These past few weeks, on Sunday mornings, we’ve been featuring a list with links to local churches that are offering worship online, whether livestreamed, recorded, or in text. Today, two midweek faith notes:
PASSOVER BEGINS: The Jewish holiday starts at sundown, and West Seattle’s Kol HaNeshamah synagogue is prepared to celebrate virtually. Tonight, for Night 1, Rabbi Zari Weiss has shared this downloadable Haggadah – used for Seders on the first two nights of the holiday. Tomorrow night, starting around 5 pm, KHN plans a livestreamed Seder.
HOLY WEEK: Many extra services this week for Christians, leading up to Easter this Sunday. We have word of Wednesday evening prayer online from St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church:
You are invited to join us on Wednesday nights for online Evening Prayer at 6:30 p.m.
To follow along with the service, click on this link: Wednesday Evening Prayer Bulletin
You can watch Evening Prayer on Facebook Live.
Any other West Seattle churches with services leading up to Easter? Email us – – thank you! If we get announcements, we’ll list them as a preview each day.
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