West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Light rail to and from West Seattle is still 13 years away. But the process of making it happen is accelerating.
Two signs of that: Sound Transit‘s “partnering agreement” with the city will be discussed by councilmembers this week. And for the second time in two weeks, ST sent a team to West Seattle for a community-group briefing.
First, the “partnering agreement.” It’s on the agenda for the Tuesday meeting of the Sustainability and Transportation Committee (2 pm, Council Chambers at City Hall, 600 4th Ave.). As the slide deck atop this story shows, it covers the entire West Seattle to Ballard extension plan (while WS is scheduled to open in 2030, Ballard is planned for 2035).
Components of the agreement would involve streamlining permits, as has been mentioned at previous discussions of the plan for the 4.7-mile extension into West Seattle. You can read the full 46-page agreement here or below:
The agreement addresses matters beyond the transit line itself – such as redevelopment, on page 8:
The Parties will work together to identify and evaluate opportunities for transit-oriented development (āTODā) in station areas, including direct integration of transit facilities with development done by others. The Parties further agree to consider strategies for advancing equitable development outcomes in their planning activities, including but not limited to opportunities for development of affordable housing on publicly-owned land
Among other things, the agreement also asks the city to designate a single point of contact for the project; the Sound Transit point of contact is Cathal Ridge, the Central Corridor Project Manager who led both recent West Seattle briefings, including the one at last Thursday’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting. We were at both; here’s what happened that night:
Thanks to the reader who shared the report and photos:
West Seattle High School’s 1st Team All-Metro Sound Division Football Selections
Senior Anthony Coats, senior Alex Pastrana, and junior Oliver Carlson have been selected to the First Team All-Metro Sound Division Football Team. Anthony (above right) was named 1st Team Quarterback, Alex (above center) was named 1st Team Offensive Guard and 2nd Team Defensive Tackle, and Oliver (above left) was named 1st Team Wide Receiver. Congratulations to these boys for their leadership and achievements on the field that have been recognized by the coaches throughout the league. It was a tough season for the young and inexperienced Wildcats but the team never quit, battled, and worked hard all season long for new coach Marcis Fennell.
The team also had its year end football banquet Friday night, which was an incredible event held at The Hall at Fauntleroy. During the celebration of the student athletes’ season Coach Fennell and the West Seattle Alumni Monogram Club surprised this year’s qualified lettermen with brand-new Letterman jackets, bringing back a tradition that has been absent for 20 years.
The boys were excited, stunned and extremely appreciative of this awesome gesture. You could see the pride these boys have in WSHS and could feel their excitement about representing their community in their new jackets.
It was a fun and rewarding evening for all involved that has set the standard moving forward for WS Football. A special thank you to Coach Marcis and all his assistant coaches for their hard work and dedication to WSHS. Go Westside!
(Thanks to Carolyn Newman for the photo of SFD units standing by in Seacrest area)
4:21 PM: A big Seattle Fire response is on the way via land and sea to check out a report of an overturned boat of some kind with two people in the water. SFD units are going both to an area off the 5900 block of Beach Drive SW, and to the Seacrest area. So far, per scanner, they’re not seeing anyone in distress.
4:27 PM: They’re still checking out possible objects off shore. So far, two were described as “logs with birds on (them).”
(WSB photo by Patrick Sand – fireboat seen from Lowman Beach)
4:39 PM: Still nothing/no one found, though police/fire boats continue searching just to be certain, and SFD units are still standing by at Don Armeni/Seacrest in case anyone is found. They’re dismissing most of the units.
3:20 PM: The party is on! You are invited to Youngstown Cultural Arts Center to celebrate its centennial – performances and treats, plus a chance to tour the building, including the artist studios on the top floors:
Youngstown’s hallways feature lockers reminiscent of the building’s past as Frank B. Cooper School:
As noted in our story earlier this week previewing today’s celebration, the school building was mothballed years before the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association formed in the mid-1990s, and then DNDA bought it from Seattle Public Schools and turned it into Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.
The party is about looking ahead as well as looking back. In our photo above are DNDA’s current executive director David Bestock, left, with Nature Consortium – now part of DNDA – founder Nancy Whitlock and current leader Yeggy Michael. Go visit Youngstown this afternoon (until 5 pm) and see who you meet! More photos to come.
ADDED 4 PM: Thanks to Clay Eals for the photo of Cooper School graduates gathered at the party:
The building closed as a school in 1989. What is now the Thelma Dewitty Theater, named for the Cooper School teacher who made history as the first African-American to teach in Seattle Public Schools, was its cafeteria, and is full of cool people for today’s event:
Back upstairs, artist Iole Alessandrini of the Civita Institute welcomed visitors to her studio home:
DNDA’s director of housing and environmental programs, Willard Brown, is at Youngstown for the party:
If you don’t make it to Youngstown today – just take one look at its calendar to see how much is going on just about any day of the week!
Two power outages making news today:
TRADER JOE’S STILL CLOSED: It’s now going on 36 hours since Trader Joe’s in The Triangle lost power after a rollover crash involving an allegedly DUI driver. We first reported the closure Saturday morning, hours after noting the 2 am crash. No official word on what’s taking so long – Seattle City Light and environmental-services crews were visible at the site yesterday but not so far today. The restoration estimate is now Monday evening.
Meantime, in the southwesternmost end of West Seattle:
96 OUT IN/NEAR ARROYOS: Just before 9 am, according to the City Light outage map, 96 homes lost power in the Arroyos area – see the screengrab above. The current restoration estimate is 7 pm, but the cause is not yet listed.
8:14 PM: Both outages continue. The Arroyos outage is attributed now to “equipment failure.” For Trader Joe’s, one source says it’s expected to be closed again tomorrow, awaiting a part. We’ll be following up with the company and the utility in the morning.
Until 2:30 pm, the West Seattle Alternative Giving Fair welcomes you to experience education as well as generosity during its second and final session. From Judy Pickens:
The second annual West Seattle Alternative Giving Fair got under way Saturday evening at Fauntleroy Church with 19 local, national, and international nonprofits represented. In addition to explaining what they do, each is welcoming donations in the name of family members, neighbors, teachers, and others this holiday season.
Alina Guyon is selling African crafts and soliciting donations to pay school fees for refugee children in Uganda. It’s the same agency for which she built a library and stocked it in July with books donated by West Seattle residents.
Rhiannon Wolfe-Jones, special education assistant at West Seattle Elementary, is at the fair to build a scholarship fund to enable low-income students at the school to attend Islandwood nature camp.
The fair continues until 2:30 pm in Fellowship Hall at the church (9140 California Ave. SW).
Happy Sunday! Two sets of highlights – first, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide (where you will also find light shows, tree lots, and other seasonal info):
SANTA PHOTOS: Santa is at CAPERS in The Junction, 9 am-noon. CAPERS shared this photo of the first young visitor this weekend:
Donations benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. (4525 California SW)
WESTSIDE HOLIDAY BOOK FAIR 10 am-3 pm at Westside Unitarian Congregation. New and used books, free treats. (7141 California SW)
SEATTLE SAMPLING ARTISTS’ STUDIO TOUR: “We have (4) studios in West Seattle hosting 13 local artists. We are showing today 10 am -5 pm. Event details, artist gallery and map are here.”
WREATH SALES: Pathfinder K-8 handmade wreaths, sold in The Junction during the Farmers Market 10 am-2 pm. All proceeds go to supporting outdoor education. (California/Alaska)
ALTERNATIVE GIVING FAIR CONTINUES: 11:30 am-2:30 pm Sunday, in Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church: “Make a difference through a different way of giving at the second annual West Seattle Alternative Giving Fair. A total of 19 proven non-profits are expected to be there, explaining what they do and welcoming donations in lieu of giving more stuff for Christmas, birthdays, and other occasions.” Here’s the list. (9140 California SW)
HOLIDAY BAZAAR: Community School of West Seattle Holiday Bazaar, noon-4 pm:
Come join us for some holiday shopping, nibbles and crafting! Our vendors will be selling baked goods, messages in a bottle, baby slings, handmade children’s clothes, hot pads, magic bottles, tiny critters, screen printed shirts, mandala art prints, blown glass, knitted mushrooms, hand sewn creatures, knitted ornaments, finger-less gloves, and macrame.
(9450 22nd Ave SW)
CAROLING: 12:30-1:30 pm, as part of West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays: “Join the caroling at Walk-All-Ways during the Farmers Market. The Hope Lutheran School Glee Club will be bringing you good Christmas cheer.” (California/Alaska)
‘CAST PARTY’ MATINEE: 3 pm, it’s the first matinee of ArtsWest’s Holiday Cast Party. Hosted by Mathew Wright. (4711 California SW)
And from our year-round Event Calendar:
BASKETBALL: The Seattle Jam wheelchair-basketball tournament concludes at the West Seattle High School gym, 8 am-2 pm. Admission is free! (3000 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Year-round in The Junction – see what’s fresh! 10 am-2 pm. (California between SW Oregon and SW Alaska)
YOUNGSTOWN 100: 2-5 pm, today’s the centennial celebration of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (formerly Youngstown School and then Frank B. Cooper School). Performances, treats, and looking to the future while honoring the past. Our special report from earlier this week includes some backstory. All welcome; no admission charge, though donations are welcome. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
TOWN HALL AT WESTSIDE SCHOOL: Tickets are sold out, but in case you wonder what’s happening at Westside School (WSB sponsor) in Arbor Heights 2-4 pm today, here’s our preview. (10404 34th SW)
Something for our calendar and/or Holiday Guide? Send the info as early as possible to editor@westseattleblog.com – thank you!