WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST: Calling all volunteers! Plus – see the band-lineup poster

June 6, 2017 2:37 pm
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West Seattle Summer Fest 2017 (with sponsors including WSB) is just five and a half weeks away, July 14-15-16. Two notes today:

VOLUNTEERS: West Seattle’s biggest party of the year needs volunteer power! If you can help – an orientation event is planned tomorrow night, 6 pm at the West Seattle Junction Association offices (4210 SW Oregon, above Shadowland). What kind of volunteer help is needed? WSJA’s Lora Swift replies, “The Summer Fest opportunities range from pre-festival activities like the SF street team – placing posters around West Seattle. I’m also looking for people who would like to write some content about the festival and bands. Maybe do some interviews. Before the festival, we’ll need help setting up. During we’ll need volunteers in the kids zone, info booth, sponsorship stewards. All kind of soft serve jobs, I want to make this a fun experience for the people who are giving their time.” You can sign up by going here.

BAND-LINEUP POSTER: We brought you first word of the Summer Fest band lineup back on May 17th. Today, WSJA is out with the official poster:

Here’s a YouTube playlist so you can get into the mood!

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