DEVELOPMENT: Preview the packets for Delridge, Junction projects that SW Design Review Board will consider next week

The Southwest Design Review Board considers two mixed-use projects on Thursday (September 5th) at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon). The design packets for both are available to preview.

(Rendering from packet by Sazei Design Group)

8854 DELRIDGE WAY SW: The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm with what could be the last review for this proposal on the NE corner of Delridge and Henderson. Here’s our report on the previous review two years ago. See the packet here (PDF) or below:

This proposal is described as “a new 4-story building over a below-grade parking garage level with 32 apartment units, retail (cafe) space, and 14 enclosed parking stalls.” The site previously held an auto shop that has already been torn down. Thursday’s review will include a public-comment period, as will the next one:

(Rendering from packet by Cone Architecture)

4401 42ND SW: At 8 pm, the board will take its first look at this proposal for West Seattle Christian Church-owned property on the SW corner of 42nd and Genesee. See the packet here (PDF) or below:

This is an Early Design Guidance review, which means it centers on size/shape and placement on the lot, not design details. The project team’s “preferred option” would include 72 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (microapartments), 6 live-work units, and 36 offstreet parking spaces, replacing a building that has in the past held classrooms and artist studios.

13 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Preview the packets for Delridge, Junction projects that SW Design Review Board will consider next week"

  • WS Guy August 30, 2019 (8:18 pm)

    SEDUs are next decade’s tenements.  Disgraceful.

    • John August 31, 2019 (8:14 am)

      WS GUY,The SEDUs have been around for almost a decade now and the sky has not fallen as commenter like you  predicted.  No knife fights in the kitchens as one critic predicted or mass disruption of any sort.  For the most part, the SEDUs have melded into the community.  Do some renters of SEDUs own cars?  Do some own bicycles?  Do some own bus passes?  Do some walk t nearby service industry jobs?  Yes, some SEDU dwellers inevitably  do own vehicles that they park on the street, but far fewer own multiple cars as is currently acceptable and more and more common.  Do all renters of SEDUs own cars?  Not likely, even in regular apartments with parking included 20% of parking spaces remain empty.The rental housing that is most like tenement housing is not the new construction, but the older existing rentals that are finally being replaced. 

      • WS Guy August 31, 2019 (11:56 am)

        Imagine them when they have 20+ years of wear and the Seattle economy has slowed down.  Then they are the “older existing rentals”, but with tiny 180 sq ft rooms.

        • KM August 31, 2019 (12:07 pm)

          That’s all you got? Disgraceful.

        • The King August 31, 2019 (12:52 pm)

          Those can be easily converted into jails when us old people are behind on our taxes

    • kram August 31, 2019 (10:02 pm)

      WSGUT; SEDU’s are really just studio apartments. What’s the big deal?

  • faceless August 30, 2019 (10:23 pm)

    Really, 32 apartments and only 14 parking spaces. When are we going to start holding the city and developers accountable? If you have 32 apartments there should be a minimum of 32 parking spaces for residents and extra’s for their guest.

    • Matt P August 31, 2019 (7:32 am)

      More parking means more cars. Fewer spots encourages people to use public transportation.

  • Mike Flynn August 31, 2019 (2:26 am)

    Yes. Parking. Require more.

  • AMD August 31, 2019 (7:57 am)

    For those unfamiliar with the area, you do NOT need a car to live here.  You can walk to both WWV and downtown White Center EASILY (5 minutes) from this corner.  It will literally have a RapidRide stop in front of it once construction is finished that will get you downtown and Burien quickly.  It is also within a block (maybe two) of buses that take you to South Seattle College, the Junction, Southcenter, the Admiral District, all the hospitals on First Hill, and  two extra blocks will get you to the ST express to Bellevue.  I would nearly argue that this particular location is better served by transit than even the Junction.  If you have a car, there are lots of other places to live.  Please don’t take up space in a building whose location is a GODSEND for people who don’t.  People without cars shouldn’t be forced to pay extra for their homes because it includes car storage they don’t need.

  • John August 31, 2019 (7:59 am)

    I truly enjoy the chorus of comments regarding  Design Review no matter how often WSB includes the proper disclaimer, “This is an Early Design Guidance review, which means it centers on size/shape and placement on the lot, not design details.”   Thanks for trying Tracy, but  given the constant response, maybe you should call it Parking Review!I always ask these required parking stall advocates where they park. Do they use the street themselves after filling their garages with crap.  Do they have multiple vehicles that they are unable to store on their property?   Practically, I ask these required parking hawks what to when through the required parking more cars are added and these car owners want to drive the cars they are paying to store.  But they  can’t exit  their required underground parking stall because of the ABSOLUTE GRIDLOCK of the street outside  created by the addition of cars.What is the solution?  Monetize all ROW parking.Of these two projects at early glance, the South Delridge one appears more thoughtful.  It has some articulation and massing variation plus it will greatly enhance a troubled intersection.The West Seattle Christian School’s project looks dreadful, a pure maximization of the space with no street presence.  This design needs vilifying for what it is.   It is all the more saddening  when reading about the facility it replaces.  

  • Railroaded August 31, 2019 (12:34 pm)

    Was a time when downtowns were full of tiny apartments, more like rooms, with no parking. Downtown Yakima, in the 50s, when I was a child, had many places like that. A lot of elderly folks lived in them. This is by no means new.

  • MJ August 31, 2019 (6:02 pm)

    SEDU’s provide affordable housing for people.  A FT worker in Seattle should be able to afford renting a SEDU.  And I see Help Wanted advertising all over the City.  It’s time the City Council connects the dots!

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