The photos and report are from Paula:
I live in a condo near the totem pole on 35th Ave SW and discovered several items that were apparently discarded under some trees on the west side of our property. They include a navy hooded sweatshirt, a long sleeved black t-shirt, black sweat pants, one wireless mouse, one wired mouse, one headset, a wall power connector, a battery of some sort and a set of cables that look like they’d run between a television and different electronics.
My best guess is that it’s stolen property that someone dumped there. Perhaps there were larger electronics which they kept that these things were accessories for. Happy to return them if someone claims them. I first noticed them Friday (6/16) late morning and am thinking they probably were dumped sometime Thursday night/early Friday morning.
After that note, she discovered a bicycle had been abandoned nearby too:
She’s been trying to figure out how to turn the items over to police but in the meantime, if you have any info on who these items belong to, let us know.