WHALE ALERT: Orcas headed in our direction

If you’ve got good rain gear and binoculars – or a window with a good view of the water – you can look for a dozen or so orcas headed this way. Kersti Muul says they were southbound off Richmond Beach at last report. And they’re likely Southern Resident Killer Whales. Let us know if you spot them!

2 Replies to "WHALE ALERT: Orcas headed in our direction"

  • Kersti Muul September 17, 2019 (4:04 pm)

    Unfortunately….they turned and flipped back North. This is pretty typical for their first trip in. They will be back! SRKWs come down here chasing the chum runs. Oct-Jan is a good time to see them here. The rains will also get the coho excited…albeit a much smaller percent of their diet, but still important.

  • Kari September 18, 2019 (7:22 am)

    Last night a few of us witnessed at least 5 orcas about 200’ off shore just south of the boat launch at Seacrest marina.  Maybe there were more but there was consistently 4-5 fins above the water.  It was around 9:30 pm while it was raining lightly.  It looked like they were sharing a meal, likely an unlucky seal.  Do you know anything about this and did anyone else see it? Two other people came to the shore to watch but not many people were there.  A couple of seals barked and swam north past the shore.  It was a real rare opportunity to see them!  Pretty exciting!!

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