TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; weekend alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:27 AM: Good morning! No alerts or incidents reported right now in our area.

STADIUM ZONE: Mariners are back home starting tonight, 7:10 pm vs. the Angels.

TUNNEL CLOSURE TONIGHT: The NB 99 tunnel is scheduled to be closed 11 pm tonight through 9 am Saturday.

SATURDAY STREET CLOSURES – WEST SEATTLE: The West Seattle Grand Parade will close California SW south of Admiral Way, to Edmunds, by 8 am tomorrow, until early afternoon. Some side streets near the start and end of the route are used for staging and breakdown. The NO PARKING signs are up for 7 am-3 pm on affected streets. Bus reroutes are linked here.

WEEKEND STREET CLOSURES – WHITE CENTER: On Saturday, the White Center Jubilee Days street fair will close 16th SW all day and into the night between Roxbury and 100th. On Sunday, the Jubilee Days parade will close 16th in the morning between 100th and 112th.

3 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; weekend alerts"

  • J July 19, 2019 (4:50 pm)

    Just fyi for anyone, buses from downtown for the afternoon commute are in a jam again. The 21x I’m on hasnt travelled more than a block in 20 minutes (1st and Columbia). 

  • Bri July 19, 2019 (4:56 pm)

    Warning. The C-line commute looks exactly like last friday. We can’t turn from 3rd to columbia. Good luck everyone!

  • Charlie July 19, 2019 (6:00 pm)

    Caught a 56/57 around 415 pm. The bus took 1 hour to go 2 blocks to get from 3rd and columbia down to 1st and columbia. Gridlock. Bus driver finally let us off the bus. Walked down to the water taxi to catch the 525 but the regular boat is out of service today and the replacement, a smaller boat, had already filled up leaving dozens of passengers on the dock. Now waiting for the 605 ferry. This is adding up to a 3 hr commute to Admiral from downtown. 

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