Weekend scenes: West Seattle Food Bank’s 2018 ‘Grand Affair’

Photos by Leda Costa for West Seattle Blog

A landmark West Seattle building dating back to the ’20s was the site last night of a celebration with that era as its theme – the West Seattle Food Bank‘s annual cocktail-party-and-more benefit A Grand Affair. At The Sanctuary at Admiral, beverages, games, and even tarot-card readings kept guests engaged:

Those in attendance at the party at the former church included at least one minister:

Talking with Husky Deli‘s Jack Miller, that’s Rev. Ron Marshall of the First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, about to celebrate history of its own, with centennial festivities a week from tomorrow.. Below, our photographer also caught up with Lora Radford of the West Seattle Junction Association, WSFB development director Judi Yazzolino, and Rita Dixson, proprietor of The Bridge:

Everyone got $10,000 in mock money for the tables, with prizes up for grabs:

Proceeds help the WS Food Bank fight hunger by serving thousands of people in our community year-round. If you couldn’t be there – you can help any time in all these ways! P.S. WSB was among the co-sponsors of last night’s event.

2 Replies to "Weekend scenes: West Seattle Food Bank's 2018 'Grand Affair'"

  • Mitch September 16, 2018 (12:43 am)

    I live in the heart of Ballard now, after nearly 30 years in West Seattle, and will probably never live there again. But after reading stories like this, and seeing the pictures of people I once called my friends and neighbors, and despite not regretting my move, damn I miss that place from time to time.

  • Judi Yazzolino September 16, 2018 (4:39 pm)

    Thank you to all those that came to help us serve those in our community in need of food and other services. It was a grand time. Thank you to our friends at the West Seattle Blog for such great coverage

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