WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: More wind on the way; tree trouble

10:30 AM: No notable damage or outages reported here from the wind that moved through this morning, but in case you have some cleanup to do, here’s a warning that more wind is expected as the day goes on. No official alert, but “south wind … 15 to 25 mph … becoming southwest with gusts to 35 mph in the afternoon. TONIGHT… Southwest wind 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph.” Possible afternoon/evening thunderstorms too.

11:55 AM: Thanks to Ann Marie for the photo above – she says downed trees are blocking that stairway at Lincoln Park.

5 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: More wind on the way; tree trouble"

  • Yma February 23, 2020 (11:00 am)

    Woof – sure seemed like bigger wind/gusts earlier this morning. Woke me up & now have some yard/porch clean up to do. Glad there are no trees/ limbs down nor outages to report. Hope it stays that way.

    • WSB February 23, 2020 (11:54 am)

      We did get a note about some downed trees at Lincoln Park – adding above.

  • just wondering February 23, 2020 (3:05 pm)

    Came home across the West Seattle bridge.  Never have I felt mycar was going to be pushed into the next lane before.

    • Sandal-1991 February 23, 2020 (5:02 pm)

      It is very common for wind gusts to blow ya around. I prepare for it when it’s super windy and have to cross the bridge. Mainly on the high rise

  • Truckr February 24, 2020 (7:32 am)

    Yes, now imagine a truck driver being pushed around.  That is why it’s smart not to stay at the butt end of the trailer.

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