UPDATE: Man shot and killed at West Seattle Stadium during track meet

(Video of police arriving, tweeted by Kate)

7:47 PM: Police and fire are converging on West Seattle Stadium for what is logged as a “scenes of violence” response (we had just confirmed yesterday, that’s the new name for what used to be “assault with weapons”). No word yet on the circumstances – scanner indicates at least one person is being sought – we’re on our way to find out more.

(Texted photo)

7:50 PM: Per scanner, at least one witness says shots were fired and then a male in a red hoodie and gray pants took off.

7:58 PM: Also per scanner, a gray Toyota Camry with hood damage might be linked to this. There is a victim who’s being taken to the hospital.

8:06 PM: Police are “shutting down the lower lot,” they’ve said via radio, while the investigation continues. And we should take a moment to say thanks for all the tips and photos.

8:09 PM: SPD says the victim is an “adult male shot several times, rushed to HMC with life-threatening injuries.” Commenters are saying the event at the stadium when this happened was a Seattle Parks track meet.

8:17 PM: Also note that 35th NB is down to one lane by the stadium, with the entrance blocked off, our crew reports. The investigation is concentrated on the west end of the stadium.

8:27 PM: Detectives continue talking with people at the stadium/golf course. No update on victim or suspect so far.

8:49 PM: We’re continuing to await someone who is authorized to brief media. Meantime, a commenter/witness is first to offer an account of what may have preceded the shooting.

9:16 PM: Seattle PD’s on-call public information officer Det. Mark Jamieson tells us he’s on his way to the scene so we should have an update before too long – our crew is still there.

10:01 PM: Police tell us that the victim has died. More from the briefing shortly. (added) Our crew says Det. Jamieson actually had little else to say – nothing about circumstances, no description details. (We’ll add full video of his briefing once it’s uploaded.) They checked out a tip about a possible sighting of a car like the one described early on but it didn’t pan out. If you have any information about the killer, call 911.

10:36 PM: Just listened to the briefing while it’s uploading. Three other things: Det. Jamieson said the victim was a man in his 40s. The shooting happened in the parking lot. Also, the reason they don’t have a good description of the suspect yet is that they are dealing with “conflicting reports.”

11:11 PM: Video added above. Also: This is West Seattle’s first homicide case of 2018. The last one was the deadly shooting of 25-year-old Edixon Velasquez outside his Westwood home last September. Two suspects in that case remain in jail, awaiting trial.

ADDED 8:50 AM: Lots to follow up on today, of course, but for starters, we went by the stadium this morning, and it has reopened; police completed their work at the scene overnight.

9:11 AM: Also, we are pointed to a Facebook post that confirms something we were told last night but couldn’t confirm at the time – the Rainier Beach Track Club, one of the participants at the meet, says the victim was the dad of one of their athletes..

1:05 PM: Police have added this update to the SPD Blotter account of last night’s deadly shooting: “Detectives now believe that the victim in last night’s shooting may have been targeted. Detectives are still working to identify additional witnesses. Anyone with information on last night’s incident is urged to contact the Seattle Police Tip Line at 206-233-5000.”

3:50 PM: We sent Seattle Parks a few questions this morning and just got answers this afternoon. Via spokesperson Rachel Schulkin, they confirm that Rainier Beach and High Point athletes were at the meet when this happened. A meet for North Seattle teams that was scheduled for the stadium today will go on as planned. And as mentioned earlier today, the stadium is open in general Also:

In the wake of Tuesday evening’s tragedy, we are working with the Seattle Police Department and community partners to support staff, volunteers, children, and their families during this difficult time. As a result of this tragedy, we are also working to potentially postpone and relocate upcoming track meets to different locations.

7:23 PM: In comments, Shelley shares a GoFundMe link just set up for the family of the victim, who is identified on that page as Lorenzo Marr.

166 Replies to "UPDATE: Man shot and killed at West Seattle Stadium during track meet"

  • Kate May 8, 2018 (7:50 pm)

    Live overlooking stadium, heard about 4-5 shots then chaos. Called 911 and they were overwhelmed with calls. Heard people onthe field scream someone got the shooter, but don’t know if true

  • Daniel May 8, 2018 (7:51 pm)

    It sounds like quite the response.. been hearing nonstop sirens zoom by for at least 10 minutes

  • Steph May 8, 2018 (7:52 pm)

    I was wondering what “scenes of violence” meant. Thanks.

    • WSB May 8, 2018 (8:00 pm)

      Yeah, I asked SFD yesterday and was going to write a story tonight … oh well.

      • Teem May 8, 2018 (9:42 pm)

        Please still write the story. “Scenes of violence” seems suspicially like a downplaying of the public’s perception of assault weapon violence.

      • Casey Blake May 8, 2018 (9:54 pm)

        ‘“scenes of violence” response (we had just confirmed yesterday, that’s the new name for what used to be “assault with weapons”). ‘

        How is that name change MORE descriptive?  hashtag 1984 Newspeak.

        • WSB May 8, 2018 (10:08 pm)

          It’s not that it’s more descriptive. Per SFD’s Lt. Harold Webb in our exchange when I asked yesterday, “IThis will make us compatible across King County and it involves training with our Law Enforcement partners. It also better captures a more broad spectrum of events that we could encounter. Not all of these events use weapons if that makes sense.” The last is absolutely true – there’ve been AWW calls that ended up involving broken glass. And they’re not all assaults – the classification has been used for situations involving self-inflicted wounds.

  • P Weir May 8, 2018 (7:53 pm)

    I live at 35th & Alaska and thought I heard several shots at a little past 7:30. Since then about 10 police cars have flown down the hill. Must have been heading to the stadium.

  • Michelle May 8, 2018 (7:55 pm)

    Golfing at the GC next door, heard what sounded like 4 or 5 shots from a track meet and then non stop sirens. Hope no one is hurt

  • N.R. May 8, 2018 (7:56 pm)

    I live across the street from the stadium. I can confirm there were 4-5 gunshots in quick succession a few minutes ago. 

  • TREX May 8, 2018 (8:04 pm)

    Was there an event happening at the stadium? Like a track meet or something?

    • WSB May 8, 2018 (8:05 pm)

      That’s what nearby residents say. I will be researching.

      • Michelle May 8, 2018 (8:07 pm)

        It was a track meet, we saw it when we pulled in the driveway for golf around 5

      • MF May 8, 2018 (8:11 pm)

        It was a kids track event. They’re there pretty much every week. It was horrifying to look out the window and see what looked like elementary school children running across the field screaming. 

        • Elissa Fernandez May 9, 2018 (1:09 am)

          I was there with my little ones. Most the participants were 6-10 years old, some as old as 18. It was awful.

    • ASHLEE LYMAN May 8, 2018 (8:07 pm)

      Yes. Community center track meet was in progress. 

      • Karen May 8, 2018 (8:13 pm)

        Elementary school kids running on the track. Hundreds. Sickening.

    • West Seattlite May 8, 2018 (8:16 pm)

      Yes, I think there was a track meet, even maybe a kids’ track meet.

      • Elissa Fernandez May 9, 2018 (1:10 am)

        It happened during the “1500 meter” and two of my boys were nearing the finish line. This was the qualifier.

    • Jak May 8, 2018 (10:13 pm)

      Yes. It was Seattle Park and Recs kids track meet. My 7 year old was 50 feet from the shooting. 

      • Carolyn May 8, 2018 (11:07 pm)

        I’m so sorry.  How scary for you and your child.  

  • HTB May 8, 2018 (8:08 pm)

    Was the male in the Red Hoodie African-American?

    • WSB May 8, 2018 (8:11 pm)

      “Unknown race male.” We published all the descriptive information we’ve heard.

    • CatLady May 8, 2018 (8:15 pm)

      Why do you want to know what race the person is? 

      • Daniel May 8, 2018 (8:19 pm)

        Probably to identify the person..

      • Jay May 8, 2018 (8:37 pm)

        Why wouldn’t you?! 🤔

      • Karie Schneider May 9, 2018 (12:30 am)

        I want to know what criminals look like tok. To not mention a person’s race because we fear that we will be seen as a bigot is ridiculous. 

      • Samthetexmex May 9, 2018 (7:18 am)

        Because you have to locate the shooter, duh. Are we so PC that we can’t describe someone in terms that are most efficacious in locating them? I am Latino and had to leave my home because of people in my community were careless and violent. You can move in there, if you want. 

    • Seriously May 8, 2018 (8:51 pm)

      You immediately jump to African American and for what? You are the reason why America is diveded. It sickens me that you would jump to conclusions 

      • WsResident May 8, 2018 (11:20 pm)

        Are you being serious, seriously?  When identifying a suspect race/complexion is one of the basic identifiable descriptors used as well as sex, hair color, height, clothing etc.  it’s a valid question and how do you know they didn’t see a person in a red sweatshirt in the area and wanted to know more before calling it in to the police.  Let’s not jump to negative conclusions when our neighbors are asking valid questions.  I hope they get a more clear description and catch this guy soon! Praying for everyone involved.

        • Consider May 8, 2018 (11:39 pm)

          How about just asking for identifiers (height, age, skin color, hair color, etc.) rather jumping straight to asking if the shooter is African-American? High Point is a very diverse community.  Whatever the intent behind the question was the words we choose or choose to defend expose our biases, and it’s always worth examining. 

          • E May 9, 2018 (12:47 am)

            And you are bringing up High Point because why? This took place over a mile away from High Point. I do not see how that is relavent to tonight’s events. 

          • WSB May 9, 2018 (6:41 am)

            One person who messaged us said that High Point Community Center teams were among those participating in the meet.

        • Xander May 9, 2018 (12:04 am)

          I believe the point is that the question posed infers an assumption of guilt until proven innocent, and that this seems to be a go-to, knee-jerk societal response. Why, for example, do we not instead ask “What was the skin color of the assailant?” Or, “Was the guy wearing the red hoodie a caucasian?” It just seems we always ask “was the dude black?” It’s a line of questioning worthy of reflection.

          • Ws resident May 9, 2018 (8:31 am)

            It’s gotten to the point where a comment gets dissected so much that it hinders comments and discussion.  I’m not going to assume there was racist intention behind asking if they were African American just because it was asked.  As I said before, perhaps they saw an African American person in a red hoodie and grey pants and simply asked the question.  I don’t know this, but getting defensive about a question that isn’t clearly racist only does damage to keeping lines of communication open.  I like to think people have good intentions and had a reason for asking it that way.  

    • Question Mark May 9, 2018 (7:37 am)

      What if the suspect is White? What if the suspect is brown? What if they look “Asian?”

      Is this really about the desire to identify a suspect? The circumstances and seeming lack of significant confirmed description in this case as described leave this reader to wonder …

  • Granger23 May 8, 2018 (8:09 pm)

    I was  on the putting green when the shots rang out (noticeably different from the track and field starting gun, yes there was an event going on) and then screaming and cars taking off out of the parking lot. A guy ran by me and when I asked him what’s going on he said “someone just shot a guy, it’s messed up”

  • ML May 8, 2018 (8:09 pm)

    Yes, there was a parks and rec track meet that would have been close to finishing. We were supposed to be there but my son is under the weather. 

  • SG May 8, 2018 (8:12 pm)

    I live there. Gutwrenching to see kids screaming, running across the field, and barricading themselves behind bleachers.

    • Kate May 8, 2018 (8:21 pm)

      Same, neighbor. Sight I’ll never forget

    • TREX May 8, 2018 (8:29 pm)

      No one has any more information on what happened?

      With that many people there has got to be more witnesses. Was there an altercation? Did the suspect just start shooting?

      • A May 8, 2018 (11:08 pm)

        There is more information and witnesses. You don’t murder someone in that public of a setting without leaving a trace. The police have their info but aren’t going to release it to the public until they have a suspect in custody or need the public’s help in finding the suspect. This is a terrible situation but give it time, the killer will be caught 

  • Damian Grava May 8, 2018 (8:35 pm)

    I was there waiting for my 7 yr old daughter to race. 4-5 shots rang out close to where she was, then everyone started running and screaming. Bad scene, lots of scared children.

    • Lynn May 9, 2018 (1:10 am)

      I’m so sorry. Such a horrid situation.  So glad no kids got hurt :(

    • Elissa Fernandez May 9, 2018 (1:12 am)

      Two of my kids were in the middle of their race. So, so terrifying. 

  • Dominique May 8, 2018 (8:39 pm)

    Yes, we were there, I was walking my daughter out, my husband and other daughter were still in stands. 5-6 shots rang out, I hid my daughter behind dumpster, saw multiple parents grabbing the little kids to place them behind dumpster as well. Someone got the back fence open and we instructed everyone through there, it was chaos but semi organized. Some were calm and some were panicked, then someone yelled out for anyone with medical experience, and my husband ran across the field. From what he tells me, ( while washing the blood off his hands) is that 2 other men were tying a belt around the older gentlemen who was shot, and he grabbed towels to pack the wound.( Leg) but the man was coughing up blood and they couldn’t find the other shots. His wife, (partner) was screaming he’s a good man, he goes to work, he’s not a problem. Understandingly she was hysterical and upset. The police and medics arrived and asked everyone to stand back. We don’t know if he survived, but there was an argument between the two men and the younger man shot him when asked to leave the premises. It was a track meet for recreation and parks and this is disturbing on many levels. We hope the man shot survives

    • TREX May 8, 2018 (8:51 pm)

      That’s awful. Thanks for sharing what happened. Who brings a gun to a children’s track meet? Why?

      • Dominique May 8, 2018 (9:32 pm)

        Exactly! A least in a point in time children’s activities were once sacred. What’s happening? For what possible reason would you bring a gun to a children’s event….

      • Bradley May 8, 2018 (10:30 pm)

        That parking lot is used all the time by people who aren’t using the track or attending a track meet. I run there a lot and see people coming and going from the lot in cars who aren’t coming and going from the track.

        • WSeaKnitter May 9, 2018 (1:04 pm)

          I have also seen people lurking in the lower parking lot that were not there for the track meet or practice.  Maybe surveillance camera’s?  Don’t know but this was sick.  NO ONE, 2nd amendments rights or not, should bring a gun ANYWHERE near children. 

          • Sad WS Resident May 9, 2018 (3:01 pm)

            I would bet that this person didn’t have a carry permit and it is also likely this person didn’t obtain the gun legally.  I would wager that this person really doesn’t care about second amendment rights.  They will carry a gun regardless.

      • Jort May 8, 2018 (10:35 pm)

        Only in America do we find it acceptable to own concealable weapons capable of killing people. This shooting is unique to our country and its obsessions with person-killing firearms. No other developed country on the planet deals with this.

        • Ghosty May 9, 2018 (12:25 am)

          Yep, they just have to deal with knife and acid attacks, instead. And they can’t defend themselves from those because they don’t have guns.

          • Jort May 9, 2018 (7:42 am)

            Ah yes, as we all know, in Germany people just carry a bucket of acid with them to childrens’ track meets,

            You can use whatever mental gymnastics you want, but our bizarre, gun-nutty obsession with widespread personal ownership and use of concealable, human-killing devices is a uniquely American phenomenon, and it’s one that we have undeniably screwed up. 

          • Max S May 9, 2018 (6:20 pm)

            And don’t forget the tens of thousands of people who die each year in Germany from drive-by knife attacks.

          • Mike May 9, 2018 (10:23 pm)

            Acid… like the person that threw acid on another person in Ballard a year or two ago?  Guns didn’t protect them and they are everywhere in Seattle.

        • Bradley May 9, 2018 (12:46 am)

          Handguns are legal in most of the World’s modern nations. We simply have more violent criminals than almost any other developed nation, although some European countries are catching up.

          • TreeHouse May 9, 2018 (7:07 am)

            Bradley – Some other countries may have handguns but they require extensive regulations to acquire one. You need licensing, training, mental health checks, requirements on storage and the list goes on to make sure unfit people can’t get a gun. The statistical data proves that gun control works since they have a significantly lower homicide rate. The gun nuts here want to make sure that 18 years have the right to buy these assault weapons designed for war. There is no common sense. But in the mean time let’s send our thoughts and prayers and hope our thoughts and prayers will somehow stop another person in our own community from death. Our current system seems to be working right?

          • Max S May 9, 2018 (6:06 pm)

            The US does not have a higher crime rate – and statistics show that access to firearms is the key factor that differentiates us from the rest of the world.  Nothing else.  

            What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer


        • 'merkan Dad May 9, 2018 (2:55 am)


           I am sure criminals are gonna give up their guns because it’s against the law. If they are armed, I need to be able to defend myself and my family. Not to mention that the government is armed as are the bodyguards of the rich and powerful. Do you feel that only certain groups should have a monopoly on deadly force.

          • Joe May 9, 2018 (8:28 am)

            No other developed country on the planet deals with this.

            Having lives in both European and Australasian countries for a long time, this is entirely accurate.  If this shooting happened in any other first world country, it would be national news and new laws would be made so that it doesn’t happen again.  

            Handguns are legal in most of the World’s modern nations. 

            With a license that checks for mental health (and definitely not for the purposes of carrying it around children’s track events).  

            Do you feel that only certain groups should have a monopoly on deadly force.

            Yes, 100%. You pay your taxes (in part) so that the government will train people whose job it is to “serve and protect” you (police for domestic, army for abroad).  And yes, popular people who attract crazy people because they are famous should have the option to hire additional protection.  

            I am sure criminals are gonna give up their guns because it’s against the law. 

            You are correct, hardened criminals would likely keep their guns, and use them for nefarious purposes.  However, it may be worth considering that a large percentage of shootings aren’t from career criminals, they are from people who carry guns (for their own protection) who get into social situations where they lose control, and in the heat of the moment use it.  This is not to mention all the situations where these “self-protection weapons” are found in the house by younger family members.

          • TheOtherOne May 9, 2018 (12:29 pm)

            I 1000% agree with every word of Joe! Born and raised in Europe and lived in NZ! 

        • Sunset heights May 9, 2018 (6:10 am)

          Just like jumping to the conclusion of a shooter being African American, why must we jump to the weapon being obtained legally.  Those who legally conceal carry are rarely the active shooter, they are your protectors.  Gun control debates are long and lengthy, but the reality IMO opinion is people who want to do bad things are going to find a way.  Unfortunatley, someone lost a life today, someone who was a husband, a son and maybe a dad… let’s not lose sight of that and find his killer.  Yes killer, that is the right word!

        • Sad WS Resident May 9, 2018 (3:05 pm)

          There are a lot of great things and not so great things about America.  This is one that makes us unique, but I wouldn’t want to take that right away from anyone.  Tightening the gun laws I can get behind, background checks for everyone on every sell, taking guns away from/not selling them to people that are mentally unstable and have demonstrated violence I can agree with.  Taking away all guns because of this I don’t agree with and luckily will never happen.  I am not a huge fan of guns but I don’t agree that we should try to keep people from owning them if they are capable and pass a background check.

          For those that believe other countries have a better handle on this then if it is that big of a deal to you then I would recommend you move rather than bang your head against a wall that is not coming down in your or your children’s lifetimes.

          • Max S May 9, 2018 (6:15 pm)

            Here’s the rub: law abiding gun owners and gun shops are where those criminals get their guns.  Other countries with high gun ownership like Scotland and Switzerland require firearms to be locked up.  Here in the US, people leave guns under the seats of their cars, and in other places “for easy and quick access”  Well, guess what: that “shoot from the hip” attitude and the lack of regulation around it is also what gives criminals easy access to guns. 

            Similarly, many gun stores don’t lock their guns up at night, so criminals have easy access to entire stockpiles of weapons.  Happens all the time.  In Florida alone, 80,000 guns have been stolen in the past decade alone. 

            So, the next time you read about a violent incident like this one carried out by a violent criminal, just remember: it was a “law abiding gun owner” who likely armed that criminal. 

            This insanity happens nowhere else in the developed world, and it is a direct result of American attitudes, as well as the NRA’s grip on the American political system. 

  • Brenda May 8, 2018 (8:53 pm)

    SPD will find him. 

    Targeted shooting – in public- nice move idiot! 

  • VJS May 8, 2018 (9:06 pm)

    I’m at 2 track meets every week for my son & daughter. Never considered something like this happening at a kids track meet.  I don’t know why though. It’s happening at schools ever where.  I hope the man is ok. I’m so sorry for all those children.  Thank you to the WS blog and all the people reporting. 

    • Sad WS Resident May 9, 2018 (3:09 pm)

      I hope you and your children are ok and they are not traumatized by the incident.  Keep going to those meets.  Don’t let this violent person break your kids bonds with athletics and community.

  • Love Your Neighbor May 8, 2018 (9:14 pm)

    Praying for the man who was injured and his wife. How terrifying!!! So sad to hear this, praying he will survive this in miraculous ways.

     Praying also that the shooter will be found safe and sound,  for justice to be served, and restitution to be made.

    Praying for all who were traumatized tonight, may peace fill their hearts knowing God is with them and loves them.

    • WS love May 8, 2018 (10:11 pm)

      Amen! Join you in praying….

  • Casey maxwell May 8, 2018 (9:17 pm)

    Hello everyone I’m sorry to hear about the commotion I was at taco time when this happened and all i could here was sirens may the man shot be ok and I hope his family is to

  • Alki resident May 8, 2018 (9:18 pm)

    Parents please take note that the next couple of days, your child may be in shock from this horrible trauma. Get them help if they’re not their normal selves. I’m devastated this happened in front of your families and I hope the victim survives. The shooter is a sick individual who is clearly a danger to society. May he be caught real fast. 

    • Mary McGough May 8, 2018 (11:15 pm)

      I second the suggestion to seek help.

      It took me 18 months to work through the trauma and fear of hearing a gun shootout while I was on a bus. I dove for cover. I never sought counseling … a big regret.

      Thoughts with everyone coping with this violence and the tragic outcome.

  • 1994 May 8, 2018 (9:37 pm)

    How sad for this to happen at all. May the wounded man have a speedy recovery and all of the traumatized witnesses as well.

    Too many hot heads have guns whether obtained legally or illegally. I am waiting  for some type of gun control to be implemented.  And no, I don’t believe some gun control would interfere with a person’s 2nd amendment right.  I am worried about my right, and other’s rights, to live another day.  We all deserve the right to live without gun terror.

    • Bradley May 8, 2018 (10:37 pm)

      I can’t disagree with you more that “hot heads” legally get guns. I was in the firearms business for years and the NICS background checks are very efficient when it comes to stopping violent people from passing them. “Hothead” adults will almost always have a violent incident on their records. This young murderer is probably not old enough to legally purchase a firearm.

    • 'merkan Dad May 9, 2018 (2:58 am)

      I too care about my life and the lifes of others. Thus I carry a handgun for defence against criminals who wish to do harm.

      • AJP May 9, 2018 (6:51 am)

        Your handgun would have done nothing in this situation. So you think your reflexes are faster than the shooters, that you could have somehow started shooting HIM as he drew his gun and started shooting? And would you have shot into a crowd of adults and children in order to shoot him after the fact? With your sniper skills and a concealed handgun? 

        • West Seattlite May 9, 2018 (8:34 am)

          Thank you AJP. Guns are not necessary at all for daily life, they just make situations more dangerous. We need gun control. You can still keep your handgun, we just want to make sure that guns don’t fall into the hands of the wrong people, like the shooter that night. 

          • Bradley May 9, 2018 (11:21 am)

            We don’t need your permission to own and carry guns. I have been legally carrying concealed in West Seattle for 30 years. I run at the Avalon and 35th track a few times a week and have seen drug deals, drug usage, and vandalism in that parking lot, just as I have in every other part of West Seattle. I was physically threatened with another coworker in West Seattle recently by a group of violent young men and it took SPD almost 30 MINUTES to arrive. Be defenseless if you want to, but you aren’t going to disarm those of us who choose to live.

          • Jon May 10, 2018 (4:28 pm)

            Nope. Second Amendment supersedes your offense to my rights. You don’t know my story or my reasons. I don’t even need to give you any. But the worst part is: you won’t even listen if I bothered to.

            If someone wants to do harm, they will find a way. Free will is a real pain, isn’t it?

            Stop blaming the tool. Think critically.

        • Sad WS Resident May 9, 2018 (3:18 pm)

          Guns are a surprisingly effective deterrent to others that have guns.  Very few people want to get shot or get into an argument with someone else that is also carrying a gun.  

          That being said, we will never know if it would have helped in this situation, so I am not going to pretend like I know that it would or would not have helped.

          All I can say is that I am very sad for our entire community right now.  Someone lost a husband, a father, and from what we know a good person.  It is sad that there is a family in our community that is living with this loss.  I am sorry they have to deal with this and I hope they will find help in all of the ways that they need.

          We don’t need partisan or left vs. right or I’m right/your wrong about your rights at this moment.  We don’t need people advocating for guns or against them.  You are free to do as you wish obviously, but this family needs our support, not our partisanship.

          When the time is right I hope friends of this family let everyone in this community know how we can all help them.  Losing someone at such a young age they will likely need financial, emotional, and family support.

          • Kimi May 10, 2018 (12:56 am)

            Thank you Sad WS Resident for bringing my frustration level down a notch. In the midst of trying to get some sort of clarity or understanding of this horrific incident I also learned that the victim is a friend of mine!! It was a harsh punch in the gut to see how quickly this blog topic went from concerned parents and worried citizens living in the vicinity ….to the raging , never ending argument of gun control. I get it … but for God sakes people get off your soap box for a minute. FOCUS!!!! Focus on the task at hand right now. A family is beside themselves!!!!! This is the time for compassion for them and / or passing on any helpful information to find who is responsible for this!!! 

      • Jay May 9, 2018 (8:04 am)

        I’m with ya ‘merkan Dad!

      • TreeHouse May 9, 2018 (5:14 pm)

        The United States above and beyond has the highest gun ownership rates in the world. If more guns made us safer than we should be without a doubt the safest country in the world. Our twisted interpretation of what the second amendment means has cost America a lot of lives. On average 96 people are shot to death every day in America – our community had one of them yesterday. It’s a sad day for our community.

        • Jon May 10, 2018 (4:43 pm)

          What are you doing? Running for Mayor?

          You clearly don’t understand how population density, difference of social norms, economic disparity, et cetera factor into it, nor do you approach anything in good faith.

          The United States of America is a unique country — the only country in the world with the sorts of freedoms many of our family members have died to protect. If you believe in “The Right To Live”, then by default, you accept that a person has the right to defend themselves. You’re already a walking contradiction, but I don’t suspect you’ll ever admit that.

          Every day, thousands of people wait patiently and check the mail hoping that DHS and USCIS has approved their paperwork so that they might enjoy such freedoms.

          Love it or leave it, neighbor.  That’s my advice to you. The world is a scary place and humanity has free will. I choose to live free or die. There are thousands of countries where guns (and many other things) are outlawed entirely. If you prefer less freedom (or however you wish to market the phrase), there are many countries where you could live your Ideal Life. Take your pick.

  • Track mom May 8, 2018 (10:07 pm)

    This is our 5th year participating in the Community Center Track program.. I am completely devastated for our children. We usually stay for almost the entire event, but my son ran an early race and we rushed off to another commitment. I am sick at my stomach that my children are growing up in a world where they have to be scared of these kinds of things. I am terrified to go to the same location next week for the All City meet like we have done so many years before. Do we stay home out of fear? Any one of our children could have been caught up in this. It is a very, very sad day for West Seattle . We have the very best spring time memories with both of my boys running track at this stadium. ..  I am tired of living in fear of gun violence but even more, I am disgusted that my children have to be fearful about gun violence at school, sporting events and the neighborhood. 

    • A May 8, 2018 (11:30 pm)

      Track mom I agree that guns are a big issue in this country and we need to do something about it. However, please do not live in fear and be scared to go to the stadium again. You are far more likely to die in your car on your way to the stadium than you are to die from being shot at the stadium. Don’t let the media have you live in fear(Not WSB you guys are good with facts and not fear mongering). This idiot killer will be caught. Such a sad story and also ironic that there is a shooting range underneath the south bleachers at the stadium

    • Lynn May 9, 2018 (1:13 am)

      Trackmom I’m with you on this. Have a 4 year old and already worry about gun violence and lockdowns. Sickens me. We need to do something. 

      • Jon May 10, 2018 (4:49 pm)

        The sad reality is that we live amongst broken and sometimes just plain evil individuals who are sometimes motivated to hurt others. No law can truly prevent them from acting out if they’ve decided on their actions; no rational (or emotional) debate will will those people out of existence. If it wasn’t a gun, it would be a knife, or a crowbar, or a bomb, or a van.

        The best you can do is attempt to protect yourself and your loved ones in hopes that you get to wake up to see them again tomorrow.

        It’s painful and difficult to experience something like this and everybody wants an easy answer. I’m here to tell you that there isn’t one. Unfortunately, that’s just life.

  • TREX May 8, 2018 (10:14 pm)

    How many people were at this event?

    • Track mom May 8, 2018 (10:25 pm)


      • TREX May 8, 2018 (10:52 pm)

        Somebody had to see something. Hopefully they can catch this person tonight.

    • WS May 8, 2018 (10:54 pm)

      400-500 people.

  • Track Parent May 8, 2018 (10:22 pm)

    My entire family was there and left moments before the shooting occurred. My father said they passed right by the suspect on their way out and he was shouting at people. There is supposed to be a track practice at the stadium tomorrow with all those same kids. I hope it will be moved or cancelled. Some of these kids go to STEM K-8 which just yesterday went on full lock-down due to nearby police activity. Two traumas in as many days. 

    • WSB May 8, 2018 (10:27 pm)

      Thank you. We’ll check with Seattle Parks in the morning.

      • Track Parent May 9, 2018 (9:56 am)

        Check with High Point Community Center as it’s their team who is supposed to practice there today.

        I did encourage my Dad to contact the police with what he saw, which may not be that relevant after all. But maybe it can help them build a more complete picture of the events leading up to the shooting. 

    • TREX May 8, 2018 (10:29 pm)

      Does your father have a description of the suspect or any information on why this happened? Strange that a stadium with 80+ people and a full parking lot and there isn’t even a basic description.

    • BB May 8, 2018 (10:30 pm)

      Has your father given the police a description of the suspect?

    • Track mom May 8, 2018 (10:30 pm)

      I agree, don’t think we can go to stadium tomorrow. Do we know if the victim was one of the community center officials? I am so heartbroken about all of this 

    • Witness May 8, 2018 (10:40 pm)

      Track Parent- we are hoping you have given a description to police. It was a terrifying night for us all there tonight.

  • BB May 8, 2018 (10:24 pm)

    So sorry to hear the man died.  This happened three hours ago and the police don’t have even a basic description of the suspect? 

  • Wsres May 8, 2018 (10:35 pm)

    Track parent: please make sure that your father that passed the suspect has given a decription to the police. This man needs to be caught.

  • Lauren May 8, 2018 (10:36 pm)

    Awful news that the man died 😢 just a reminder to everyone that when SPD doesn’t give the public a description of the suspect, that doesn’t mean they don’t have one. They most likely do, and may have determined a name and address by now as well. They don’t release any details they don’t need to, and won’t until if and when they need the public’s help. 

    • WSB May 8, 2018 (10:41 pm)

      Actually I just added a bit more above, after watching Det. Jamieson’s briefing while the video was processing. He said they’re dealing with “conflicting reports” that they’re trying to sort out and that’s why they don’t have a description to release publicly.

    • TREX May 8, 2018 (10:49 pm)

      They most likely do, and may have determined a name and address by now as well.”

      I really hope you are right and this is the reason.

  • Track Family May 8, 2018 (10:38 pm)

    The victim has passed. My heart is broken for his family and I am praying for all affected.

     Ranier Beach Track Team was one of the teams at the meet and many of the athletes attend South Shore. The principal is working on providing students support tomorrow.  I expect that other schools will do same.  Please get your kids the help they need if they were there or impacted in any way.  We must be determined to not let this madness rob joy from our children or our families, but this is soul shaking.  My son went to bed tonight knowing full well he would have nightmares. I know that those nightmares will go on long beyond tonight.  Bless you and your families.

  • TREX May 8, 2018 (10:40 pm)

    This is devastating. I live a block from this park was going to go running here tonight. My wife convinced me to run on Alki instead. I’m so grateful I wasn’t there. I’m heartbroken for the man, his family, and this West Seattle community that I love. 

  • Bradley May 8, 2018 (10:42 pm)

    Can we get a suspect discription, please? This monster could still be running around our West Seattle neighborhoods and he probably isn’t afraid to murder any of us. 

  • Elle Nell May 8, 2018 (10:42 pm)

    RIP to this man…

    with whom I’m sure did not deserve this senseless act which took his life….  

    I mean, what the hell is going on here in Seattle..??? This is not how we roll around here! This is horrible!! I also see people who are clearly from somewhere else with this attitude like no one or nothing else matters but them and their agenda..! It’s completely out of wack with the flow… I’m all for growth but we don’t need any more inconsiderate, impatient, self righteous, non thinking humans in our realm … I’ve had enough. I completely dislike this with all of my being—- blessings to the deceased mans family. 

    • WS L May 9, 2018 (12:24 pm)

      I’ve definitely noticed more rude drivers. For example when you would yield the road You used to get a wave or a nod or something now it’s just like “GTFO out of my way” it’s changing around here might be time to sell 👎🏽

    • CAM May 9, 2018 (1:24 pm)

      I don’t really see how your anti non “native” West Seattlite bias has anything to do with a man being shot in a parking lot. The last time someone was murdered in West Seattle I’m pretty sure I recall it being by a local resident. 

      • Elle Nell May 9, 2018 (3:29 pm)

        Oh yes Cam, you are right…. this IS how we roll in Seattle.. thanks for the clarity! 

  • M May 8, 2018 (10:46 pm)

    This is America. Sickening. 

  • MJ May 8, 2018 (10:46 pm)

    Something is definitely broken, a kids track meet is below the gutter low.  I hope they catch the shooter, put him or her in jail and lose the keys forever.

  • Scofflawsrus May 8, 2018 (10:49 pm)

    Sad what life has become in Seattle and elsewhere. Threats in middle school, police arriving. And tragedies like this at a children’s event. As disgusted as I am, I am moved by the caring nature I see, ie the people who rushed to help the man tonight.

  • Undercover Rider May 9, 2018 (12:14 am)

    RIP Zoe you were one of the good guys.those of us that knew you knew that you loved life your kids and speed on any motorized vehicle. you were sometimes to good for your own good cause everybody ain’t good people they just pretend .HATERS and people who couldn’t do what you did cause they didn’t have your skills or your abilities never understood why they couldn’t do what you could do you will be missed by all of us that knew you.much love

    • Kimi May 10, 2018 (1:19 am)

      RIP Zo!! Ridin’ on louder…faster…brighter than ever!

  • Tucker May 9, 2018 (12:14 am)

    I was there and this is a terrible tragedy.  This has been such a great track season.  The staff were brave and responsive.  I give much props to the staff at this meet who got everyone out of the stadium.  It was also very wise of the guy who runs the meet to ask for a doctor in the stands through the PA system.  Great work meet officials.  So sorry for this family.

  • AS May 9, 2018 (12:34 am)

    Wow, I am so sad to hear this.  We just moved out of the apartments right behind the stadium.  This would have affected us greatly had we been there still.  I can only imagine what everyone went through.   We are very sorry to hear this.  I do hope though that this doesn’t tarnish the stadiums reputation as we’ve experienced a lot of good there and seen so many happy people there attending meets and football games or just the regular runners etc.  We used to walk our dogs around the parking lot. Ugh…so sad to hear…our thoughts go to the victim, his family and everyone who had to live this.  Hope they catch this a….hole/loser asap.  

  • I'mcoveredinbees May 9, 2018 (7:42 am)

    I just want to say my heart is broken for all. Deepest condolences to the victim’s family, to the kids who are traumatized, and to the parents who are also traumatized and trying to also deal with your kid’s trauma. Wishing you all a day filled with with love and healing. I’m so sorry..,

  • Andrew May 9, 2018 (7:52 am)

    My wife and I were golfing there last Friday for a late game of cheap Twilight golf, and a track meet was going. They still use (fake) guns to signal the start of the race, you can hear the shots ring through the whole golf course. I remember joking with her “this neighborhood is going downhill, listen to all these gun shots!”. Of course, now a terrible joke. 

    Though… as we were leaving, two people were walking down the parking lot road from 35th and they looked like gang members (beanie, baggy pants, expensive white shoes, and a *really* mean look on their face), and I remember remarking to Cristina “those guys look like they are up to no good”. She agreed. I used to live near Compton in LA, these two people fit right in with that gang vibe, very unusual for Seattle, let alone West Seattle….  I don’t know if this was gang related, or related to these people I saw at all, nor do I have any information of what happened that night but I know I could pick out the one guy out of line up that stared me down threateningly as we were driving away from that very same parking lot last week.

    • scubafrog May 9, 2018 (12:58 pm)

      It’s not fair in 2018 to malign Compton with gangs.  I’ve got people at Compton Community College, Compton lowrider clubs, and people on Compton and Main.  None of them are associate with gangs.  That’s pure ignorance to assume that anyone with ties to Compton, or anyone with a certain *look* is associated with gangs.  Ignorance abounds.

      • Sad WS Resident May 9, 2018 (4:45 pm)

        Uhh, yeah, it is fair.  There are plenty of great people in Compton.  There are also a whole lot of crime and gangs in Compton.  Don’t try to play on people’s words.  Compton is among the highest crime cities in America.  In terms of just California you have a 1 in 225 chance of being a victim of a violent crime, in Compton it is a 1 in 86 chance.  It is in the bottom 12% of cities with the most violent crime in America.  It isn’t because of all of those Community College kids running around.  It is because of the gang violence.  https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ca/compton/crime  Check it out for yourself.  So if we are talking about pure ignorance please look in the mirror.

        • scubafrog May 10, 2018 (9:23 am)

          You have no idea what you’re talking about, the late 80’s and early 90’s were active gang years.  The bloodiest years on the west coast. Modernity is the most peaceful time I’ve ever known — we truly live in a golden era, as far as crime’s concerned.  You’ve never known Compton, gang violence, or living in a city where you have to wear neutral colors:  So please stop the dramatics.  And please stop posting about things you’re ignorant to.  The Most Dangerous Cities in 2018:  Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, Stockton, Cleveland, Buffalo.  Compton’s not even in the Top 10.

    • Chris May 9, 2018 (6:51 pm)

      From what I hear this was gang (biker) related.  The target was not random, it was premeditated.  So people don’t need to be afraid.  The cops never worry about telling people that, perhaps to avoid maligning victims.

      • WSB May 9, 2018 (7:01 pm)

        Police did actually say hours ago (as added to the story above) that they suspect the victim was targeted.

      • Track dad May 9, 2018 (7:56 pm)

        Biker gang related? So related to other shooting in skyway?

        • WSB May 9, 2018 (8:23 pm)

          KING’s followup says “sources” say SPD is looking into a “possible” link.

        • WiseWoman May 20, 2018 (4:52 pm)

          Yes the shootings are related. This victim dad rode the same color type motorcycle as a getaway driver in earlier skyway shooting. However they killed the wrong person. The victim who died, was not affiliated or the suspect in other shooting. Wrongful gang retaliation based on the same color motorcycle. My heart goes out to Zo’s family and kids. He had been holding his youngest son and shooter told him to put his kid down. Very traumatic and sad circumstances for his family. Gangs who left years ago have all moved back from Yakima to Rainier, West Seattle, Burien, and Federal Way. 2 young Spanish tween aged girls killed recently in Burien from gang violence.

  • Jane Boe May 9, 2018 (8:04 am)

    There is an indoor target practice area under the stadium bleachers at the stadim.  I never understood why it would be in an athletics facility.  

    • WSB May 9, 2018 (8:51 am)

      Those who use the range include competitive shooting teams. We’ve featured them in the past:

    • r May 9, 2018 (10:11 am)

      the range has been there since 1913, long before the stadium.

    • Somebody May 9, 2018 (11:13 pm)

      I agree. I remember hearing gunshots at my daughter’s track meet from the range. Not a good mix (although this doesn’t sound related to the range). 

  • BLF1954 May 9, 2018 (8:19 am)

    The shooting range under the stadium has been there for years. I took gun safety classes there in the 1960’s before I was even a teenager. Praying for all those involved in this tragedy. 

  • RP May 9, 2018 (9:31 am)

    The victim was a father of a participant in the track meet from Rainier Beach Track Club (according to their facebook page).  He was trying to break up a conflict.  I just cannot begin to imagine the impact on their family, others who were there, and the broader community.  Parents, here is a helpful guide to supporting your kids as they process this tragedy:  https://store.samhsa.gov/shin/content/KEN01-0093R/KEN01-0093R.pdf

    Please follow up to get counseling support for you and your children, at the very least to facilitate family conversations to help process the fear and confusion.  

    • WSB May 9, 2018 (9:43 am)

      Thanks. We added that to the story above a little while ago. The part about some kind of conflict preceding it was mentioned by a commenter last night. With no additional official info, that’s all we have to go on, so far.

  • scubafrog May 9, 2018 (12:54 pm)

    That is absolutely tragic.   The shooter decides he’s going to gun down the victim in front of babies?  It needs no mention that this is an extraordinarily dangerous individual, who will do ANYTHING.

    My condolences to the victim’s family and friends.  RIP to the victim, who was courageous enough to step in and try to disarm a volatile situation, only to be gunned down in cold blood.

    SPD will find the perp, as brazen as this was, someone will talk.  I hope no innocent soul’s injured in the apprehension of this cretin.

  • Malcolm May 9, 2018 (2:14 pm)

    My wife and I have a six-month-old baby. We have lived in West Seattle for close  to five years, but we no longer feel safe here. We are choosing to move to a town at least a 45-minute commute from Seattle. We will miss the “small town” feel of West Seattle, but it is clearly not safe, and the City Council does not see crime reduction as a priority. We have hheard gunshots from our house several times in as many months. For comparison, we lived in New York City for five years before moving to Seattle, and NEVER heard gunshots. Despite its many good points Seattle (including West Seattle) is not safe.

    • brandon 5406 May 9, 2018 (3:25 pm)

      Try electing new government that cares more about public safety than new taxes.

      • WSeaKnits May 9, 2018 (4:13 pm)

        I agree wholeheartedly with Brandon.  All we’ve heard since Durkin was elected is tax this and tax that.  What about safety for our schools?   Parks?   Citizens????

        • Malcolm May 9, 2018 (5:06 pm)

          That’s the problem. Higher taxes won’t solve the Seattle violence. Gunshots are reported on this blog as blithely as a change in the weather, they’re that frequent. There is no end in sight. I don’t feel safe with my wife walking my son around in his stroller during the day. We’ve had enough, and we’re leaving.

          • Felix Grounds May 10, 2018 (5:13 pm)

            I’ve lived in W Sea for 22 years…it is no more or less dangerous/safe than it ever has been.

            Odds are, your 45 min commute will be about as dangerous as living here.

            Good luck.

    • Bradley May 9, 2018 (11:51 pm)

      Malcom, I’ve been living in West Seattle for 30 years and it used to be FAR worse. In the early-90s, gangs openly roamed the area and there were a few gang-related,  random homicides around here each year. A kid across the street from us murdered a store owner in High Point because he was going to testify against his brother. Around that time, a teenager shot a couple in the head who were watching the sunset on a bench in Alki as a gang initiation. West Seattle is safer now than I’ve ever seen it and the outlying, more rural areas are more violent now. It’s far safer here now these days, probably due to the economy and changing demographics.

    • Krista C. May 10, 2018 (12:21 am)

      Seattle has a low violent crime rate. At least half of the “gunshots” people report that they hear end up being fireworks. If being one of the safest cities from violent crime is not enough for you it’s good that you are moving away. The burbs will be even safer.

  • Chief Rawka May 9, 2018 (2:44 pm)

    I have lived in West Seattle all my life (1978). And things around here are far tamer than it was in the late 80’s to early 90’s. The only thing that makes me feel unsafe now is all you whacko drivers:-) We roll slow here in West Seattle, you don’t like it, move to the East Side!

  • Track mom May 9, 2018 (3:41 pm)

    I am VERY dissappointed in how High Point Community Center is handling the situation. There is track practice as usual at the stadium and not one mention of what happened.  ALL of the children at the event need resources and support, currently an email with support information that was provided to Ranier Beach is being forwarded around, there are meetings and plans to show support to Ranier Beach, which is wonderful, but all of the families that attended from all of the teams need support. My heart is completely broken for Ranier Beach as they lost one of their parents and they will need more support than most, but for High Point to receive such an impersonal message about track practice at the SAME exact place as the incident without one mention of support or resources is unacceptable 

    • WSB May 9, 2018 (3:46 pm)

      I sent questions to Seattle Parks this morning and just got replies, which I’m adding. But they said only that tonight’s event is a “meet for North Seattle teams that will go on as scheduled” – so local teams are practicing at the stadium today too?

    • Karen May 9, 2018 (4:16 pm)

      Same thought. I found this wording disturbing and cold: “Whether you bring your child to practice or not, is your decision. Coach Kathleen and her coaches will be there to conduct practice as usual.”  No mention of what happened. Yes, there was a follow up, but it was too little too late. Our kids will be devastated to miss the all city meet, but are unable to return to WS Stadium for the remainder of the season. I really hope there is an effort to relocate.

    • cbb May 9, 2018 (8:50 pm)

      High Point CC communication is disgraceful and sad.  We needed information this morning  – acknowledgement of what happened, information  whether or not kids will have another chance to qualify for the city championship meet, if there will be a meet on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday… and most of all, how we as the “HPCC Track Community” can support the Rainier Beach Track Community. Basic humanity.

      Our thoughts to Lorenzo’s family. I believe he sat in front of us at last week’s meet. A lovely man.

  • Track mom May 9, 2018 (3:48 pm)

    As soon as I posted this another email was sent out to HP parents that was a little bit more supportive. There is not a meet today for High Point, just practice. 

    • Momma Tess May 10, 2018 (10:44 am)

      I am a High Point track parent and I’m not receiving any emails.  Do you know who I can contact?

  • HPTeammate May 9, 2018 (4:56 pm)

    Couldn’t agree more.

  • Wild One May 9, 2018 (6:07 pm)

    This is heartbreaking for his kid/family  Is there a go fund me or anything set up for the family?

  • Dunno May 9, 2018 (6:58 pm)

    Don’t know the race of the two involved, but is important because of what I saw about 45 min before shooting, and yes I did talk to police about the incident, but hoping it was unrelated.

  • Shelley Marr May 9, 2018 (7:17 pm)


    He was my cousin. 

    • WSB May 9, 2018 (7:20 pm)

      So sorry for your loss, Shelley. Thank you for sharing the link. I’ll post a separate story later tonight and add this above in this one for now.

    • Wild One May 9, 2018 (7:57 pm)

      Thank you for sharing. I’m very sorry for your loss. 

  • Bruce May 9, 2018 (10:39 pm)

    So sorry to hear about the loss of life of a father, son, and brother. 

  • Dave May 10, 2018 (6:23 am)

    The West Seattle Parks and Rec folks need to stop blocking the gate and exits by the covered bleachers. They are obsessed with “keeping parents off the field,” and block emergency exits, leaving only the exit by the parking lot open on the opposite side of where everyone sits. This creates more problems in an emergency situation. They need to worry more about safety and running the track meet properly and not blocking exits to keep parents away from their children.

    • Katherine May 10, 2018 (11:46 am)

      Reply to Dave…those gates are always locked…. Parents don’t get to go on the field during football games, why would any other sport be any different?  Finally, USATF the governing body for all track meets now require that everyone from venue staff, to volunteers who are working behind the scenes pass a background check. Everyone, no exceptions. All the different groups that put on track and field events are scrambling to try to find enough people to “staff” events since the new rule just went into effect and it’s taking a long time for the checks to go through.  No more grabbing your teenage/home-on-college-break kid and roping them into helping. 

      • Annie May 10, 2018 (12:06 pm)

        Reply to Katherine those gates are not always locked, you are incorrect.  I have gone to this track every Monday for a month and it was unlocked. From what I understand it was locked on Tuesday and then had to be unlocked.  And I really don’t see parents going on to the field, maybe if a 7 year old is crying and hurt themselves. There are really young kids at these meets and the exits have been blocked.

        • Dave May 10, 2018 (4:34 pm)

          Katherine, I have been going to track meets for years and that gate is open most of the time, I use it for an exit every time I go there and should be all of the time, it is an emergency exit. Locking this gate is just dumb. 

          These are not football games, these are community center track meets. The kids that participate are mostly 10 and under. This is not the Olympics and parents should always have access to their kids. Period. Not to mention we pay for all of this to happen, volunteers or not.

          I don’t know why you’re talking about background checks, blocking exits is a hazard no matter your background. 

          However, the rest of the meets this year have either been canceled or moved. 

      • Dave May 10, 2018 (5:33 pm)

        As far as background checks and USTAF go, I’m sure USA Gymnastics had background checks as well.  It’s a step in the right direction, that is all. Parents are ultimately responsible for the safety of their children. 

    • Dave May 16, 2018 (3:28 pm)

      You clearly was not present at the meets.  The staff who runs this meet had all gates open.  How do you think we were able to exit out the back of the stadium?  Stop and think before you respond with this nonsense.

  • Undercover Rider May 13, 2018 (1:40 pm)

    To the person or persons who know exactly what happened cause the killer bragged about planning to and or actually doing it. How would you feel if someone killed you in front of your kids. and is this fool going to kill you cause you know.remember friend today enemy tonight.

Sorry, comment time is over.