(Sanderlings, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Welcome to Monday. We begin with a holiday:
ROSH HASHANAH: Jewish New Year celebrations are under way and we have two listings of events in West Seattle:
–Kol HaNeshamah (WSB sponsor), here
–Torah Learning Center of West Seattle, here
Also on our calendar for today/tonight:
WEST SEATTLE YMCA REOPENS: The facilities-improvement week is over and it’s back to regular schedule for the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor)’s main branch in The Triangle. (3622 SW Snoqualmie)
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: If you can donate blood, consider visiting today’s mobile blood drive at Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Walmesley Center, 1 pm-7 pm (closed for a break 3-4 pm). More info here. (35th SW/SW Myrtle)
SOUTH SEATTLE COLLEGE CAMPUS TOUR: Thinking about studying at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), where the next quarter starts in just two weeks? Take this afternoon’s tour! 1:30 pm – details here. (6000 16th SW)
ATTENTION, WOULD-BE ENTREPRENEURS: If you’re considering starting your own business, there’s a lot you need to know. (Trust us.) Experts and mentors will be at Delridge Library 6-8 tonight to tell you all about it. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
EVENING BOOK GROUPS: Tonight at 6:45 pm, the groups at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW) and at West Seattle Library (2306 42nd SW) meet. SW is reading “The Sisters” by Mary Lovell; WS is reading “Tender at the Bone” by Ruth Reichl. All welcome.
Something to add to West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
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