CORONAVIRUS: Monday 11/9 roundup

State and local health authorities are getting ready to sound the alarm, and that’s where we start tonight’s pandemic roundup:

‘URGENT’ BRIEFING TUESDAY: Every week, state and local leaders have media briefings about the pandemic. But we can’t recall the last one announced as “urgent” like this one was:

Urgent COVID-19 Response Media Briefing

Accelerated COVID-19 transmission is occurring across the state and time is running out to reverse course and flatten the curve. Join us for this important update on Tuesday afternoon and help us get the message out that people must act now to stop the spread from getting worse.

Top health authorities from the state, Seattle/King County, and Tacoma/Pierce County health departments are among the participants. This is set for 2:30 pm tomorrow and will be streamed here.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: On to today’s daily summary from Public Health – the cumulative countywide totals:

*31,244 people have tested positive, 378 more than yesterday’s total

*812 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*2,643 people have been hospitalized, 4 more than yesterday’s total

*573,962 people have been tested, 5,126 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the totals were 28,262/806/2,594/545,651.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESSES: The city plans to award additional $10,000 grants from its Small Business Stabilization Fund. You have until November 30th to apply.

NEED FOOD? Again this week, Food Lifeline will distribute free emergency boxes of food to anyone who shows up, 2-5 pm Friday (November 13th) at its South Park HQ, 815 S. 96th.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

7 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 11/9 roundup"

  • psps November 9, 2020 (10:56 pm)

    Inslee is in a tough spot.  He will have to roll everything back but is hampered by the gleeful imposition of suffering from the sadistic and spiteful white house and mcconnell. No federal aid will be made available, so people will be put in a terrible position. It’s going to be a horribly-long two months and, even then, mcconnell will block everything for at least the next two years. The promising vaccine announced today won’t be widely available for at least another year assuming its encouraging test results can be verified.

  • ARPigeonPoint November 9, 2020 (11:22 pm)

    I think there’s a typo in the death count. Thank you for compiling this for us every day. I’m really worried for us. 

    • WSB November 9, 2020 (11:29 pm)

      Thanks, sorry, fixed. 812.

  • AdmiralE November 10, 2020 (6:05 am)

    Cases seem to be heading towards a 3rd peak (highest so far) yet hospitalization is not quite to second peak levels (lowest so far). Mortality takes a bit longer to solidify due to the state calculations but seems to be not even nearing second peak (first was most significant by far).So Inslee’s mask mandate took effect at the top of the second peak. It’s helping how?Perhaps the virus is mutating, maybe we know how to treat it better – or could it be that the tolerance is set too high in this state (it varies state by state). No time to panic, our “leaders” Inslee, Constantine et al did that already a couple of times yet here we are…Hospital capacity is plenty right now. We should re-evaluate what defines a positive result AND start counting any negatives (after a positive) after a certain amount of time (3 months, 6 months… there should be an end).

  • flimflam November 10, 2020 (6:12 am)

    it seems like a rollback is inevitable and am shocked it hasn’t happened yet.  

  • anonyme November 10, 2020 (10:04 am)

    People need to stay home.  It seems like most have resumed business as usual activities, while wearing masks as a gesture.  It’s not enough.  While checking out at PCC yesterday, the employee pulled down her mask around her chin to talk to me from less than 3 feet away.   This behavior is becoming more common as people become more complacent.  Now is not the time for complacency, regardless of how short your attention span is.  I’ve been stocking up on food, and after one final visit to the farmer’s market will be going back into self-imposed lockdown.

  • Um, No! November 10, 2020 (1:09 pm)

    Well if there is any good news to be taken from this it’s that deaths have been very low for a while now.  Lots of additional positives for likely several reasons but it’s good to see the death rate seems to be down lately.  

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