WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Pickup recovered; bike stolen again; package taken

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

PICKUP QUICKLY RECOVERED: The report and photo are from Michael:

I placed a 911 call this morning for a vehicle theft in progress at 35th and Graham. It was a white Ford pickup … Police recovered the vehicle in front of Providence Residence on 35th shortly after.


Please BOLO for my black single-speed beach cruiser w/high-rise handle bars and black fenders stolen last night.

A couple weeks ago it was stolen and abandoned a couple blocks away. This time my search in the Alki area has not yet produced any result. It is probably abandoned somewhere within a couple miles as it is difficult/impossible to ride uphill. It is not worth much but in good mechanical condition and I used it daily. Thanks.


I wanted to report a stolen package that happened yesterday around 5:30 pm. Here’s a link to the video of the incident . This is near Raymond and California. I was home at the time, but the delivery person didn’t make any noise. The thief literally came in 1 minute later on the video, so I suspect she was following him around. Easy to identify with that pink hair unless she dyes it again.

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Pickup recovered; bike stolen again; package taken"

  • Matt P July 3, 2020 (12:28 am)

    Want to comment that some lovely neighbors down on the 6000 block of California found our package dumped.  Apparently the thief didn’t like the contents.  They left it back at our door with a note.  We were at my wife’s prenatal appointment at the time otherwise we could have thanked them.     

    • Denise July 3, 2020 (9:03 am)

      This same person walked past me when I was working in my yard near 46th and Hudson last Sunday.  The hair was not pink, but the backpack and the other bag were the same.

  • DD July 3, 2020 (9:55 am)

    Glad to hear it was recovered……amazing arrogance of thief , casually munching an apple, stealing your delivery and, from the looks of the other packs she’s carrying, adding it to her catch of the day. 

  • Sillygoose July 3, 2020 (10:19 am)

    Is this your cruiser?

    • mark July 4, 2020 (7:15 am)

      Thanks, but no. Mine has a a very tall seat post and tall steering stem with MTB horizontally positioned bar ends on the handlebars to fit me at 6’2″. It also has whitewall tires front and rear.

  • Steve July 3, 2020 (10:58 am)

    Yesterday I saw a black bike abandoned on Beach and Chilberg…yellow logo.  Leaning against a hedge on the NE corner.

  • Steve2 July 3, 2020 (3:03 pm)

    The link expired

    • WSB July 3, 2020 (3:19 pm)

      Well, that’s unfortunate. Weird that a link would “expire’ – it was working when I published this. Would have downloaded the video but “Arlo” didn’t enable that. Will take a framegrab next time somebody sends a link from that platform!

    • Matt P July 3, 2020 (3:51 pm)

      It’s my neighbor’s camera so I don’t have a copy of it, sorry.

  • Roundthesound July 16, 2020 (4:13 am)

    I saw this bike on OfferUp and it sounds like the bike you described.

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