WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE UPDATES: Good stress; port position; council briefing; state $

The latest on the bridge, as we await word on when the mayor will decide on repair vs. replace:

(SDOT photo)

BIG WEEK FOR STABILIZATION: When is stress a good thing? When it’s part of stabilizing the bridge. As we noted last week, contractor Kraemer NA is expected to reach the next stabilization milestone this week – releasing the stuck bearing on (corrected) Pier 18. Above is a photo from this week’s stabilization update, showing what SDOT describes as, “Post-tensioning strands ready to be ‘stressed’ to help stabilize the bridge.” The “stressing” started last week and will continue this week along with the bearing release. The stabilization work is expected to be complete by year’s end. (For an explanation of everything that’s been happening, go here.)

PORT COMMISSIONERS TALK TOMORROW: The Northwest Seaport Alliance‘s managing members – the combined commissions of the ports of Seattle and Tacoma – will talk on Tuesday about the West Seattle Bridge situation and a potential “policy statement.” The discussion is scheduled for the public portion of the online meeting, after 11:30 am; here’s the agenda.

COUNCIL BRIEFING: During this morning’s “briefing” meeting of the City Council, when each member updates the others on what’s big in their district (among other things), West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold noted that a briefing on the West Seattle Bridge status is planned for next Monday morning’s meeting. She said that participants are expected to include the consultant the council hired last summer to offer independent expertise on the bridge situation.

STATE FUNDING? Earlier in the meeting, during a briefing on the city’s priorities for the upcoming State Legislature session, it was noted that the city is lobbying hard to have West Seattle Bridge funding included in the session’s transportation package.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE UPDATES: Good stress; port position; council briefing; state $"

  • JVP November 2, 2020 (6:18 pm)

    I, too, have bridge stress. 

  • BBILL November 2, 2020 (6:21 pm)

    Pier 19?

  • Fix the Bridge! November 2, 2020 (9:15 pm)

    This stabilization work will likely be enough to make the bridge car worthy again! This is such great news, and probably the biggest reason the Mayor punted on making a decision, because when phase 1 bridge stabilization is completed, much of the overstated “risk” of repair will be behind us. This is a really important step to returning to service. Thank you KramerNA! 

    • Anon November 3, 2020 (7:30 am)

      How do you know this? Can you reply with some links to back up your claims?I didn’t know this initial stabilization work was so meaningful….

  • dsa November 2, 2020 (9:53 pm)

    It looks like they are adding a dozen tension cables either EB or WB above.   I wonder how many are in the bridge now?  Here is a photo SDOT provided earlier which shows part of them: 

  • dsa November 2, 2020 (9:59 pm)

    In an earlier diagram which I cannot find, it appeared these new tension cables crossed the river, essentially tying the two cracked sections of bridge together.  I do not understand the dynamics of doing so unless the real intent is to remove the entire center section as a unit and not repair.

    • MartinP November 4, 2020 (9:52 pm)

      With tensioning you can strengthen concrete. Originally only the center portion was tensioned, the cracks appeared right next to it. With this fix, the whole span gets tensioned and therefore hopefully it will last another 40 years. 

  • Smittytheclown November 3, 2020 (5:54 am)

    Repair is such a no-brainer.  Fantastic news! 

  • Bridge electrician November 3, 2020 (2:28 pm)

    The stabilization is necessary but by no means will it allow traffic to resume. The repair option will require keystone repair or replacement witch could potentially take as long as the full span replacement option. There’s no reason to waste an equal amount of time repairing when replacement can be completed in the time frame.

    • Chemist November 3, 2020 (6:16 pm)

      I think the CBA’s repair alternative didn’t replace keystones/superstructure, which is how it took the least time.  If that repair alternative isn’t possible (and all the technical advice has been that repair IS possible) then you might have a better argument for replacement.

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