VACCINATION: How to get on the list for all city sites, as biggest one yet prepares to open

(Governor’s Office photo from today’s announcement)

When the city announced its West Seattle community vaccination site last week, it also announced a “mass” site would open soon at the Lumen Field Event Center on the south side of downtown. Today, with the mayor, county executive, and governor there for the occasion, the city announced it will open this Saturday.

Also part of the announcement: If you’re eiigible for vaccination, you can get on this list to get notification of available appointments there or at the West Seattle and Rainier Beach community sites. Back to Lumen Field (the former CenturyLink), it will initially be in operation two or three days a week, vaccinating up to 5,000 people a week, but has the capacity to inoculate up to 150,000 people a week when supplies allow (here’s how). The site is a partnership between the city, Swedish, and First & Goal, which is providing the space rent free, as well as free garage parking for people going to vaccination appointments there. The mayor says it will be the “largest civilian-run vaccination site in the country.”

13 Replies to "VACCINATION: How to get on the list for all city sites, as biggest one yet prepares to open"

  • Thd3 March 10, 2021 (4:48 pm)

    Absolutely amazing! 

  • Kim March 10, 2021 (5:05 pm)

    I wonder which shot will be given 

  • Lisa March 10, 2021 (5:27 pm)

    I concur with THD3-woohoo amazing and marvelous. Good news. 

  • lisa March 10, 2021 (6:10 pm)

    Yes, THD3, it is!

  • sam-c March 10, 2021 (6:42 pm)

    Yes, amazing now, but it will be even more amazing when people below 50 with comorbidities are eligible.  

    • Sam-c March 11, 2021 (8:53 am)

      While it is exciting, I feel like our state should be doing more. Look at the states that are green on this map from the NY Times. We aren’t there yet.    

  • EP March 10, 2021 (8:12 pm)

    Aside from all of the city and county’s blunders and really bad decisions (and I’ll toss in lack of accountability) on many fronts, the COVID response was outstanding! The response teams and all of the site workers and volunteers should be very proud! 👏🏼 Thank you for that! 💜

  • Ann March 10, 2021 (8:17 pm)

    I have received both vaccines & would like to do my part in appreciation so does anyone know how I can volunteer??

    • Anne March 11, 2021 (7:21 am)

      I thought the same thing, called and was told go onto to register. I also have registered with Virginia Mason because they need volunteers as well and have had some phone answering shifts already. 

  • Wondering March 10, 2021 (9:12 pm)

    Does anyone know when grocery store workers will be eligible?

  • Lola March 11, 2021 (8:06 am)

    My husband was asking why are they not having a stay in your car vaccine site?  Can they not do it in the parking garage of Lumen Field?  Is it too dangerous as it may not be open enough?  Just a thought that staying in your car sounds like a better option for getting the shot and having to wait the 15 mins. 

    • sam-c March 11, 2021 (9:43 am)

      Plus, I don’t know that I would be comfortable standing in that que-line shown in that first photo.  Are people meant to skip every other row in order to maintain the 6′ separation?  

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