Driver runs aground on 35th SW island

Thanks to Thomas B. for the photos – that happened about an hour ago on 35th SW at SW Snoqualmie, across from the entrance to the stadium and golf course. The driver crashed into the pedestrian-safety island. Apparently no major injury, as no SFD medic unit was dispatched, just an engine, but we’ll check to be sure. A tow truck had already arrived by the time Thomas took these photos:

17 Replies to "Driver runs aground on 35th SW island"

  • aRF February 19, 2021 (9:14 pm)

    No car is an island.

  • wendell February 19, 2021 (9:52 pm)

    It’s a wonder it took so long for someone to hit that thing.

  • woof February 19, 2021 (10:02 pm)

    ‘pedestrian safety island’

  • Alki resident February 19, 2021 (11:00 pm)

    I saw this coming the minute they made these. So dumb to have islands in the middle of 35th.,

    • TreeHouse February 21, 2021 (11:54 am)

      I agree these are not enough. If the city actually prioritized pedestrian safety and not cars they would put in a signal similar to the one at 35th and Myrtle. I’d support this change!

  • John Smith February 19, 2021 (11:02 pm)

    “We shall defend our island…” — Winston Churchill

  • StopCuttingDownTrees February 19, 2021 (11:05 pm)

    Drivetrain Removal Island.

  • JAT February 20, 2021 (8:25 am)

    Really glad no pedestrian was there at the time.  Motorists should slow down (what’s the speed limit there? 25?), pay attention, and stop hitting things…

  • Rick February 20, 2021 (9:34 am)

    Makes it easier to remove that catalytic converter.

  • Zipda February 20, 2021 (10:43 am)

    Island within an island.

  • WGA February 20, 2021 (2:15 pm)

    And the sign above says “No Va”, “No Go” in Spanish!

  • Scubafrog February 20, 2021 (3:00 pm)

    Thank goodness for the islands.  This demonstrates how important the islands are for pedestrian safety.  If the driver couldn’t even see that island, it’s likely the driver would’ve have plowed right over a pedestrian in its stead.  We need many, many more islands and tens of thousands less cars in Seattle (2nd most cars per capita city in the U.S., SAD!). 

    • Jason C. February 21, 2021 (6:56 am)

      @SCUBAFROG : Did you even look at the photo? (I actually passed by this accident maybe a minute or two after it happened) The car is inside the island where pedestrians would have been. It looks like the yellow paint that should wrap around the island is beginning to wear off, and it happened at night which the island is made out of the same material as the ground. It seems generally unsafe to have on the road. Another waste of tax payer money.

      • bill February 21, 2021 (8:28 pm)

        Jason C.: What is unsafe to have on the roads is cars.

      • heartless February 22, 2021 (11:29 am)

        Lol, check out this guy here who thinks having curbs is unsafe.

        • bill February 22, 2021 (12:49 pm)

          The curb is merely a deterrent, which proved inadequate here. To actually protect pedestrians from drivers like Jason the refuges need to be built as forts with reinforced concrete at least chest high.

  • DRW February 21, 2021 (1:26 pm)

    This is a great opportunity to start the clock till the next grounding! Glad no one was hurt, 

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