WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in The Junction

11:25 AM: The big police response on the east side of The Junction right now is following a report of a vehicle theft. Officers are still trying to sort out what happened but the stolen vehicle is described via emergency radio as a white 18-foot Ford Econoline box truck, possibly with some of its tires deflated. The first report came from 41st/Alaska – though the theft may have happened elsewhere – and the vehicle was reportedly last seen heading west on Alaska, after hitting another vehicle while leaving the scene. The stolen vehicle’s plate is described as starting with C961. If you see it, call 911.

11:43 AM: Photos added. We’ve talked with a sergeant at the scene – clarification on the vehicle description, it’s a 2000 white Ford Econoline van. At right below is the car the thief hit while fleeing:

If you heard possible gunfire in the area, that hasn’t been explained yet – there was an initial report that the van’s owner might have shot out/at its tires but police say they haven’t confirmed that yet. Seattle Fire medics were called to the scene to check out the victim.

4:31 PM: Here’s the preliminary summary from police: “It appears to have been a disturbance involving a stolen vehicle. The victim located his stolen vehicle, and a suspect armed with a handgun. As the victim, who was also armed, tried to confront the suspect, the suspect drove off. The victim tried to shoot out the tires on the vehicle as it fled. No known injuries as the vehicle fled the scene. A second subject was detained, and as of the writing of the report, the vehicle, a KCSO stolen, had not been recovered.” “KCSO stolen” means it was reported stolen outside the city, in the King County Sheriff’s Office‘s jurisdiction.

31 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police search in The Junction"

  • Wsresident June 18, 2021 (11:43 am)

    Just a stolen vehicle? There’s probably 8+ cops and a fire truck there now, between the entrance of QFC and the petco. 

    • WSB June 18, 2021 (12:37 pm)

      This is an example of how – in both police and fire situations – initial dispatches are based on initial reports that sometimes change. (Like when you see police cars speeding at full code but no incident is ever reported here.) This was initially reported as an armed carjacking. The details continued evolving as police talked to witnesses, the victim, etc.

    • Mel June 18, 2021 (1:28 pm)

      We’ve become really desensitized if you think a car jacking is no big deal. In broad daylight nonetheless. I don’t know what’s happening to our city.

  • ConcernedCitizen June 18, 2021 (11:46 am)

    I heard 5 shots prior to the police response, which came about three minutes after shots were fired. An ambulance is pulling up now. I’m not sure this is just a vehicle theft.

    • WSB June 18, 2021 (11:53 am)

      They’re checking out the victim. This all may have started elsewhere but at the heart of it is a stolen vehicle.

    • BangBang June 18, 2021 (11:59 am)

      At least 4 gunshots were fired for sure. Saw a lady with a stroller continue to walk by the scene like nothing happened Lol

    • DL June 18, 2021 (12:07 pm)

      I distinctly heard 3 shots fired. I even looked down to Alaska/41st to see if anyone was running. I thought I just imaged something until I started seeing police response. 

  • Lee June 18, 2021 (12:10 pm)

    We heard what sounded like 4 shots in succession a bit after 11. We were sitting on our deck on 40th near Edmunds. A bit frightening. 

  • Triangle Resident June 18, 2021 (12:38 pm)

    I heard 4 distinct gun shots at 11:08 from my west facing deck on 37th avenue SW.  Each shot was not rapid fire but more of a point and shoot timing of 2 seconds apart.  

  • CAM June 18, 2021 (1:16 pm)

    I know there aren’t specifics yet but if it’s true that the victim of the vehicle theft opened fire on the fleeing vehicle to attempt to disable the vehicle (shooting out the tires) in a highly populated and high concentration pedestrian area, that is awful and should also be considered a crime. 

    • Mel June 18, 2021 (6:14 pm)

      Absolutely! This is such a densely populated area. The car theft is obviously unacceptable but what was this person thinking firing rounds at the car? SMH.

  • West seattle resident June 18, 2021 (1:49 pm)

    Was down at Easy Street when I heard gun shots go off a block away.  Looked around and wondered if I was imagining it, as no one else on the street seemed to notice,  I was told later that there was someone on the ground bleeding (have not verified), but WTH.  I was in white center last week when 4 people were shot.  With increased carjacking, and  stray bullets, What are we supposed to do?   The gun violence is out of control.  

  • Robin June 18, 2021 (2:27 pm)

    I drove by around 11:20 or so and I thought I saw police officers arresting a man. He looked to be wearing an American flag bandana. Older white male. Not sure if that was the car thief or not? 

    • WSB June 18, 2021 (2:33 pm)

      I’m still waiting for details that shook out once police had talked to everyone. There was some scanner traffic about the possibility one person was detained while another got away with the vehicle. Will add updated info when we get it.

  • Shannon June 18, 2021 (3:25 pm)

    “If you heard possible gunfire in the area, that hasn’t been explained yet”? IF WE HEARD GUNFIRE? Our entire neighborhood heard 5 distinct gunshots. Why are you leaving the gun violence out of the story, or otherwise refusing to report on the fact that FIVE GUNSHOTS went off near a busy QFC in the West Seattle Junction? IF this was a car theft, it was also an incident involving gun violence. Report accurately!  

    • WSB June 18, 2021 (4:11 pm)

      The police sergeant at the scene was not able to confirm the gunfire. I do not yet have the followup report. Until and unless there’s police confirmation, shell casings on the ground, shooting victim, etc., we can’t report confirmed gunfire. Hoping to get the report soon. – TR

  • CAM June 18, 2021 (4:51 pm)

    “The victim tried to shoot out the tires on the vehicle as it fled.” Did the police forget to include the part where they arrested the person who discharged a firearm, at a vehicle fleeing from them, multiple times in a highly populated area or did I suddenly move to the OK Corral?

  • valvashon June 18, 2021 (5:17 pm)

    Yup- pulling out your gun sure solved that problem!  Except that now you are probably facing an assault charge or unlawful discharge charge of some sort, and you still don’t have your 20 year old van back.  No vehicle is worth shooting the suspected thief or innocent civilians in a busy business district.Bottom line:  Guns are uncool.  Nucor would probably melt it down for you.

    • Ron Swanson June 19, 2021 (1:54 pm)

      Saying “check your privilege” is usually ridiculous but it applies here.  If you steal a 20 year old Econoline in this town, there’s a good chance you’re either stealing someone’s livelihood (tools) or straight up stealing their house.   That’s going to draw a response if they catch you, see the catalytic converter thief recently

  • m June 18, 2021 (5:23 pm)

    Such a recipe for potential tragedy when a car theft is coupled with guns on both sides of the equation. 

    • This June 19, 2021 (12:18 am)

      Or even just on one side. It’s tragic how quickly a gun can be drawn and life lost, so unjustly.

  • WSCurmudgeon June 18, 2021 (5:45 pm)

    WSB’s “all we know are the facts” approach is in part what raises its quality of coverage well above that of neighborhood blogs, and some of the “lamestream” media,  too.

    Many regular responders to stories would raise their credibility if they stuck to relating facts they observed and omitted their initial emotional responses.

    • Lee June 18, 2021 (7:45 pm)

      Exactly! I wish more people chilled a bit with their assumptions and stuck to facts and logic. 

      • This June 18, 2021 (11:36 pm)

        Logic, what’s that, some kind of app or something? ;)

    • winniegirl June 18, 2021 (7:50 pm)

      The police are definitely not the sole source for facts. There should be other avenues for corroboration. 

  • Flo B June 18, 2021 (8:47 pm)

    Winniegirl. And who might be another source of facts in a case like this??? And, why should we believe them vs the police(or WSB)??. 

    • WSB June 18, 2021 (9:20 pm)

      If there was a sign of gunshot damage (broken car window, for example) – that would be corroboration.
      If shell casings were in view on the ground – that would be corroboration.
      If somebody was being treated for gunshot wounds – that would be corroboration.
      None of that was part of the scene.
      We are often at scenes too early to speak to victims or witnesses, as they’re usually talking with police.

    • winniegirl June 18, 2021 (9:29 pm)

      What WSB said.  Relying on police as the sole source of facts only serves to drive the narrative that they are infallible.  And, if you have followed the news at all, you will know that is not true.

  • Jeff June 18, 2021 (9:50 pm)

    Yeah it’s terrible he was car jacked but letting off 4 shots in the junction just to try and hit tires is irresponsible and he should be jailed for that… You all would definitely agree if one of your loved ones was hit .  So lock him up so him and others might think before shooting.. Ignorance is the real crime here

    • StopCuttingDownTrees June 19, 2021 (11:45 pm)

      Or, you could stop victim-shaming (in this case he was a victim 2x) and not empower dangerous criminals…

      • Jort June 23, 2021 (12:45 pm)

        Firing random bullets into a densely-populated area does not, actually, make you a “victim.” It makes you a criminal, and you should go to jail. Guns are not to be used to “shoot out tires” of cars, no matter how much your feelings are hurt that your car was stolen. Time for jail.

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