47 PM: The wounded man is reported to have been taken to Harborview by SFD medic unit.

16 Replies to "UPDATE: 'Scenes of violence' response near Fairmount Ravine"

  • Mary August 17, 2021 (9:28 pm)

    Fairmount Ave SW is completely blocked at the moment. I don’t advise taking this route for a bit.

    • WSB August 17, 2021 (9:32 pm)

      Thanks. Police and fire were telling dispatch they had to hike in to the house.

      • Mike August 17, 2021 (9:56 pm)

        Chaplain dispatched, which usually means a death.

        • WSB August 17, 2021 (10:01 pm)

          Often but not always. Probably won’t be able to find out more until tomorrow.

      • Mary August 17, 2021 (9:58 pm)

        The road is back open. Most of the response is gone except some police officers. 

  • Brother August 17, 2021 (11:22 pm)

    It was my brother, he attempted suicide. He is in the operating room but it does not look good. Please pray for him and my family and if there is anyone, ANYONE, in your life you are concerned about… check in on them and let them that you care. That they are not alone.

    • West Marg August 17, 2021 (11:39 pm)

      Big love to you. I know this kind of loss and it hurts so much. You are not alone, and you are loved

    • flower August 18, 2021 (5:00 am)

      Praying for him and your family. May he recover with some hope and see brighter days ahead. Take good çare.

    • Amrit Burn August 18, 2021 (5:47 am)

      Hey I live next door, let me know if there’s anything I can do for you or your dad. 

      • Brother August 18, 2021 (9:03 am)

        He is in complete shock… it happened right in front of him. He needs to talk to someone but I don’t know if he will be able to. He and my younger brother had a special bond and to have to see something like that, I’m just not sure he is ever going to be the same.

        • Neighbor August 18, 2021 (10:15 am)

          Saddened to hear about your brother and sorry to hear as well. I am a licensed mental health counselor and we have an office on Harbor Ave. SW. Although I’m not taking new clients, I’d be glad to offer assistance personally or refer you to the mental health professionals we work with. Feel free to email me for yourself, your dad or both together: premiertxex@gmail.com. I will pray for you and your family. 

    • Hw August 18, 2021 (6:52 am)

      Brother, I am praying for you and your family. May you all find healing with time. Love to you. 

  • CJ August 17, 2021 (11:49 pm)

    Tragic…prayers all the way around. 

  • JJ August 18, 2021 (7:24 am)

    My prayers are sent, for your brother, for you and your dad, for our whole community, and for my family too. 

  • Rara August 18, 2021 (1:03 pm)

    Praying for you all. I’m so sorry this happened. So much suicide is happening now. Depression is very serious. I’m not sure if that’s what your loved one was struggling with. But to everyone out there, if you know someone who struggles with depression please help them seek help. You could be the one to save a life. My family has dealt with depression for years. I too suffer but thank God I have a great support system now. 

  • Samantha August 18, 2021 (9:01 pm)

    I live nearby and am so sorry to hear about your brother.  We will be thinking of him and sending him healing thoughts.  Same for you and your Dad. 

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