FOLLOWUP: The work that’s being done during Southwest Pool’s limited-schedule month

September 18, 2018 5:20 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks | Westwood

As reported here Friday, Seattle Parks cut short the planned monthlong closure of Southwest Pool, citing permit/contract trouble. But it’s operating on a limited schedule during the month instead. So what IS being worked on during that time? Parks has updated this post with info, including:

SPR will take advantage of the pool’s reduced operating schedule to conduct a complete interior LED conversion to the facility, including changing approximately 430 fluorescent tubes to LED. This effort will reduce the facility’s lighting energy consumption by 55%. This project will help us meet the City’s goal of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020, as set out by the Seattle Climate Action Plan. SPR will complete this project prior to the pool returning to its full operating schedule on Monday, Oct. 15.

The limited schedule, meantime, can be seen here (PDF).

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