(Waterfowl at the White Center bog, photographed by Gill Loring)
Our highlights are a little late today because of this morning’s big news. But they’re all happening tonight anyway, so you have hours to decide, if one (or more) isn’t already in your plan:
DESTINATION DELRIDGE: 6 pm reception, followed by dinner and dancing, at Metropolist in SODO, raising money for the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association. More info in our calendar listing – check to see if tickets remain! (2931 1st Ave. S.)
CORNER BAR: 6 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, it’s the monthly pop-up bar/community celebration. The Jelly Rollers will play a few sets between 7:30 and 11; DJ Dr. Lehl is on hand too; food and drink available for purchase. All ages. (1116 SW Holden)
WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL SWING DANCE/DINNER: 6:30 pm in the West Seattle High School Commons, dine and dance with student musicians and chefs and the West Seattle Big Band, in this annual fun(draiser)! Ticket info in our preview. (3000 California SW)
SOUL JAMBALAYA: As previewed here, tonight’s the night for the 8th annual edition of this musical celebration, featuring student musicians as well as amazing performers with gospel, blues, jazz, funk, and reggae. 7 pm at the Chief Sealth International High School auditorium. Free; donations accepted for student music education. (2600 SW Thistle)
MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS SHOW: Tom Esch performs at The Skylark tonight, with part of the proceeds going to suicide prevention/mental-health awareness, as explained in our calendar listing. Doors at 7 pm. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
IN THE FINAL FOUR: As we reported last night, the West Seattle High School girls are in the state 3A semifinals!
(Photo from Thursday night’s quarterfinal game, by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
They play Gig Harbor at the Tacoma Dome tonight at 9 pm for a berth in Saturday’s championship game. Want to go cheer them on? Ticket info is on the right side of the bracket page. (2727 E. D St, Tacoma)
WHAT ELSE IS UP? Go here to see.