day : 13/07/2018 9 results

VIDEO: West Seattle Summer Fest’s first night rocks to a close

Taking the stage to close out the first night of West Seattle Summer Fest 2018 just after 10 pm … The Briefs. They were – briefly – intro’d by one of last year’s Summer Fest headliners, Brent Amaker:

He told the Summer Fest crowd they “deserved” The Briefs. To deliver on that, they jumped right in.

The slate leading up to The Briefs included another Seattle band, Versing:

Both during and between bands, the official Summer Fest beer garden was the place to be:

Canna West Seattle (WSB sponsor) had a merch tent nearby:

Tomorrow the performances start earlier – with Boom Dance on stage at 11:30 am (the festival resumes at 10) – see the full lineup here.

West Seattle scenes: Low-low tide today – and almost as low on Saturday

We’ll forgive you if you take a break from West Seattle Summer Fest for a bit tomorrow and go check out the low-low tide … which will be almost as low as today’s! Thanks for sharing photos – above, by Mark McAndrews, looking toward downtown; below, three photos of wildlife seen at low tide by Erica Sokoloff:

Tomorrow’s lowest tide is at 12:26 pm, -3.5 feet (today’s was -3.6). It’ll be the last local low tide beyond minus 3 feet until June of next year.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Summer Fest day 1, report 2

July 13, 2018 5:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

(QUICK LINKS: Bus reroutes here … Festival music schedule here … festival food options here … kids’ ride hours and pricing here)

5:03 PM: Let the music play! Above, that’s Ellie Strauss, part of the Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) showcase that kicked off today’s main-stage schedule. Right now, BRACKETS is performing; here’s the schedule for the rest of the night, through The Briefs at 10 pm. The main stage is on California north of Oregon; along California, booths might close as early as 6 – the kids’ rides are scheduled to close at 8 tonight.

5:22 PM: Most-recent question here at the Info Booth/Tent was about the Farmers’ Market on Sunday. It’ll happen 10 am-2 pm as always – but in its old spot, the parking lot behind KeyBank. Though the market hours are the same, the festival doesn’t officially start until 11 am on Sunday. But tomorrow – Saturday – it’s another 10 am start, like today. But let’s not get too far ahead! More festival people – West Seattle’s two highest-ranking Seattle Police stopped by earlier:

At right, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis, with new Operations Lt. Steve Strand. His predecessor Lt. Ron Smith was a fixture on site at the festival for years – this is the first Summer Fest since his retirement. Also seen from the info booth, a KING 5 News crew:

Our view also includes the QFC booth, which usually sells relatively cheap cool treats during Summer Fest. This year, the menu board features $3 coconuts, $1 water/soda, and $3 fruit kabobs.

6:03 PM: This is official closing time for vendor booths, so the festival is starting to shift to night mode – that means music, outdoor cafés, and at the Beer Garden, the brews include SOL, aka Parking Lot Pale:

The Beer Junction and Elliott Bay (which brewed the special fundraising ale) are pouring it too. Here’s our preview story explaining it. Speaking of beverages … the new bar behind Be’s is open just in time for the festival, as planned:

That’s Tony Larson – whose joint venture with Jade Nguyen and her family, longtime Be’s proprietors, was explained in our June story. You’ll find The Alley off the alley behind Be’s, east side of California just south of Oregon. If you’re here with a too-young-for-bars group … the rides are running until 8:

The rides are open 10 am-8 pm tomorrow too. Meantime, the music rolls on, with Versing set to start at 6:30 pm.

6:38 PM: Speaking of tomorrow – stop by GreenLife in Junction Plaza Park (42nd SW/SW Alaska) and check out #VirtualSalishSee with “Diver Laura” James, starting around 2 pm:

A post shared by Laura James (@diverlaura) on

GreenLife’s not done for the night tonight, though – you’re invited to a singalong in the park at 7 pm.

8:14 PM: We folded up the last section of the Info Tent about an hour ago to head to HQ for a while – planning to be back for tonight’s music headlines. Meantime, Alex e-mailed to suggest we include one more photo of SPD at Summer Fest – this one tweeted by Meeples Games (which has a booth on the west side of the south block):

Summer Fest is full of characters, so to speak. And thanks to the many people who stopped by to say hi today – as well as those who stopped by just looking for info – this is the 11th year that we’ve been honored to help in the info tent/booth (we’re an official Summer Fest media sponsor, too).

At Summer Fest: Southwest Seattle Historical Society celebrates $100,000 donation from Adah Cruzen

4:20 PM: The next beneficiary of Adah Cruzen‘s philanthropy: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society! We got the news from SWSHS while here at West Seattle Summer Fest and took the photo at the SWSHS booth minutes ago.

(Right now) at Summer Fest longtime West Seattle resident Adah Cruzen is (visiting to) tell some stories (to) be turned into impromptu poems by Typewriter Rodeo creator Sean Petrie. Adah recently donated $100,000 from the estate of her late husband, Earl Cruzen, the largest single gift that the historical society has received in its 34-year history.

Adah and Earl’s legacy gift helps the historical society in two major ways: Firstly, for capital repairs and ongoing care to the Log House Museum on Alki such-as porch deck and railing repairs, fence repairs, electrical upgrades, and other much-needed modifications and maintenance; and secondly “staff development and support,” an effort to help the society to expand its offerings to the public by increasing curatorial staff hours, professional development and training, etc. Presently the Log House Museum has two new exhibits on display that the Curatorial team has developed: “Fired Up: Neighborhood Fire Stations on the Duwamish Peninsula,” and “Navigating to Alki: Early Maps of the Duwamish Peninsula.”

The museum will also be launching a music-related exhibit, “Sound Spots: Music of the Duwamish Peninsula,” which opens on August 9, from 12 – 2 pm at the Log House Museum (in part to coincide with Sub Pop’s SPF30 music festival on Alki on Saturday, August 11, 2018).

“Adah and Earl’s gift will help — and has already been helping us — in major ways in our immediate future, and the ripple effects with the Cruzen gift will continue to help us for many years to come. The Southwest Seattle Historical Society owes Adah and Earl Cruzen a huge debt of gratitude for this major legacy gift.”


Comments from Jeff McCord, Executive Director of Southwest Seattle Historical Society

I recently met with Adah Cruzen at the Log House Museum to give her a tour. She and her assistant, Alfredo, stopped by and I took them through our galleries and showed them the exterior of the building. She was pleased to see what we had accomplished, both at the museum and within the community at large.

Adah said that she wanted to share some good news with us about funding that she wanted to provide. She was acting upon the wishes of her husband, who himself was very active in the community. Earl had been a key force behind the creation of 11 murals that originally appeared throughout the Alaska Junction, along with a key mural in the Morgan Junction behind Starbucks. Earl also spearheaded the effort to create the iconic “Walking on Logs” sculpture along the Fauntleroy Expressway and was on the Advisory Council of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society.

I shared with Adah our initiative of ‘Reaching New Audiences, Telling New Stories,’ and talked about the new curator staffmembers we’ve been bringing on to provide more resources for historic interpretation, all of which struck a chord with her. She expressed her support for our staff development, as well as seeing some of the needs we had about capital repairs and improvements to our ADA ramp, porch shoring, fence repairs, lighting and security updates.

Adah then gave us the amazing news about a $100,000 gift to the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. Thank you Adah and Earl!

ADDED 8:38 PM: Jeff shared images of two poems from this afternoon, as well as video of Sean reading one to Adah:

TRAFFIC ALERT: 3-hour wait at Fauntleroy ferry dock

Long waits on summer Friday afternoons at the Fauntleroy ferry dock aren’t unusual … but we seldom hear a Washington State Ferries warning about a three-hour wait, so we’re mentioning it here. They say events at Lincoln Park are contributing to the backlog.

AS-IT-HAPPENED COVERAGE: West Seattle Summer Fest, day 1, first report

(QUICK LINKS: Bus reroutes here … Festival music schedule here … festival food options here … kids’ ride hours and pricing here)

11:51 AM: We are already approaching the third hour of West Seattle Summer Fest 2018 – and what you see above is part of what’s new this year: Giant games, on the east side of California SW, just north of SW Oregon, free for anyone, any age, to play. If you’re not ready to play, browse the year-round merchants’ sidewalk sales and visiting vendors and see who and what’s here. A couple places that caught our eye during our first stroll:

Those booths are both on the south block of California SW, between Alaska and Edmunds. (The Living Computer Museum itself is in nearby SODO – we are definitely making a note to visit sometime soon!) On the east side of that block, you’ll find these two WSB sponsors next to each other:

Talk to GoodMed about their unique plan for helping you and your loved ones stay healthy; talk to Westside School about the preK-8 programs at their campus in Arbor Heights. We’ve noticed MANY WSB sponsors at the festival and we’ll spotlight more through the weekend. Whether you’re new to West Seattle or a longtime resident, this is a great time to discover and celebrate what’s local. And to just plain celebrate – if you’re doing that with the little ones, note that the ride-ticket booth is on SW Alaska, east of 44th SW:

This is the best time to wander the festival – the scheduled events haven’t yet ramped up – first music on the main stage is a Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) showcase at 3:30 pm – you’ll also see the folks from Mode at the mentioned-above Giant Games zone. More to come!

P.S. Yes, that’s the Guardian One helicopter that just looped over the festival a couple times. Haven’t seen them over here in a while!

12:33 PM: Lots of people here already – including a West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) tour group of sorts:

That’s one corner of the view from our spot in the Info Booth (aka Info Tent), one place where you’ll also find community groups/organizations/agencies – here’s the schedule. Others are scattered throughout the festival – for example, if you have questions about Sound Transit‘s West Seattle light rail, ST is here …

So is the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project, aka viaduct-to-tunnel, asking the big question of whether you’re ready for that big closure when the switchover is made, likely this fall. Both those transportation agencies are in the main row of booths on California SW; wander a bit east on SW Alaska toward Junction Plaza Park and you’ll find the GreenLife zone, with even more community organizations, including the West Seattle TimeBank. GreenLife programming (here’s the schedule) starts at 1 pm, with a welcome from the Duwamish Tribe, followed by a discussion of Native issues.

1:12 PM: That’s been delayed. But there are many reasons to visit GreenLife, focused this year on the health of Puget Sound and other Salish Sea waters. Including the orca ride:

(Several people have asked us about PCC [WSB sponsor] – they’ll be at GreenLife tomorrow, we’re told.) Also on the central-east stub of the festival zone – SW Alaska east of California – you’ll find classic fair food, including elephant ears. Roasted corn, too! If you’re looking for cotton candy – a popular question many years – that’s over next to the kid-rides ticket booth on the west side of SW Alaska.

2:43 PM: For everyone who asked – the official festival Beer Garden (up on California by the West Seattle Eagles HQ and the main stage, north of Oregon) is now open. Meantime, Donna Sandstrom of The Whale Trail – which has a booth this year, west side of California between Oregon and Alaska – tells us that the Southern Resident Killer Whales’ J and K pods have just returned to the San Juans, first K-pod visit there since March.

3:16 PM: Two more WSB sponsors who are here – on the northeast corner of California/Alaska, not far from their bricks-and-mortar studio, Fitness Together West Seattle:

They have a Summer Fest special going on – ten personal training sessions for $500. And in the booths on California, visiting from Delridge (and Burien!), it’s Camp Crockett:

Speaking of dogs, if you bring yours and s/he needs to cool off, check out the Pet Junction zone by Next to Nature along the west side of California just north of Alaska:

We’ve been here six hours now and can attest to the fact that it’s not too hot – nice breeze here in the heart of The Junction (of course, we have some shade). Meantime, music is about to start up at the main stage, and we’ve heard that philanthropist Adah Cruzen is visiting the Southwest Seattle Historical Society booth on the east side of California just south of Alaska starting at 4 pm. We’ll be launching our second report – the afternoon-evening edition – shortly!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Admiral attack defendant found incompetent; 2 reader reports

We start this morning’s West Seattle Crime Watch report with an update on the Admiral assault case:

KIERRA WARD FOUND NOT COMPETENT: At a Thursday hearing, a judge ordered Admiral attack defendant Kierra Ward sent to Western State Hospital for up to 90 days for treatment that will attempt to restore competency so she can stand trial. A recent evaluation (ordered last month) found Ward incompetent, deemed to have untreated schizophrenia. She has been jailed in lieu of $400,000 bail since she was arrested last October and charged with stabbing an Admiral woman who was out for a walk with her baby. With the new order in the case, the next hearing is scheduled for late September.

Also in Crime Watch, two reader reports:

HIT-RUN: From Creek, whose wife was hit in a multiple-vehicle crash on the West Seattle Bridge: “Vehicular assault, hit and run on the West Seattle Bridge early (Thursday) afternoon. Multiple cars damaged. White box truck. Last seen in Admiral Junction area. White male, 40-50 years old, long blondish hair, no shirt, short/thin build, khaki shorts. Call the police immediately if you have any info.”

CAR PROWL: From Derek: “(Wednesday) night someone car prowled and ransacked a trailer, box truck and multiple vehicles at our business property located at 5405 West Marginal Way SW.”

West Seattle Friday: Summer Fest begins; low-low tide; Shakespeare in the park; more!

July 13, 2018 9:00 am
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(9-year-old Ezra exploring Thursday’s low-low tide at Lincoln Park, photographed by dad Eugene Lee)

What a day and night ahead! First, West Seattle’s biggest party of the year begins:

QUICK LINKS FOR WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST, DAY 1: The festival’s official hours today are 10 am-6 pm, but food, drinks, and music run later. We’re in the Information Booth as usual for as-it-happens coverage starting later this morning (watch our Twitter feed for festival scenes, too), but here meantime are the toplines:

Shopping: 10 am-6 pm – here’s the list of both year-round merchants with sales and visiting vendors with booths
Kids’ rides: 10 am-8 pm – here are ride hours and prices
More activities – also listed here
GreenLifeSustainable West Seattle‘s sustainability-and-more expo is in Junction Plaza Park off Alaska east of California – schedule is here
Food: More year-round restaurants than ever are offering “extended service,” which for many means outdoor cafés – here’s the list of those restaurants plus visiting vendors
Music: Starts on the main stage (California north of Oregon) at 3:30 pm with a showcase by Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor); here’s the schedule
Beer garden: Next to the stage, open late
Community groups: In the Info Booth – see the list/schedule here
Pet Junction: By Next to Nature, on west side of California north of Alaska – see the list here

See you at Summer Fest! P.S. Transit reroutes are here

Also ahead for your Friday:

LOW-LOW TIDE: 9:30 am-1:30 pm, Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out at Constellation Park (63rd SW and Beach Drive SW) and Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) because today’s low tide is VERY low, -3.6 feet at 11:38 am.

WADING POOLS: Sunny and warm, so they’ll be open today! In West Seattle, that means Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), until 8 pm; EC Hughes (2805 SW Holden), noon-7 pm; Hiawatha (Walnut/Lander), noon-6:30 pm.

COLMAN POOL CLOSURE: Reminder that Colman Pool is closed to the public again today because of swim meets.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: 1 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, Terry presents “The Greatest Movies You’ve Never Heard Of.” Today: “Rhythm On The River” (1940). $1 members, $2 nonmembers, free popcorn! (4217 SW Oregon)

SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: GreenStage presents the Backyard Bard version of “The Two Gentlemen of Verona” at 7 pm in High Point Commons Park. Free. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

ART LOUNGE: Get creative at Highland Park Improvement Club! Doors open at 7 pm. 21+. (1116 SW Holden)

ALAN EHRLICH … performs live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

AT KENYON HALL: Miles and Karina accompany Buster Keaton’s “Steamboat Bill, Jr.” – details in our calendar listing. 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)

SEE WHAT ELSE IS UP … by browsing our complete calendar!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch, with Summer Fest road closures and I-5 reminder

July 13, 2018 7:06 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:06 AM: Good morning! The most recent incident reported in/from West Seattle was a crash in the Delridge/Dakota area. SFD has closed out its response, which means no major injuries.

SUMMER FEST ROAD CLOSURES: Remember that California is closed to vehicle traffic between Edmunds and Genesee, and SW Alaska between 44th and 42nd, through Sunday night, for West Seattle Summer Fest, which starts at 10 this morning. That means Metro reroutes too – find that info here.

REVIVE I-5: Starting tonight, scheduled to continue through early Monday, it’s the next major weekend-long northbound I-5 closure. However, WSDOT note that you can still get to/from West Seattle, and that’s explained here.