(Halloween decorations in Belvidere, photographed by Rose De Dan)
Tonight’s the night! From the WSB West Seattle Halloween Etc. Guide:
MORNING TRICK-OR-TREATING: Now through noon trick-or-treating at Holy Rosary School, all kids 5 and under welcome. (42nd/Genesee)
MAGIC OF MORGAN: New “Magic of Morgan” trick-or-treating event, 3-5 pm. Most participants are along California north of Fauntleroy.
SPOOKY STORIES: Halloween Storytime for kids up to 8 years old at Southwest Library, 3:30 pm. (9010 35th SW)
WESTWOOD VILLAGE TRICK-OR-TREATING: 4-6 pm trick-or-treating at the shopping center, on Halloween again this year. (2600 SW Barton)
SOUTH PARK TRICK-OR-TREATING: South Park businesses invite trick-or-treaters, 5-7 pm on Halloween. See the list here. (14th/Cloverdale)
HARVEST PARTY: 5 pm @ West Side Presbyterian Church. “On October 31st we’ll be having our annual Harvest Party in Howell Auditorium! As usual, there will be booths set up throughout Howell with games for kids, and, of course, there will be a cakewalk.” Free. (3601 California SW)
HAUNTED HOUSE & FOOD DRIVE: Meeds Manor Haunted House, 5:30-9 pm, a benefit for West Seattle Food Bank – bring donations. New location this year. (3011 45th SW)
MORPH ON 44TH: 5:30-9 pm.”Halloween Scare and Display, All Trick-or-Treaters Welcome…Parents, Kids, and Doggies, too! Candy, Non-candy (Teal Pumpkin House), and Dog Treats. House will morph during the day on Oct 31 and come alive at dusk! Warning: Beware of the Scare Zone!” (2747 44th SW)
NIGHTMARE ON 44TH: Animatronics and more in a spooky West Seattle yard. Sunset to 9 pm on Halloween night. (44th SW between Charlestown and Andover)
SKELETON THEATRE: Animatronic Skeleton Theatre is back with “a remounting of “Ulna 13,” about skeletons in space. The show is about 20 minutes and will loop tonight and tomorrow night. skeletontheatre.com. 6-9 pm both nights. Free. (36th/Hanford)
‘NIGHT OF THE LIVING TEENS’ At Southgate Roller Rink, 6-8 pm. Co-sponsored by Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor).
Live music from local young artists, food, drinks, costumes, photo booth and a good time!
$12 at the door w/ FREE skate rental
6-6:45 The Band THEM
7-7:45 Celeste Flesheim
(9646 17th SW)
TRICK-OR-TREATING AT THE KENNEY: 6:30-7:30 pm, trick-or-treating at The Kenney (WSB sponsor). “Open to the public. Children up to age 12 are invited to Trick or Treat in our Main Lobby and visit with residents. Fun, Safe, Free, Warm, and Dry!” (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)
‘NIGHTFALL ORPHANAGE’, 7:30-10:30 pm “garage haunt” show in an Alki yard. Full details in our calendar listing. (2130 Alki SW)
Also, throughout the night:
TEAL PUMPKIN PROJECT: Look for the pumpkins signaling nclusivity for food-allergic trick-or-treaters – map and info here
JACK-O-LANTERNS APLENTY: ~100 carved pumpkins on display, as shown here! (5230 SW Dakota)
For bar/tavern parties, see the guide! And from our regular calendar:
FINAL BODY IN-STORE: 7 pm, free, all-ages in-store performance at Easy Street Records. (California/Alaska)
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