(Junction Plaza Park trees, photographed by Leda Costa for WSB)
Saturday highlights from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and Event Calendar:
SANTA AT CAPERS: Last chance for Santa photos at CAPERS in The Junction, 9 am-noon. Donations benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. (4525 California SW)
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: 9:30 am-3:30 pm, mobile blood drive at Westwood Village. The holiday season is always a challenging time for donations, and the Pierce County train derailment earlier this week meant a major demand, so donations are more welcome than ever. Details here. (2600 SW Barton)
CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT THRIFTWAY: Gary Benson will play Christmas music live at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) from 11 am-2 pm. (4201 SW Morgan)
HOLIDAY GET-TOGETHER: The Christmas People present a special Holiday Get-together for volunteers, sponsors and service club members – refreshments, carols, and special guest pianist Mike Smith. 1-3 pm, West Seattle Masonic Hall. Free. Bring homemade cookies if you are able – TCP are continuing to collect them for Saturday’s Christmas dinner. (4736 40th SW)
SANTA AT THRIFTWAY: Find him at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) this afternoon, 2-5 pm. (4201 SW Morgan)
CAMP SECOND CHANCE HOLIDAY PARTY: The sanctioned encampment on the southeast edge of West Seattle invites you to a holiday party this afternoon, with music and refreshments, 2-5 pm. Donations of warm clothing welcome. More info in our calendar listing. (9701 Myers Way S.)
TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL-BOARD REP: Seattle School Board president Leslie Harris, who represents West Seattle and South Park on the board, has her next community-conversation drop-in meeting 3-5 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
CARTOONING SANTA: Find him at Luna Park Café, 5-8 pm. (2918 SW Avalon Way)
DON’T ASK: Live music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
CLOSING NIGHT: Final performance for ArtsWest’s Holiday Cast Party, Thursdays-Saturdays, 7:30 pm. Hosted by Mathew Wright. A few tickets remain as of this morning. (4711 California SW)
AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: Welcome Strangers with Andy Coe, 9 pm-11 pm: “Local Americana rock trio adds a guitarist for the night. A not-too-shabby addition to the sweet harmonies and tight songwriting that Welcome Strangers bring to the stage.” $8 cover; 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
More holiday info – from restaurants/bars-with-food open Christmas Eve/Day, to New Year’s events – in our Holiday Guide! Last-minute addition or change? editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!
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