Thanks again to all the WSB readers who have sent bird photos! We have another collection for you – starting with sea/shore sightings. First, the bird above is a Belted Kingfisher near Don Armeni Boat Ramp, photographed by Steven Director. Off Alki, Danny McMillin caught Brant passing a Kitsap Transit foot ferry:
Two from Matthew Olson – a Red-necked Grebe:
And a Common Merganser:
Robin Sinner photographed a Black Turnstone taking off, leaving its shadow behind:
Now to birds more often seen away from the shore. Here’s a Purple Finch, from Gentle McGaughey:
A Pacific Wren at Lincoln Park, from Mark MacDonald:
A leucistic Crow taking flight near Alki Beach, photographed by Michelle Laughlin:
Two Steller’s Jays, from WTR:
And we close with two Hummingbird photos – William Wright photographed one feeding on a winter-blooming Grevillea during the snow earlier this month:
And Kersti Muul shows us one building a nest:
If you’re doing outdoor work this time of year, be very mindful about not disturbing nests – hummingbirds’ nests are especially small. Here’s what we published two years ago with advice from Kersti.