Just one week until Valentine’s Day, and Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) just might be the Valentiney-est place in West Seattle. As briefly noted last week, this year, in honor of their 40th anniversary, Illusions has expanded its annual “Have a Heart” community-nonprofit fundraiser to last an entire month. Illusions’ proprietor Sue Lindblom (front and center in our photo) and the team will “sell” you a paper heart at the for a $1, $5, or $20 donation that goes to Southwest Youth and Family Services, while your paper heart goes up on the wall. And whatever you donate goes an extra distance because Illusions is matching donations, up to $1,000! Illusions (which opened in June 1978 and has been a WSB sponsor for 10 of those 40 years!) is at 5619 California SW.
West Seattle, Washington
04 Tuesday