CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigations in White Center, West Seattle

Two gunfire investigations in the past 12 hours:

WHITE CENTER: Thanks for all the tips on this afternoon’s 16th SW gunfire. Deputies say people in two vehicles exchanged gunfire, both missing but hitting a third, the minivan in our photo above. No injuries. We’re updating the story on our partner site White Center Now.

WEST SEATTLE: Though we were on the desk until 4:30 am, we didn’t hear anything about this until an email question at midday about gunfire heard around 3 am. Checking the SPD automated Tweets by Beats, we found a call categorized as “drive-by shooting/no injuries” in the Fauntleroy/Edmunds vicinity about that time. No further details.

10 Replies to "CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigations in White Center, West Seattle"

  • MoonKitten April 20, 2019 (4:17 pm)

    Drove by all the ruckus in WC. Stay safe out there people 

  • D April 20, 2019 (5:58 pm)

    Can we pay to get the police to patrol the area more? This crap needs to end.

    • Mike April 21, 2019 (12:32 am)

      Won’t happen until we get a new city council in place that supports SPD.  WC is King County Sheriff jurisdiction though, SPD isn’t involved there unless called in for backup support by King County.  SPD officers are fleeing the police department at a record pace, it’s so bad the mayor has tried putting in a $15k signing bonus and it still won’t do anything to draw police here to replace those going out.

      • WC April 21, 2019 (9:57 am)

        SPD and Seattle City Council have nothing to do with this.  It’s outside of Seattle city limits and in KCSO jurisdiction.  Which you actually mention in your comment before going back t ranting about the unrelated City Council and SPD, which is not helpful.  KCSO isn’t set up to be an urban police force the way we’re used to inside city limits.  They only have a few officers for the whole of White Center.  Not a few officers at a time, a few in total.  It’s one of the inherent problems of having an urban area that is unincorporated.  This issue comes up in every discussion about annexation.  For now, the folks living in White Center have decided they prefer the police they have to giving up their 4th of July fireworks, so it is what it is.

        • Bradley April 21, 2019 (1:06 pm)

          The crime in White Center spills over from the north side of Roxbury, which is definitely Seattle police jurisdiction. But with far too few SPD officers to patrol the north side of Roxbury, it impacts White Center with increased violent crime. Do some research on the number of shootings and assaults a block or two north of Roxbury in SPD-patrolled areas on 15th SW, 16th SW, and 17th SW. You’ll find it’s actually a more dangerous area than the KCSO-patrolled blocks just south of Roxbury.

        • Frank Lee April 21, 2019 (1:49 pm)

          WC you crack me up! Of course the only two things people in WC consider when thinking about annexation are fireworks and the sherrif’s office. Did you practice to sound like you do or is it natural?

  • Swede. April 20, 2019 (7:41 pm)

    Surprising for the area. Been several weeks (?) since last time. 

  • Marianne April 21, 2019 (9:24 am)

    I made a call to 911 early Friday evening about a distressed man stumbling around in White Center.  I thought he would fall into the road, killing himself and causing an accident.  Some of the questions I answered had to do with whether or not he had a weapon and was he hunched over and stumbling like he was on drugs. I told the dispatcher that I didn’t know if he had a weapon as frankly, I was too frightened to even approach him to ask if he was ok.   I am sorry to say, but at that moment I was relieved that I wasn’t in law enforcement and having to respond to this incident.  A $100,000 signing bonus would not even be appealing to me.

  • Jason S Little April 22, 2019 (6:41 pm)

    A friend was in the middle of this with bullets flying over the roof of her car.  One car involved peeled out of the Taradise Cafe lot in a big hurry, almost hitting them while turning south.  The other car approached from the north, a man in a hoodie and facemask rose from the sunroof and began spraying bullets. I’m not at all surprised a patron of the Taradise Cafe was involved.  Maybe the owners are nice but it attracts alot of bad people doing bad things and is truly a nuisance business.  The other long time bars in the area aren’t repeatedly in the news for shootings. 

  • Consumer April 23, 2019 (1:12 pm)

    I helped my folks put a listing on Zillow last Thursday. It’s on 17th and Henderson, got tons of interest. Two groups backed out from signing a lease citing this article.

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