day : 24/10/2018 11 results

Suspect charged with murder, jailed in 2015 West Seattle double shooting

(WSB photos from October 24, 2015)

Exactly three years ago – on October 24, 2015 – two men were shot at 23rd SW and SW Willow (map). 24-year-old Jerome Jackson died. 34-year-old Paul Carter III was seriously injured but survived. Later that morning, with SWAT assistance, Nigel S. Hogan was arrested at his house about half a mile away.

But Hogan claimed self-defense, and was released four days later, never charged – until now. The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office filed charges of second-degree murder and assault against Hogan on Tuesday, citing a forensic analysis of blood-spatter evidence that they say disproved the self-defense claims. As with the original probable-cause documents three years ago, the charging papers say Hogan, Jackson, and the dead man’s brother knew each other but hadn’t been getting along for years. With the charges resulting in a warrant for his arrest, Hogan, now 28 years old, was taken into custody by police in West Seattle tonight and booked into jail. His bail is set at $1 million.

FRIDAY: Lafayette Leopards ready to roar, rain or shine

October 24, 2018 8:40 pm
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That video is from the Lafayette Elementary Walk-A-Thon nine years ago – long enough that some of those then-Lafayette Leopards have since reached adulthood! – but we’re bringing it back as a reminder that this year’s on-foot fundraiser is coming up Friday (October 26th), rain or shine, 8 am-1:30 pm! Here’s the reminder from Erika Stromberg of the Lafayette PTA:

Students collect pledges to raise funds for our PTA and walk or run laps for 30 minutes on Friday! We invite community members to support our school Walk-A-Thon! For more information, visit our web site:

We hope to reach our goal of $60,000 by Friday! We have raised $28,000 so far! Local businesses may also donate to our student Bake Sale, which takes place during the Walk-A-Thon on Friday. Thank you to all our Sponsors including West Seattle Blog for supporting our school!

Lafayette is on the northwest corner of California and Lander if you want to stop by and cheer, donate, and/or buy a bake-sale treat Friday.

West Seattle weather: Big rain on the way! Clear your storm drain(s)

(WSB file photo)

As the leaves continue falling off trees, a fall rainstorm is on the way – more than an inch expected!- so it’s time (as @WestSeaWX reminded us via Twitter earlier today) to check your nearest storm drain(s). Clear away leaves and other debris if needed. P.S. If you have lots of leaves to clear in the days and weeks ahead, and you are a household pickup customer with Seattle Public Utilities, you’ll be able to put out up to 10 extra bags of yard waste in November at no extra charge.

West Seattle Crime Watch: 35th/Barton police response, plus 2 stolen cars

Earlier today, the West Seattle Crime Watch reports were all bicycle-related. This afternoon, it’s all about cars:

ABOUT THE 35TH/BARTON RESPONSE: Thanks to everyone who messaged us about this response a short time ago (including the person who texted the photo, taken from inside a bus that had to stop). Police say it was related to a suspected stolen car that turned out to NOT be a stolen car.

Meantime, two auto-theft reports received via e-mail:

GREEN 1997 HONDA CIVIC: Taken from Arbor Heights earlier this week:

Melody‘s car was taken from her driveway at 97th and 39th SW around 4 pm Monday, a 1997 Honda Civic LX, Dark Green, License AGS2316. Also: “There is (was) a red assist walker, handicapped parking permit, and a small pink service dog vest and leash in the car.” Call 911 if you see it or if you see this next stolen vehicle, also a ’97 Honda:

BLACK 1997 HONDA CR-V: From Codie:

My 1997 Honda CR-V was stolen from my driveway on 4th Ave SW, near Roxbury/Myers Way, between 12:45 am and 8 am. It’s black, 4-door, basic, wear and tear, but in good condition. Had a wheelbarrow and yard working tools in it. Along with my recently passed Father In Law’s Marine Corps hat with his pins on it. License plate number AUA5782.

It was stolen 2 years ago about the same time of year and I happened to drive by it 6 weeks later parked in front of a house by (Dick Thurnau Memorial) Park. Please, if you see any unusual cars parked in your neighborhood for an unusual amount of time, ask your neighbors if it’s theirs or if they have noticed how long it’s been sitting.If nobody knows please take the time to call it in…somebody could be looking for it.

My car sat literally down the road, 8 blocks one way and 6 blocks the other, for over a month, full of “family” stuff at the time, car seat, car hart jacket, dog food, trike…it was super rainy and wet that year. When I happened to find it, it was super moldy and full of everything in it except the dog food…started right up, thankfully. Took months to get all the mold out and the car seat was not useable. However, I spent 6 weeks in the rain on the bus with my 3 year old. That included Halloween. The person whose house we found it in front of said that, yes he had noticed it, and yes he had asked around, but just hadn’t gotten around to calling it in. We made the best of it then and I will again (we have a beater car that we acquired last time this happened through the grace of a friend). My CRV is paid for and I just replaced the windshield and a myriad of other things to ensure that it keeps on keepin on. I can only hope when it is found it’s still drivable. Please keep your eye out … thank you for taking the time to read.

Auto theft is up sharply in this area over last year; more about that in our upcoming coverage of last night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting.

UPDATE: Crash? Stall? Downed tree? Traffic trouble to be tackled by new ‘SDOT Response Team’

(Photo tweeted by Mayor’s Office)

3:16 PM: Five SDOT vehicles now comprise the fleet of a new “Response Team” aimed at clearing traffic-blocking incidents more quickly, as announced by the mayor today at a media briefing in Lake Union. From the ensuing news release:

As Seattle prepares for a new era of tough traffic beginning with the permanent closure of the SR 99 viaduct on January 11, 2019 and continuing over the next several years, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan today announced the launch of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT) new Response Team to help stranded drivers and clear debris and vehicles so people and goods can keep moving.

The SDOT Response Team (SRT) will operate City-wide, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week, with new response trucks equipped with red lights, sirens, and digital messaging signs. The Response Team will work to promptly remove debris in the street; move vehicles out of the traffic lane following a crash; assist stranded motorists; respond to traffic signal issues and fallen critical signs; and provide emergency traffic control during incidents. The SDOT Response Team will focus on Seattle’s busy arterial streets, working with WSDOT Incident Response teams and King County traffic safety crews, who work on state and county roads.

(SDOT photo)

The five-vehicle fleet of response vehicles each come prepared with tow ropes; traffic cones; fluorescent pink incident warning signs; saws to clear tree limbs; absorbent material to clear spills; fire extinguishers; jacks to change flat tires; battery jump starters; and GoJaks – which allow one person to lift a car’s tires off the ground, and push the car out of the way. The SDOT Response Team also leverages smart investments, such as the City’s Intelligent Transportation System technology and the recently expanded Seattle Transportation Operations Center. …

The Federal Highway Administration established bright florescent pink as the color for signs indicating an incident, making them easy to distinguish from the familiar orange construction signs. One way to remember this is that when you see pink, think compassion, because someone is involved in an incident up ahead.

To guide the growth of the SDOT Response Team, the City hired traffic incident management veteran and former police officer Patricia Westsik. The SDOT Response Team has been trained to deal with crashes and other traffic incidents; Washington State Patrol defensive driving training; basic and intermediate chainsaw training; and training to earn certification on managing traffic around incidents. …

We have a couple followup questions out to the city – such as, where will the vehicles be based when waiting for dispatch – and will update when answers are in.

ADDED 8:43 PM: SDOT’s Dawn Schellenberg answered our questions. We wondered about the cost; estimated at “just over $1 million covering staffing, vehicle maintenance/replacement, training and software upgrades. The program is funded through the General Fund.” The five vehicles/crews will be on staggered schedules to cover 24/7. And as for where they’ll be based/dispatched from: “The SDOT Response Team is dispatched out of Charles Street. During peak hours, we typically preposition in the south end near the West Seattle Bridge/Alaskan Way Viaduct, and the north end near Aurora. During non-peak times, responders can be dispatched to specific sites and patrol citywide.”

BIZNOTE: Phoenecia announces it’s closing at year’s end and looking for someplace new

Just received from Nadia Khazaal – her family has announced that their acclaimed Alki restaurant Phoenecia will close in two months but is hoping to reopen at a new location, preferably in The Junction. Here’s the announcement in its entirety:

Dear West Seattle Community,

After 25 amazing years on Alki, the Phoenecia family is deeply sad to announce that we must soon close our doors. Our landlords have decided to sell the building to developers, due to some very expensive but necessary building upgrades.

Rather than dwell on sadness, we have chosen to revel in gratitude for the last 25 years of support from our many friends in West Seattle and beyond.

Because it is not over yet…

Many of you remember our late father Hussein Khazaal, who opened Phoenecia in the West Seattle Junction in the early 1970s, not long after moving here from Lebanon. Our father’s love of food, community, and family was the foundation that helped him persevere through countless obstacles—including those that come with running a successful restaurant, as well as two location moves—the last of which brought us these many wonderful years on Alki.

Drawing from his example, we too have decided to persevere. It may take us a while to find the perfect location, but with a little luck, we hope to come full circle and return to the neighborhood where Phoenecia first began: the West Seattle Junction.

Something special just for you…

In honor and memory of our father’s passion, generosity, and perseverance, we would like to offer the following gifts from our family to yours, during the next 9 weeks:
Sundays – half price bottles of our house red wine all day long
Mondays – purchase one bottle of wine, get your second bottle for half price Tuesdays – purchase Mama’s Lamb Shank entreÌe, get one complimentary pizza Wednesday – purchase any bottle of wine, get one complimentary pizza
Every Day – 30% discount for take-out bottles of wine

Our last day of service will be Monday the 24th — Christmas Eve — with a celebration of gratitude, great food, wine, and the community we love. Be sure to make your reservations soon, as you know how limited our space is.

We look forward to seeing you all over the next 9 weeks. Although we are sad to say goodbye to Alki, we look forward to what the future has in store for Phoenecia.

For updates, follow us on:
Instagram: @phoeneciawestseattle Facebook: @phoeneciarestaurantwestseattle

With love and gratitude, The Khazaal Family

We’ve checked the files and there’s nothing on record yet regarding a development proposal for, or sale of, the building, where Phoenecia’s longtime neighbor Alki Cleaners closed in July, one of a lengthening list of Alki closures.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Bike reunion! Plus, 2 more dumped/found. Also: Video of burglar stealing 2 at once

Bicycle theft is today’s West Seattle Crime Watch theme, so far. Good news first:

BIKE REUNION: Shortly after we published word from Melissa that her son’s bicycle had been stolen and another left in its place, a reader at Westwood Village reported a bike matching the stolen one’s description had been found dumped at the center. We pointed Melissa to WWV and a reunion ensued! (The bike she found hasn’t been claimed yet, though.)

2 MORE BIKES DUMPED/FOUND: This just turned up in Fauntlee Hills:

And this one in Seaview:

Either one yours? Let us know so we can point you to it.

BURGLAR STEALS 2 BIKES AT ONCE: Here are three short security-cam videos sent by a burglary victim – first, prowling cars in her driveway; then coming back – after stealing the garage opener rom one car – and breaking into the garage; finally, leaving while stealing two bikes at once.

This happened in the span of two early-morning hours on October 17th near South Seattle College on Puget Ridge. The bikes are “a women’s 2017 white Vita specialized bike, size small, and a men’s 2017 Sirrus carbon fiber, size medium.” If you have any information, the SPD incident # is 18-388463.

Remembering Janet D. Neupert, 1949-2018

The family of Janet D. Neupert is sharing this remembrance with the community:

Janet Doris Neupert, 1949-2018

Janet Doris Adams was the eldest of six daughters born to Merwin and Marion Adams in Fergus Falls, MN. After graduating from Elbow Lake High School, she obtained her registered nursing degree from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

She met and married her husband of 45 years (Jerrol R. Neupert, M.D.) at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. With her husband drafted into the Navy, Jan served as a civilian newborn nursery nurse, while her husband was the base ophthalmologist. After the military, they moved to Seattle to establish an ophthalmology practice and Jan decided to concentrate on being a mom. Her passion was her church and her children, her grandchildren, and other peoples’ children. She was a devoted member and mentor of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers). Her gentle spirit and warm personality inspired everyone she met.

She is survived by her loving husband (Jerrol R. Neupert, M.D.), her children (Shevaun D. Neupert, Ph.D. and Erich R. Neupert), her grandchildren (Klára and Declan Hannig) and her father (Merwin Adams) as well as four of her sisters (Ione Adams, Gail Kvam, Faith Adams-Hanson, and Brenda Adams). Any donations are recommended to Mothers of Preschoolers (

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

7 for your West Seattle Wednesday

October 24, 2018 10:30 am
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(Photographed from Alki last week by Jim Borrow)

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

FIREFIGHTER STORY TIME: 11:15 am at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library – local firefighters read to little kids, show their gear, all in the name of safety and education. (2306 42nd SW)

APPLYING FOR COLLEGE FINANCIAL-AID? South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) invites you to drop in 1-7 pm and get help with FAFSA and WASFA. (6000 16th SW)

SENIOR NIGHT: Last home games of the regular season for West Seattle High School‘s volleyball team – JV 5:30 pm, varsity 7 pm, vs. Rainier Beach, and seniors will be honored. (3000 California SW)

SAVE TEENS’ LIVES: 7 pm at West Seattle High School, all parents/guardians are invited to Teen Suicide Prevention Training. Details here. (3000 California SW)

FREE WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE SEMINAR: 7 pm at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), come learn techniques and practice them! Taught by Kerry Copeland from Fit and Fierce. (2743 California SW)

HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: This month, it’s a meeting to get stuff done – “working meeting” as described on the HPAC website. 7 pm at HP Improvement Club. (1116 SW Holden)

MOVIE TRIVIA: Tin Dog Brewing in South Park invites you to head over the ridge and play! 7 pm start. Prizes! (309 S. Cloverdale)

LOTS MORE ON THE LIST … see the complete calendar here, and our Halloween Etc. Guide (with events revving up tomorrow) here.

From pools to pets to paving, items of interest in today’s City Council budget-change proposals

In two sessions today, scheduled to start at 9:30 am and 2 pm, the City Council continues the “issue identification” phase of reviewing and potentially changing the mayor’s proposed budget. Today’s reviews include the SDOT and Parks budgets, as well as a discussion of issues that “cross-cut” across multiple departments. Reading the documents, we found some excerpts of interest for potential changes, mostly to be brought up by West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold, though the first one is from north end Councilmember Rob Johnson. First ones are from the agenda documents for Parks, up first at 9:30 am.:

Funding for Daily Operation of Wading Pools (Councilmember Johnson) – This proposal would add $490,000 in ongoing funding to support the daily operation of 22 wading pools in the City. The Proposed 2019 and 2020 Budget includes funding for 15 pools to operate late June to early September, with four open daily (Green Lake, Lincoln, Van Asselt, and Volunteer Park) and 11 open between two and four days a week, for a total of 597 days of scheduled operation. Funding is not included in the Mayor’s Proposed 2019 and 2020 Budget to continue operation of seven wading pools funded by the Council in the 2018 budget. This proposal would restore funding to open the seven wading pools and provide funds for all 22 wading pools to open on a daily basis.

(WSB file photo)
This next proposed change to Parks’ budget is a followup to something we reported on recently:

Open Colman Pool for One Additional Month in Summertime (Councilmember Herbold) – This proposal would add $60,000 in ongoing funding to support opening Colman Pool for one more month in the summer. Currently the pool is budgeted to operate for approximately 14 weeks (between late May and early September).

The District 1 councilmember has two other proposed Parks changes involving West Seattle facilities:

Winterize Cabins at Camp Long (Councilmember Herbold) – This proposal would add one-time funding to winterize the cabins at Camp Long to facilitate year-round use. Central Staff will continue to work with CM Herbold to determine the level of resources required to implement this proposal.

Enhance Trail Access Points on SW Brandon Street (Councilmember Herbold) – This proposal would add $50,000 in one-time funding for a community planning process examining enhancements to trail access points along South West Brandon Street in West Seattle, as recommended in the North Delridge Action Plan. Central Staff will continue to work with CM Herbold to determine the level of resources required to implement this proposal.

After the Parks discussion, the council moves on to SDOT before the 9:30 am-starting session ends. Three pitches that Herbold will make:

Add the Highland Park Roundabout as a separate project in the 2019-2024 CIP (Councilmember Herbold) – This project was identified through the Neighborhood Street Fund process to enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and reduce cut through traffic. SDOT has allocated $200,000 for design of this project and is seeking a WSDOT’s City Safety Program grant to fully fund the project. SDOT’s financial plan reserves an additional $300,000 as a local match for the grant. This action would create a specific CIP project for this work.

Proviso the Arterial Asphalt and Concrete Program Phase II Project related to 35th Ave. SW (Councilmember Herbold) – As part of the Move Seattle reset, SDOT is proposing additions and deferrals of paving projects from the previous 2015 Arterial Asphalt & Concrete Paving Plan. Councilmember Herbold is considering a spending proviso on this program, or other budget actions related to this program, pending further review of SDOT’s paving plan proposal.

Add funding for Landslide Mitigation (Councilmember Herbold) – This action would add $1 million in 2019 and $1 million in 2020 to address high priority potential landslide locations identified in SDOT’s 2000 Landslide Risk Assessment Report. The 2018 Adopted Budget included $1 million of one-time funding for this work, above the baseline $400,000 for landslide response and remediation. This action = would restore funding for this program to 2018 levels.

And in the “cross-cutting” discussion, scheduled for today’s 2 pm session:

District 1 Community Planning (Councilmember Herbold) – This proposal would confirm that there is capacity within OPCD to begin planning with West Seattle communities in 2019. In July, OPCD published “Community Planning Practice + Prioritization,†its response to Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) 135-1-A-1, which asked for a report on priorities for community planning. In that report, OPCD identified three areas where planning is starting in 2018: (1) Crown Hill in District 6; (2) the NE 130th/145th light rail station area in District 5; and (3) Imagine Downtown – a long-range urban design plan for the Center City. The next three community planning priorities are: (1) Westwood/Highland Park in District 1; (2) Aurora/Licton Springs in District 5; and (3) Columbia City, Hillman City and the future Graham Street light rail station area in District 2. According to the SLI response, future light rail station areas along the West Seattle to Ballard alignment are also intended to be an area of focus of community planning beginning in 2019. This action would ensure that there are resources to begin work with communities in Westwood/Highland Park and the Delridge and Avalon/West Seattle Junction station areas in the 2019-20 biennium through reporting requirements, a budget proviso, or additional staffing.

Increase Pet License Fees to Support an Animal Control Officer (Councilmember Herbold)—This budget action would amend budget legislation to raise the price of pet license fees to the level that would support the costs on an additional animal control officer. FAS is still determining the necessary increase in pet license fees to achieve this goal. Current pet license fees range from $20 to $200, and $120,000 was provided for a similar position in the 2017 Adopted Budget.

The full review documents are linked to the agenda for today’s sessions.

P.S. Just getting pitched in these sessions is no guarantee that these changes will be made – councilmembers have to get support from others on the council, and money has to be moved from somewhere else in the budget. If you support or oppose any of these – or anything else in the budget – you can e-mail with feedback.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:08 AM: Good morning! Police are headed to what the dispatcher describes as “a collision on Delridge just before the West Seattle Bridge.”

ALERTS AHEAD: Another reminder that this is the last week for the West Seattle Water Taxi‘s 7-day-a-week/all-day schedule – as of Monday (October 29th) it goes to 5 days a week, commute times only, until spring … Sunday (October 28th), the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival will close California for an extra block – Oregon to Edmunds – as well as Alaska between 44th and 42nd. Hours are concurrent with the Farmers’ Market (which is part of the festival), 10 am-2 pm.