WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Hello, hail – twice! (Sunset & rainbow photos too)

2:07 PM: After a sunny morning, an unsettled afternoon – A reader texted that short clip of hail (or something like it – graupel, sleet, etc. …) in the Lincoln Park area. On Twitter, @WestSeaWX described it as a thunderstorm with an “expanded Puget Sound convergence zone” setting up behind it. Other areas including Fairmount Park and High Point reported the icy shower too.

2:36 PM: Classic Seattle almost-spring … the sun’s out again.

ADDED 6:07 PM: Another round of hail this past hour – plus a rainbow – here are some photos we received – first, from Barb in Westwood:

From Brandy, seen over Solstice Park:

And from Fred, the sun/cloud “mashup” before sunset:

(added) More photos! From Mark:

And via text:

Thanks to everyone!

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Hello, hail - twice! (Sunset & rainbow photos too)"

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy February 23, 2021 (4:46 pm)

    Definitely hail right now at Avalon and 35th.  Just started a few minutes ago.

  • WSOwl February 23, 2021 (5:58 pm)

    Rainbow in Gatewood 

  • Toni February 23, 2021 (5:59 pm)

    Definitely hail. Hit here in Arbor Heights around 5:30; lasted for about ten minutes! During a lull the sun shone through, but didn’t see a rainbow.

  • anonyme February 24, 2021 (7:06 am)

    What a gorgeous sundown event!  Rain, hail, sun, churning clouds, rainbows – all at once.  The rainbow appeared very shortly before dark.

  • momosmom February 24, 2021 (11:26 am)

    A few people came into work this morning and said they got 3 to 4 inches of snow last night! 1 lives in Tacoma and a few others live in Auburn.

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