CLOSURE ALERT: S. Michigan just off 1st Avenue S. Bridge, all weekend

(SDOT “live” camera showing work zone on S. Michigan)

Last month, an SDOT announcement about various road projects included news of two weekend closures for S. Michigan between E. Marginal and 4th Ave. S., just off the north end of the 1st Avenue South Bridge. The first one started a short time ago and could continue until 5 am Monday. This is for road restoration related to the King County stormwater-facility project, and it’s scheduled to be repeated next weekend (the night of July 17th through the early morning of July 20th).

15 Replies to "CLOSURE ALERT: S. Michigan just off 1st Avenue S. Bridge, all weekend"

  • Alki July 10, 2020 (10:06 pm)

    What is the detour route this weekend?  Does that mean we can use the low bridge all weekend?

    • WSB July 10, 2020 (10:51 pm)

      No, that’s when the bridge itself has overnight closures. As for detours, you can take 1st off the bridge, for one. I believe you can get around the closure zone by going south on E. Marginal and then north on 4th.

    • Tickets July 11, 2020 (8:05 am)

      Regading the lower bridge.  I was on my bike going over the lower bridge yesterday.  The police were giving out tickets like crazy.  I’m amazed at how some people feel they’re privilaged and should be allowed to break the law.
      You also wouldn’t believe the number of cars doing illegal U-turns once they saw the police.

      • Jac July 13, 2020 (7:38 am)

        Good!  I saw 6-7 cars In a row cruise onto lower bridge while many of us waited to take long route around. City income down due to COVID, so  make up some of it by big fines for people while feel they are privileged! 

  • Kyle July 10, 2020 (10:39 pm)


  • Elton July 11, 2020 (1:07 am)

    So we went from Stay Home Stay Healthy to Stay Home You Have Few Escapes

    • Michelle Anderson July 11, 2020 (8:32 am)

      Perfect comment! We should have full access to the lower bridge these weekends. 

  • Graciano July 11, 2020 (4:35 am)

    It’s better to stay at home, stay healthy and few escapes than to be deathly sick or dead. So count your blessings

  • WSIsland July 11, 2020 (6:27 am)

    I swear- this and the closure at Holden and Delridge and Barton and Delridge maybe I will take that work from home job.

  • Lorne July 11, 2020 (8:06 am)

    Hey West Seattle – how about another secession petition? It took a secession petition to motivate Seattle to build the now closed high bridge. Time is right for another, with no plan to re-open the high bridge, our detour routes being cut off, and threats of SPD Southwest precinct closure. We’d be better off in union with Burien!

    • Chris July 11, 2020 (3:39 pm)

      Hey I tooted the horn a few times. I think it would be a great way to pressure the city. Especially if we got it on the ballot. They do not want to lose our taxes.not sure how getting signatures will work in the time of COVID-19 though

    • DEF July 11, 2020 (7:40 pm)

      I’ve had that thought myself. But then I wonder, how would seceding help us gain more control over our routes in and out? 

      • Chris July 12, 2020 (10:42 am)

        Good question. We would be able to work on minor improvements such as intersections like at West marginal and highland park. We would also be able to work with the farmers market and reduce fees for vendors. We could also work on our own traffic solutions for Alki and the cruising.

  • Tim July 11, 2020 (8:13 am)

    And it goes from CRAZY to ridiculous in one day. What’s next??!!

  • Tsurly July 11, 2020 (9:00 pm)

    WSB commenters: SDOT failed to maintain the bridge, and now it is broken, we are inconvenienced!

    Also WSB commenters: SDOT and King County are closing roads to make improvements/ conduct MAINTENANCE, we are inconvenienced!

    The talking out of both sides of your mouth on this blog is astounding.

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