(Photo by Eugene Lee: Sons Ezra and Silas on the beach at Lincoln Park)
Some of what’s up for the rest of today/tonight:
BUSINESS-DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP: Run your own business? Invest a little time tonight in learning how to grow it! 6 pm workshop tonight at West Seattle Coworking (WSB sponsor). Details here. (6040 California SW)
WORKSHOP WITH LINDA McCLAMROCK: 6 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) – but you have to register – go here ASAP. (5612 California SW)
FREE TRACK WORKOUT: 6:30 pm, meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) for this week’s free track workout. (2743 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT: 7 pm, WSHS Concert Band and Orchestra perform their spring concert at the school theater. Free, all welcome. (3000 California SW)
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm FCA board meeting in the conference room at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, community members welcome. (9131 California SW)
SEE WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING: Today, tomorrow, and beyond – our full calendar is here.