27 West Seattle High School students traveling this summer to study abroad

June 9, 2019 5:00 pm
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After school gets out for summer later this month, more than two dozen West Seattle High School students have special study opportunities to look forward to! From teacher Meghan Schumacher:

This summer, 27 students from West Seattle High School will be studying abroad for one month with CIEE, the Center for International Educational Exchange, a nonprofit organization which coordinates high school and college international exchanges.

Most of these students (78%) are traveling with some kind of scholarship, and they are going all over the world. West Seattle High School is the only school in the district that is participating in this program.

Students will be participating in three types of programs: Language and Culture Programs, including French, Spanish, Chinese, and Italian; Service and Leadership Programs such as youth mentorship and advancing children’s health in Senegal, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico; and Global Discovery Programs where students will be learning about topics such as theater, wildlife conservation, creative arts, aquatic ecosystems, and marine science in London, Botswana, Australia, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

We very much appreciate the support of the teachers, parents, and community members of these students, encouraging them to apply and to put their best foot forward.

Schumacher is WSHS’s French teacher and also the school coordinator; she says WSHS has a special partnership with CIEE, as a “Global Navigator School.”

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