UPDATE: Water-rescue response off Alki

12:53 AM: Seattle Fire has a water-rescue response happening near Alki Point and says, “Crews are investigating reports of an overturned vessel approximately 100 yards offshore.” Radio communication indicates they haven’t found it yet.

(Added: Photo by David Hutchinson)

12:58 AM: Now they’re moving the search toward an area northeast of Alki Bathhouse.

1:05 AM: Searching from land and at sea, they haven’t found anything yet. Per radio communication, the report was apparently called in as a light that was seen and then vanished.

1:15 AM: They’re ending the search – no one in distress was found, and the original caller acknowledges the sighting was tenuous.

8 Replies to "UPDATE: Water-rescue response off Alki"

  • Carolynn October 1, 2020 (1:07 am)

    Wow, You we’re reporting on this just about the time I heard the sirens.  Huge response and I see a rescue boat and a fire boat on AIS.  Hope everyone is okay.

  • John October 1, 2020 (1:11 am)

    Praying they are found safe! Thankfully it’s just on the warmer side today but we’re getting to the time of year where hypothermia can set in much faster.And to sink the city council wants to make cuts to the harbor patrol (unless that’s changed)

    • WSB October 1, 2020 (1:19 am)

      It was another false alarm. (Though, while using FLIR to look for possible heat sources, they did spot a seal on the rocks.)

      • Go_Back_to_Bed October 1, 2020 (6:17 am)

        Seal lit up a cigarette. Hence the tenuous call to 911 re the seal of approval…🤣🤣🤣

  • cjboffoli October 1, 2020 (9:06 am)

    It is remarkable to me the high number of water rescue calls that are false alarms. I’m not saying that the fire department shouldn’t investigate them. But I wonder who are all of these people who are so certain that they are seeing people or vessels in distress.

    • Guy October 1, 2020 (11:36 am)

      It’s absurd!

    • waikikigirl October 1, 2020 (3:50 pm)

      I Know a good Optician! LOL!!!

  • WiseWoman October 2, 2020 (2:39 pm)

    I believe the person saw a light on a huge vessel on the magnolia side that had been anchored for several days. Seen their bouy light go round and round  and then boat was gone once smoke/fog lifted. 

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