West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
Megan sent the photo, explaining:
I walked my dog this afternoon and came home to see someone had left a single tulip at my front door. Checked my camera and saw 2 little kids run up, drop it and then run off!
Maybe they are spreading the joys of Spring? Too cute.
Photos/video by Patrick Sand
Story by Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog co-publishers
The next generations of Husky Deli ownership were among the stars of the show at this morning’s Westside Awards breakfast, presented by the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
They’re in our top photo, between Chamber CEO Lynn Dennis and board chair Pete Spalding – Husky Deli proprietor Jack Miller‘s daughter Kate Meyer, her husband Tom Meyer, and their son Henry Meyer. They were there to accept the Business of the Year award, with Jack and wife Heidi off on vacation (but appearing via video).
It was perfectly emblematic of what the Westside Awards have become over the years – a celebration of the future as well as the present. The honor given to Emerging Business of the Year – this year, the gift shop Alair – underscores that, too.
But first, if you missed the early-morning event at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), here’s our video of the heart of it, the presentations and acceptance speeches:
Everyone had something unique and touching to say, but if you can only watch for a few minutes, don’t miss Westsider of the Year Lora Swift (executive director of the West Seattle Junction Association) and her mock-borrowed speech, 17 minutes into our video. Now, highlights of who said what, plus more photos, after the jump:
Another chance for you to help neighbors in need! Your partners this time – Lafayette Elementary students. Kirsten Franklin-Temple shares the photo and announcement:
Lafayette Elementary School Brownie Troop 44448 is now collecting NEW underwear (for kids and adult) for Mary’s Place.
The girls chose Mary’s Place to donate their cookie proceeds to, are collecting one of their highest-need items for, and will also be leading an activity with residents in the next couple months. New underwear donations are being collected through May 12 at Lafayette Elementary (box in front lobby) and at the Fit4Mom studio (2707 California Ave SW). Donations can also be picked up by troop leaders. To arrange for pickup, email troop44448@gmail.com.
Lafayette’s lobby is open weekdays 8 am to 2:30 pm, Kirsten says, and you can check Fit4Mom’s schedule here (drop off donations during any “studio” class).
4:42 PM: Thanks to the texter who reports seeing a lone whale – bigger than an orca, they believe – headed west along Alki, off Anchor/Luna Park a little while ago. We’re not seeing any other reports of what’s in the area, but earlier this week heard about at least one lone dolphin/porpoise sighting. So let us know if you see it too! (And if you’re an orca fan… remember The Whale Trail‘s Orca Talk in just a few hours – details in our preview.)
5:48 PM: More sightings reported in comments – but no confirmed ID yet.
Thanks for the tip about the response in the 3200 block of SW Avalon Way this past hour – we missed the initial dispatch because the scanner has been jumping with May Day preparations. Went to check it out, and police were leaving, with SFD about to leave too, and only able to tell us that a woman was being transported to the hospital by private ambulance. Next stop, the precinct, where the only note in the system was that it turned out to be a “person in crisis” situation.
No “proposed,” no “expected,” just a flat-out statement that HALA upzoning is on the way – that’s how the city Department of Construction and Inspections starts the newest post on its blog-format Building Connections website. The gist of the post is to tell developers that they can start including plan alternatives that include what would be allowed under the upzones. (To summarize quickly – the upzones, as explained here, are meant to be a tradeoff in exchange for requiring developers to include a certain percentage of “affordable” units, or to pay a fee to help fund some being built somewhere else.)
Meantime, the citywide community groups’ appeal continues making its way through the system; the document file gets ever bigger, with the newest document filed just today, a response to a city move for “partial dismissal.” The pre-hearing conference for the appeal of the Mandatory Housing Affordability Environmental Impact Statement is now set for June 11th; the hearing itself is on the schedule as starting two weeks later, on June 25th, with that entire week set aside, plus another week in late July. Then there’s also the prospect of mediation, as noted by City Councilmember Lisa Herbold when she spoke to the Morgan Community Association last month.
As also mentioned by MoCA – which is among the groups that are party to the appeal – the district-by-district open houses/public hearings have almost made their way to District 1, end of the line. The open house for one last look at the West Seattle/South Park upzone maps is one week from tomorrow, Wednesday, May 9th, 6-8 pm at Louisa Boren STEM K-8 (5950 Delridge), and the official City Council public hearing for the proposed District 1 changes is at 6 pm Tuesday, June 5th, in the auditorium at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle). The council’s last scheduled HALA meeting is August 6th.
P.S. If you’re still not caught up on what changes could happen in your neighborhood, the maps and other background are here.
Three reader reports and a followup:
TRUCK AND CAR BROKEN INTO: James reports his company truck was broken into Sunday night in Morgan Junction, and that wasn’t all that happened:
Smash and grab, they left the tools but stole the snacks and Bluetooth headphones. Another tenant at our apartment also had her window busted out; only thing taken was a pack of cigarettes. It happened on 42nd Ave SW between Morgan and Holly.
PACKAGE THEFT: Kate reports a package stolen on 46th SW in Seaview between 2 pm and 7 pm Monday.
MORE PAINT VANDALISM: This isn’t even really “tagging,” since it doesn’t seem to be anyone’s signature – after the report we published yesterday, we heard from D., also in Gatewood, whose car was vandalized sometime between Sunday evening and Monday morning, also in green paint, this time with the word “booty.”
CAR RECOVERED: Yet another recently stolen Subaru Legacy has been recovered. The one stolen from Alki last week was found in Burien. Its owner reports, “It’s now back home and seems none the worse for wear, but now has new plates.”
(First of two views of an Orange-crowned Warbler, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Some of what’s up for the rest of your Tuesday …
WEST SEATTLE ROTARY: Guests welcome at weekly lunch meeting at the Masonic Center, noon-1:30 pm. Today’s scheduled speaker is Mr. Washington. (4736 40th SW)
WEST SEATTLE BIKE CONNECTIONS: It’s now May, a month devoted to bicycling in Seattle, and what better way to start it than by dropping in on the monthly West Seattle Bike Connections meeting? 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House High Point – agenda items include planning the Bike Everywhere station for May 18th. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
ORCA TALK: The Whale Trail‘s first Orca Talk of the year is tonight, with NOAA researcher Brad Hansen talking about the status of research aimed at saving the Southern Resident Killer Whales. 7 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) – our calendar listing has ticket info. (5612 California SW)
FLY-TYING TUESDAY: 7 pm at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) – see our calendar listing for details. (SW Oregon/42nd SW)
GEEKS WHO DRINK TRIVIA: 7:30 pm at Whisky West (WSB sponsor) – see recaps here. (6451 California SW)
AND OF COURSE THERE’S MORE … just see our complete calendar page!
Chief Sealth International High School will host a film festival this Friday and Saturday – and the second day is open to the community. This celebration of Spanish-language films has quite a backstory – it’s a program with University of Washington involvement, and this UW article explains how it happened, who’s involved, and why. Here’s the announcement we received from the school:
You are invited to Chief Sealth International High School’s Spanish Language Film Festival this upcoming Friday and Saturday. While Friday’s events will be during school hours and mostly open to only students, the events on Saturday, May 5, are open to the community.
We will be viewing the Chilean film Rara and the Colombian/U.S. film Entre Nos (trailer above), with screenings, time for food, and other activities happening between 11-6 that day. We hope you can join us at Chief Sealth International High School. And please encourage your students to attend as well!
Schedule for Saturday:
11:00 am: Doors open. Light snacks
11:30 am: Brief intro to Pepa San MartÃn’s Rara; Screening of Rara (Chile)
1:00-2:00 pm: Food and social hour
2:00-3:15 pm: Workshops
3:30 pm: Brief intro to Gloria La Morte and Paola Mendoza’s Entre Nos (Colombia/U.S.) Screening of Entre Nos
6:00 pm: Closing Ceremony
The film festival’s theme is “Outsider Heroes.” Chief Sealth IHS is at 2600 SW Thistle; festival admission is free.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:30 AM: Good morning! No incidents or traffic alerts for West Seattle or major outbound routes so far.
MAY DAY ALERTS: The city’s advance alert says there’s only one march/rally for which a permit has been obtained. This day on the calendar often brings demonstrations without permits, too, so be aware.
MARINERS BACK IN TOWN: The stadium zone will be busy this evening as the Mariners start their next homestand – 7:10 pm vs. the A’s. That also means extended West Seattle Water Taxi service tonight.
(Sophomore second baseman Jackson Sullivan made a spectacular play to end an inning)
Another postseason win for the Wildcats – thanks to Porter Hammer for the photos and report on last night’s game:
The West Seattle High School baseball team defeated Ingraham High School at Steve Cox Field in White Center Monday night, 2-0 in a loser-go-home playoff game. West Seattle (5-10 in the regular season) were the underdogs versus Ingraham (12-3 in regular season), but they did not play like it.
Pacific College-bound senior Anthony Coats (above) pitched a complete-game shutout, striking out 5 Ingraham batters while only walking 1.
RBIs by junior Ruben Gut and senior Nathan Villegas represented the winning runs. Gut had 2 hits on the day, and sophomore catcher Ulysses Hammer hit a double.
West Seattle now moves on to play Garfield HS tomorrow (Wednesday, May 2nd), again at 7 pm at Cox (1321 SW 102nd). After surviving two games of single elimination play, West Seattle is now in a double-elimination situation in the Metro League playoffs.
You can see the full Metro playoff brackets here.