PARTY TIME: Hours left to register your Night Out street party

August 5, 2019 1:28 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle news

Procrastinating on signing up your Night Out block/building party? Almost forgot it’s tomorrow (Tuesday, August 6th) night? As long as your street isn’t an arterial, you can still sign up for the right to close it to traffic tomorrow night – 4:30 pm today is your deadline. Just go here! And then when you’re out in the warm, clear weather, enjoying the night with your neighbors, please send us a pic so we can include in our coverage (we’ll be roaming but we’ll also be covering Election Night so we won’t get to make many stops ourselves) – or text to 206-293-6302 or if you’re on Twitter, @westseattleblog – thanks!

P.S. Putting your party on SPD’s online map is optional; go here to see where parties are already mapped.

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