Alki power outage blamed on bird

Thanks to Maureen for word of a power outage that has at least half a dozen homes without electricity along 59th SW, south of Admiral Way, in Upper Alki. She says a crow is believed to be to blame, and lost its life in the process – “the outage started with a loud bang,” and the crow was found under the pole. City Light is on the scene and told Maureen it’ll likely take two hours or so to reconnect everybody.

11 Replies to "Alki power outage blamed on bird"

  • justme June 4, 2019 (10:02 pm)

    That’s a sad story. I wonder if it was a younger crow.

  • Maureen June 4, 2019 (10:48 pm)

    Yes, it was a young crow. We have been enjoying how diligent its parents were, feeding, grooming, and schooling “him/her” in all manner of bird skills.

    • birdlover June 5, 2019 (12:23 pm)

      Hello Maureen.  I’m really sorry to hear this crow family’s fledgling was lost to the power line.  So sad.  The father crow doesn’t happen to have an extra long lower beak, does he?  With the beak slightly crossed?  I’m guessing not, as our resident crow family is over near Spiro’s; and, while the female was missing much of the last few weeks as happens around this time when she’s sitting on a nest, we haven’t yet seen their young one yet.  I have wondered, though, if maybe they’re nurturing it closer to a nest somewhere, as she only showed up again with her mate a couple weeks ago. 

  • momosmom June 5, 2019 (12:41 pm)

    Yes very sad…most people think “oh its only a crow” but I enjoy them.  And while we’re speaking of crows…last night they were making a big  stink in the backyard and it wasn’t until they moved to the front yard that I saw what they were squawking about , a cat, a very large cat and they were dive bombing him clear across the street and he just walked like what the heck are you doing this to me for?! LOL!

  • Alki Mom June 5, 2019 (2:39 pm)

    I cannot believe there are people actually felling sad for crows!! There are so many of them, and I see them like pests, so annoying to all the other birds too… Ha, to each their own I guess! 

    • Alki Res June 5, 2019 (3:18 pm)

      Believe it my friend! It is Seattle where people try to one up each other over how compassionate they are! 

    • waikikigirl June 5, 2019 (4:24 pm)

      Alki Mom,  well we could feel the same about human beings… there are so many of them! But yes to each their own. There is a purpose for everything on this Earth some good some bad but for “a reason”

    • ITotallyAgreeWithYou June 5, 2019 (5:40 pm)

      Wow. And eagles are annoying to crows- they raid their nests. It’s what nature does. They hardly fit the pest bill. They don’t bother us, are intelligent, interesting to watch, and will interact with those who see their value. Regardless,  the experience of compassion is enriching and takes nothing away for practicing it. I urge you to give it a try! 

    • Graciano June 6, 2019 (4:57 am)

      Crows and ravens are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and yes I know his death was self inflicted.As Waikikigirl stated…there is a reason for everyone and thing on this Earth PDF Birds Protected Under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act

  • James June 5, 2019 (4:22 pm)


  • ImNotSparticus June 6, 2019 (8:25 am)

    While I really enjoy crows and watching their behavior, remember that a crow will brutally kill baby birds of other species. It’s all nature, so don’t feel too sorry for any of them, one way or another – except when humans come along and mess everything up.

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