NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY: West Seattleite featured in Human Rights Campaign video

Today is the 32nd annual National Coming Out Day – and the Human Rights Campaign is marking it with a nationwide campaign including the video you see above. One of your West Seattle neighbors, Gay Gabrilska, is among the people you see and hear in it. She emailed about it, saying, “Now more than ever, it is important for the lgbtq community to be seen and heard.” We asked how she got involved with the video; she said the co-producer, Alex Costello, is the daughter of a longtime friend, and has done other HRC work she admires and supports. “She reached out last Wednesday so it was a quick turnaround. Luckily my pals Wendy, Sydney, and Mike were able to help. It re-energized me to see so many wonderful lgbtq people in the video and reminded me that doing good is really what it’s all about.”

2 Replies to "NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY: West Seattleite featured in Human Rights Campaign video"

  • WS Resident October 11, 2020 (7:57 pm)

    This is awesome. I love that WS is supporting and accepting of diverse lifestyles. One of the many things that makes WS a great place to live. 

  • Jody Borgardt October 12, 2020 (10:51 pm)

    Of course Gay was in the video! She is one of the best examples of a good human being there is #onhsclassof83

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