CONGRATULATIONS! Essay contest win, City Hall spotlight for West Seattle High School junior Keaton Dickinson

The photos and report are from proud parents Corey Dickinson and Anne Dickinson:

Lifetime West Seattle resident and West Seattle High School junior Keaton Dickinson just won first place in the Youth Against Gun Violence Essay Contest on the date of the 20th anniversary of the Columbine High School Shooting. The essay contest was sponsored by Washington Ceasefire, an organization dedicated to reducing gun violence.

Keaton arrived at City Hall this morning thinking she would listen to and support common-sense ideas on preventing gun violence in schools and society. She soon learned that she won first place in the essay contest and a $750 scholarship.

She then read her essay to a crowd of 200, which included Mayor Jenny Durkan, City Attorney Pete Holmes, State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and Seattle City Councilmembers.

Keaton is passionate about preventing gun violence. She has volunteered for Washington Initiative 1639, gathering petitions for the measure to help get it on the 2018 ballot, and she also worked the phone banks to help the initiative get passed. She is President of the West Seattle High School Gun Violence Prevention Club. Earlier this year, Keaton organized a voter registration drive at West Seattle High School where she registered over 500 voters, most of whom will be first-time voters.

You can read Keaton’s essay here (PDF).

14 Replies to "CONGRATULATIONS! Essay contest win, City Hall spotlight for West Seattle High School junior Keaton Dickinson"

  • JOHN SLEE April 20, 2019 (11:39 pm)

    Way to go Keaton!!!

  • Onion April 21, 2019 (9:17 am)

    I hope everyone takes a few minutes to read,  think about, and be moved by what Keaton has written.  Excellent work, Keaton.

  • AL April 21, 2019 (12:20 pm)

    I really hope that letter gets the respect and attention it should get.

    • Keaton Dickinson April 23, 2019 (6:18 pm)

      Thank you so much for your support! 

  • Heartless? April 22, 2019 (2:25 pm)

     “Schools more dangerous than war zones”   Really?

    • Keaton Dickinson April 23, 2019 (6:16 pm)

      Yes! Last year, 37 American soldiers were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan while 55 were killed in school shootings! There were 93 total school shooting incidents in 2018 which averages to about one every 4 days. Scary right? 

  • Mara Haveson April 22, 2019 (6:31 pm)

    Great job Keaton! You are a remarkable smart young lady! So proud xoxo

  • Rachel Lazar April 23, 2019 (8:54 am)

    Keaton, this is incredible, thank you!  You give us all hope that your generation will do so much better than the ones before you.

  • Mary Guinane April 25, 2019 (10:07 am)

    Really well done, Keaton! Congratulations!

  • Larissa Wilson April 26, 2019 (2:38 pm)

     Well done Keaton!  I really appreciate your essay.  You helped me step into your shoes.  It’s very thoughtful and powerful.  

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