Celebrating summer’s start, & doing good, at Click! Solstice Happy Hour

June 21, 2019 5:44 pm
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Hurry! You have until 7 pm to celebrate a Summer Solstice Happy Hour with Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor) proprietors John Smersh and Frances Smersh, and their friend, cookbook author Kim O’Donnel:

They’re serving up chocolate beet bundt cake, rhubarb salsa, sangria, and more.

It’s also – as explained here – a benefit for the Alzheimer’s Association, a special cause for Click! because Frances is living with young-onset Alzheimer’s. She is an accomplished artist and at tonight’s happy hour, a donation of $25 or more gets you one of these “little pictures” she has created:

Whether you can or can’t get to tonight’s event, here’s how to donate.

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