‘No to Anti-Semitism – in West Seattle and Everywhere’ demonstration planned Sunday

(WSB photo from Monday)

Many have asked what they can do to show support for the neighbors shaken by anti-Jewish vandalism in their Sunrise Heights neighborhood, first reported here on Monday. While the neighbors have reiterated that they are grateful for the expressions of support but don’t need anything donated, local advocates are planning a show of support by rallying in The Junction this Sunday, and you’re invited. The announcement from Hate-Free Delridge:

No to Anti-Semitism — in West Seattle and Everywhere

Recently in the middle of the night someone wrote anti-Semitic graffiti in the alley behind two West Seattle homes.

Join Hate-Free Delridge and Friends for a demonstration against anti-Semitism and in support of our Jewish neighbors this Sunday, December 2, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, in the West Seattle Junction, at the corner of California Ave. and Alaska St.

Bring signs, for example:

No to Anti-Semitism – in West Seattle and Everywhere
We stand with our Jewish neighbors
Hate has no home here
Resist all attempts to divide us
Jews and Allies against Anti-Semitism
Oppose all targeting of minorities

We’ll also bring signs to share.

We hope you will join us,
Hate-Free Delridge

15 Replies to "'No to Anti-Semitism - in West Seattle and Everywhere' demonstration planned Sunday"

  • Nancy November 28, 2018 (12:19 pm)

    I agree. These hate messages are totally unacceptable.

  • Kim November 28, 2018 (12:58 pm)

    Thank you to all those who are planning and promoting this, we will be there to support our neighbors and our community. West Seattle needs to stand against hate!

  • Sydney November 28, 2018 (1:39 pm)

    This is why I love this West Seattle community! So many of us really are our neighbors’ keepers. Let’s keep on keepin’ on. We need this stuff so badly in order to counter and make it through what we are dealing with as a country right now and probably will have to for a while. But this gives me hope. See youse Sunday!

  • Mary November 28, 2018 (2:45 pm)

    Will the WS Junction association also address this (briefly and in a positive way) at tree lighting on Friday? Seems like that  would be a good venue to reinforce just how *un*acceptable this sort of behavior is in West Seattle. 

  • Kjersti November 28, 2018 (3:01 pm)

    Thank you for this important message of solidarity! It’s so important to show our neighbors and any racists and antisemites out there that we won’t stand for hate!

  • MMB November 28, 2018 (5:20 pm)

    We have moved away from WS – physically, but we send our strength, love and support.

  • Dan November 28, 2018 (6:42 pm)

    Great idea. Proud of WS standing up to small minded misguided and ignorant hate filled people.

  • Helen November 28, 2018 (8:31 pm)

    Great idea.  I hope I can come.  In the meantime, here is a sign that people could put in their window beginning on Sunday, which is the start of Hanukah.  My friends, some who are Jewish, came up with the idea.  Pass it around!

  • Lisa November 28, 2018 (10:18 pm)

    Being a mom of Hispanic/Jewish daughters this definitely hit home!I will display this loud !

  • Karen Ainley November 29, 2018 (2:57 pm)

    I will be at the rally. Neighbors standing together, showing the world that the WS community is accepting of all faiths – this is what love is all about.  I don’t have the materials to make signs but would love if I could borrow one when I arrive at the rally.

  • I’mcoveredinbees November 29, 2018 (3:50 pm)

    Thank you! Will be there. 

  • Henry November 29, 2018 (4:44 pm)

    So fitting we will all stand against the hatemongers on Hannukah. The festival commemorates a long-ago successful fight against oppression.Let this gathering be a continuing effort to bring together all who are scapegoated and afflicted by bigotry to stamp out the as-yet nascent fascist movement.

  • Sue November 30, 2018 (9:22 pm)

    I’m so very proud of my WS neighbors for standing up to hate! Too many people in the country now feel it’s acceptable to use racist slurs, etc. But that’s NOT what makes America great. Love is!

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