(Monday shadow on Charlestown standpipe, photographed by Vincent)
Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:
PLAY AREAS REOPEN: After 6+ months, city parks’ play areas reopen today. The announcement includes safety rules. P.S. Adult fitness equipment at parks reopens today too.
RENTERS’ RIGHTS: Online at noon, the Admiral Neighborhood Association and Be:Seattle co-host a “bootcamp” for tenants. Register here to find out how to participate.
COMMUNITY BOOK STUDY ON RACE: Eight-week series presented by Alki UCC starts at 2 pm today, online – info’s on the church home page.
DEMONSTRATION: As announced by organizer Scott:
Black Lives Matter sign-waving
Tuesday Oct 6, 4 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden
Thursday, Oct 8, 4 to 6 pm, 16th and Holden
Come show support for BLM and ending systemic racism. Hold signs, meet neighbors, and stand for racial justice. Scott at PR Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.
YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE CITY BUDGET: Share them during the City Council’s public hearing, online at 5:30 pm. Speaker signups start at 3:30 pm; the agenda explains how, as well as how to view/listen.
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: ANA’s meeting starts at 7 pm online. Featured topics:
*Discussion with Seattle Police Dept. SW Precinct leadership
*West Seattle Emergency Hubs update
*Opportunities to support and collaborate with community-led efforts across District 1
*Future ANA Board positions
To get the link for viewing, email info@admiralneighborhood.org.
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