CORONAVIRUS: Sunday 2/28/2021 roundup, 1-year anniversary edition

One year ago tonight, we reported on the first King County COVID-19 case – schools closed two weeks later, and the statewide stay-home order came three weeks later. Here’s where we are now:

KING COUNTY’S NEWEST NUMBERS: From the King County daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*82,215 people have tested positive, 174 more than yesterday’s total

*1,393 people have died, (corrected) unchanged from yesterday’s total

(corrected) *5,100 people have been hospitalized, 7 more than yesterday’s total

*901,467 people have been tested, 475 more than Friday’s total

One week ago, the King County totals were 81,175/1,345/5,072/888,341.

WEST SEATTLE TRENDS: We can’t present the usual set of numbers because the “geography over time” tab on the daily-summary dashboard isn’t functioning right now. (We’ll check it again before night’s end and add the data if it starts working again.) But our weekly check of WS total deaths for the entire pandemic is available – for the two HRAs (Health Reporting Areas) comprising West Seattle: 61, one more than a week ago.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 114 million cases and 2,530,000+ deaths, 513,000+ of them in the U.S. – see the nation-by-nation breakdown here.

VACCINATION SITUATION: No new developments to report tonight but a couple of notes – A reader called this morning to recommend pointing eligible people who don’t have computer access to the Virginia Mason hotline, so if you know someone still looking, the number and other info can be found here … The unofficial lookup also now offers a phone option, new since we looked at that site last night: “Call or text 425-292-1727 with your ZIP and we will list three nearby clinics with availability.”

TOWN HALL ON PANDEMIC & MORE: Our area’s King County Councilmember Joe McDermott is one of four councilmembers who will lead a town hall addressing pandemic questions and other issues this Wednesday, 6-7:30 pm. You can send a question in advance using this form. Here’s how to watch/listen.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

5 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Sunday 2/28/2021 roundup, 1-year anniversary edition"

  • HYates March 1, 2021 (9:41 am)

    The cumulative numbers seem off when compared to yesterday’s numbers. Have they been fully updated?

    • WSB March 1, 2021 (10:09 am)

      What do you mean by “off”? I just checked against the screengrab from the Sunday update, and we had one typo which I’ve fixed – 5,100 hospitalizations rather than 5,190. Otherwise, it’s what they reported. – TR

      • stephanie March 1, 2021 (1:00 pm)

        I think they mean “off” because the numbers increased the exact same amount on Saturday. 174 more positives, 7 more hospitalizations, 13 more deaths, 475 more test. Same amount of increase on Sat and Sun.

      • HYates March 1, 2021 (1:23 pm)

        Clarifying: the “XX more than yesterday’s total” numbers are all the same as yesterday.

  • WSB March 1, 2021 (10:22 pm)

    On further review of the screengrabs, while the other “more than” numbers posted by the county appear to be accurate, 1393 deaths was the same as Saturday, and the county erroneously called that ’13 more than,’ so I have changed to ‘unchanged from.” I am going back to doublechecking their math from here on out ….

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