ELECTION 2018: Vote by Tuesday! 2 West Seattle Junction notes – including cake

Two West Seattle Junction notes with just days to go until Tuesday’s voting deadline:

NEW BALLOT BOX REMINDER: We first told you two weeks ago about the new King County Elections dropbox on the south side of Alaska west of California. It’s open around the clock until 8 pm (sharp!) on Tuesday, and two parking spaces by the box are reserved for dropoff, as shown in our photo. West Seattle’s other KCE dropbox is on the south side of SW Raymond east of 35th SW, by High Point Library. And of course you no longer need a stamp to send your ballot in the USPS mail (but however/wherever you send it, you’ll want to verify that it’s going to get postmarked by Tuesday).

‘ELECTION DAY CAKE’: West Seattle-residing chef and cookbook author Kim O’Donnel tells WSB she will be at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market for about an hour Sunday morning (November 4, 10:30-11:30 am-ish) with samples of “Election Day Cake” as part of this fun and flavorful election-related project for which she runs an Instagram account:

The backstory is in our calendar listing, along with the recipe.

11 Replies to "ELECTION 2018: Vote by Tuesday! 2 West Seattle Junction notes - including cake"

  • sc November 1, 2018 (3:14 pm)

    “Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” ― Abraham Lincoln

    • T November 1, 2018 (3:46 pm)

      I liked it better in Lincoln’s day where you had 2 parties to choose from. It’s not the same to me when you’re choosing between a Democrat or a Democrat.

      • WSB November 1, 2018 (3:49 pm)

        In Lincoln’s day, a whole lot of people couldn’t vote at all. I wouldn’t have been allowed to, being female.

        Anyway, that aside, for anyone new to the state, we have Top 2 voting because of a voter-approved initiative:

      • Mickymse November 2, 2018 (8:17 am)

        In Lincoln’s day you had MORE than two parties to realistically choose from. I’d like to return to at least that particular portion of electoral history…

  • AliAlki November 1, 2018 (5:10 pm)

    General question that I’ve been googling today but can’t seem to find a clean answer for. I am a registered voter here in King county and my information is online and up to date but I can’t find / am not sure if I received my ballot. I am going to look in my “to be shredded” bin at home in case it ended up there. However if I can’t find it does anyone know if I have any other way to vote?  

  • waytogomo November 1, 2018 (10:02 pm)

    When do they empty the ballot collection box? Does it happen daily or just after 8 p.m. on election day? I don’t want to drop off and have it sit in the box for week before being collected. 

    • WSB November 1, 2018 (10:10 pm)

      At least once a day.

    • KM November 2, 2018 (9:09 am)

      I dropped my ballot in the Junction ballot box on Tuesday early evening and it was counted in the system by Thursday afternoon. Quick turnaround.

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