West Seattle, Washington
18 Saturday
Want to learn the basics of deterring criminals from targeting your residence or business? The slide deck embedded above (or in PDF here) shows the highlights from Southwest Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner‘s presentation at last night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network meeting.
As always, the meeting at the precinct was led by WSBWCN founders Karen Berge and Deborah Greer. Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis started with a briefing, saying property crime was front and center as always.
(UPDATED THURSDAY 11:11 AM with SDOT slide deck shown at meeting)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Street parking usage and turnover rates in the West Seattle Junction business district are close to what the city considers optimal, so pay stations are not in The Junction’s future.
That was the biggest headline as SDOT debuted its Junction parking study results at the annual West Seattle Junction Association merchants meeting tonight. (Added Thursday morning – here’s the slide deck:)
It was the first time in almost a decade that the city studied Junction parking, as was noted by WSJA executive director Lora Swift and then by SDOT’s Jonathan Williams, who presented the study’s toplines. (The last study, in 2008-2009, also resulted in a decision that paid street parking wasn’t warranted.)
We first reported four weeks ago on plans to add 4 portable classrooms at Madison Middle School. The early-stage site plan shows the expected placement on the north side of the campus. Today, the city sent an announcement that it’s forming a community advisory committee to consider whether a zoning modification can be granted to allow the placement:
Here’s your chance to serve on an advisory committee that will recommend whether to grant a modification to a City zoning regulation for Madison Middle School at 3429 45th Ave SW. The Seattle School District is requesting to provide less than required on-site parking in order to add portables.
The committee will convene up to three public meetings at or near Madison Middle School over a three-month period. The committee will receive briefings from the School District, and gather and evaluate public comment on the departure request. Following these meetings, the committee will make a recommendation to the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI) to either grant or deny the requested modification. The committee may also recommend relevant conditions to be applied to granting the change to minimize its impact on the surrounding neighborhood. SDCI will make the final decision.
Those who can apply to the committee are neighbors who live or own a business within 600’ of Madison Middle School, residents in the surrounding neighborhood, representatives of city-wide education issues, and parents of potential Madison Middle School students. Other committee members will include a representative from the School District and City of Seattle.
To apply, send a letter of interest by Wednesday, March 14 that includes your address, information about yourself and your interest in serving on this committee to:
Maureen Sheehan
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
PO Box 94649
Seattle, WA 98124-4649Email: Maureen.sheehan@seattle.gov
That’s also who to contact with questions.
Thanks for the tips about a police search in Morgan Junction. We went down to find out what was going on; police say they’re searching after a report of an attempted burglary at an apartment building on 42nd SW just north of Fauntleroy Way SW. They brought in a K-9 team, but no luck finding a trail. No other details so far.
One day after our report on how some West Seattle-serving bus routes will change while the Lander Street Bridge project is built, we have more news of Metro changes. As reported in our Tuesday story, the Lander-related reroutes will kick in with Metro’s March 10th “service change,” and today, Metro has gone public with what else is changing then. The announcement is here; the route-by-route list of changes is here. Breaking it down for local routes:
On weekdays, two new northbound peak-period trips leaving SW Barton St & 29th Ave SW at 7:26 and 9 am will be added. Also, the first two northbound trips to South Lake Union leaving the Westwood Village at 4:17 and 4:47 am will be revised to leave eight minutes later at 4:25 and 4:55 am. A new southbound trip to Westwood Village leaving Valley St & Fairview Ave N at 4 pm will also be added.
Rerouting because of Lander Street project; timetable/map here (PDF)
On Sunday only, southbound Route 22 to Arbor Heights will be revised to operate westbound on SW Oregon St and southbound Glenn Way SW to regular routing on California Ave SW.
Route 22 will not operate eastbound on SW Oregon St between 44th Ave SW and California Ave SW, and southbound on California Ave SW between SW Oregon St and SW Edmunds St. The bus stop eastbound on SW Oregon St just west of California Ave SW will not be served.
Timetable/map here (PDF)
Rerouting because of Lander Street project; timetable/map here (PDF)
Rerouting because of Lander Street project, and adding two trips; timetable/map here (PDF) – and here’s the map that wasn’t available for our report yesterday:
Downtown rerouting; timetable/map here (PDF)
ROUTES 116, 118, 119
Rerouting because of Lander Street project; timetables/maps are here (PDF)
Again, the added trips and reroutes take effect on Saturday, March 10th.
12:19 PM: On the same day that students returned to class at the Florida high school where 17 people were killed two weeks ago, the Seattle School Board will at its “work session” meeting this afternoon/evening consider a resolution to go on record supporting gun laws and the nationwide march in support of them. The board –
led by president Leslie Harris, who represents West Seattle and South Park – will consider a resolution “to declare support for sensible gun safety legislation, declare opposition to efforts to arm educators in our schools, and declare support of the March for Our Lives on March 24, 2018.” The “sensible … legislation” is described in the resolution as:
• raising the age to purchase assault weapons to 21,
• implementing Enhanced Background Checks for Assault Weapons,
• banning the purchase and sale of “assault” or semi- automatic rifles and of any accessories designed to increase a gun’s rate of fire,
• establishing safety programs in schools that do NOT include arming educators or staff,
• eliminating private gun sale loopholes,
• providing funding for thorough gun violence research, including removing the prohibition on research and data collection by the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC);
• supporting prevention, intervention and community re-entry programs that reduce community and gun violence; and
• increased funding for programs and school staffing (i.e. counselors, nurses, and psychologists) that support student mental health, social and emotional learning, and antibullying; and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Seattle School District supports legislation currently under consideration by the Washington State Legislature that would enact some of the above measures, including Engrossed Senate Bill 5992, Senate Bill 6620 and House Bill 3004; and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Seattle School District wholly rejects the misguided suggestion, advanced by President Donald J. Trump, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and some members of the Washington State Legislature, that it is either desirable or appropriate to arm teachers in schools for any purpose, and will maintain existing prohibition of firearms at school and will NOT support any effort to arm educators and staff; and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Seattle School District wholly endorses and will
participate in the student-led March for Our Lives on March 24, 2018.
That march is planned to start on Capitol Hill and head to Seattle Center. Meantime, you can read the entire resolution in the agenda for tonight’s special “work session” meeting, which has other items including a budget discussion and a briefing on potential ways to “re-vision” high school starting in the 2019-2020 school year – see the full agenda here.
TODAY’S MEETING: Since it’s a “work session,” there’s no public comment period, but it’s open to the public, 4:30-6:45 pm at district HQ in SODO (3rd/Lander).
6:23 PM: The board approved the resolution, according to the SPS Twitter feed; here’s what was published on the district website.
(Common Goldeneye, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Love birds? One of tonight’s West Seattle highlights is for you! But first…
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES: “From Headquarters,” at Senior Center of West Seattle, 1 pm. $1 members/$2 non-members – and free popcorn! (4217 SW Oregon)
TINKERLAB DROP-IN: Always fun for afterschool afternoons now that Wednesdays are early-release days – self-directed STEM-craft activity, 2:30-4 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. (2306 42nd SW)
FOR THE BIRDS: Community conversation/listening session with Seattle Audubon at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 6:30-8:30 pm – explained here. (5612 California SW)
BE A PUGET SOUND STEWARD: The work is in West Seattle, but tonight’s info session is in Tukwila:
EarthCorps has been working with the Port of Seattle to restore sites along the Duwamish River for the past several years through the Puget Sound Steward program. Puget Sound Stewards improve and sustain natural areas along estuaries, rivers and beaches throughout the Puget Sound Region, including Terminal 105 and Terminal 107 along W Marginal Way. These volunteers work as a team to help EarthCorps keep the Duwamish shoreline healthy, run restoration events, adapt management plans, and educate the community. EarthCorps provides the education and resources to support stewards in their role and stewards commit to volunteer 25 hours throughout the year in return. To learn more about the program join us for an info-session on February 28th at the Tukwila Community Center, 6:30-7:30 pm – snacks and refreshments provided! Register today on EarthCorps calendar; contact Project Manager Mariska Kecskes at mariska@earthcorps.org with any questions.
(12424 42nd Ave. S., Tukwila)
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club, you’re invited to HPAC’s annual meeting – which includes briefings by Seattle Police and City Light (find out about the Advanced Metering Program) as well as voting for HPAC leadership. Full details here. (1116 SW Holden)
SKYLARK OPEN MICROPHONE: At The Skylark – 7:30 pm signup, all ages until 10 pm, full recordings of your set available for purchase – more info here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
THAT’S NOT ALL … see our complete-calendar page for everything happening today/tonight/beyond!
Friday night at 7 pm, you’re invited to this year’s edition of an annual don’t-miss musical celebration in the auditorium at Chief Sealth International High School – Soul Jambalaya. As announced by longtime music educator, and assistant principal at adjoining Denny International Middle School, Marcus Pimpleton, it’s another stellar lineup:
Soul Jambalaya 2018 will feature some pretty outstanding artists and music ensembles (Clinton Fearon, The Total Experience Gospel Choir, Septimus, and the Native Jazz Trio) in concert with our very own Chief Sealth Jazz Band as we celebrate the contributions of African Americans to the music of the world.
The concert is free of charge, although donations will be graciously accepted to support jazz education and events at Chief Sealth.
It would be really great to have a full audience to support these great artists who are giving so generously of their time to provide our students with an opportunity to enjoy authentic performances of these important music styles. Please consider joining us and inviting friends.
Chief Sealth is at 2600 SW Thistle; the auditorium is on the west side of campus.
If you can’t go to the concert but would like to support the music students, you can do that online too.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:59 AM: Good morning! No incidents reported in/from West Seattle so far on this final day of the month. No transit advisories so far this morning, either.
9:31 AM: Another relatively quiet morning commute is concluding. We monitor throughout the day and also appreciate tips – 206-293-6302, text or voice, 24/7 – thank you!