Help make history! Be part of the 25th annual Fairmount Ravine Spring Cleanup and Reforestation

(Part of the 2016 cleanup haul; photo courtesy John Lang)

The annual Fairmount Ravine community cleanup and forest-restoration event is the longest-running event of its kind that we’ve heard of, at least in our decade of publishing WSB. This year’s edition is coming up next Saturday, and it’s the first one organized by Matt Algieri, after John Lang‘s many years of coordination. If you run, ride, walk, or drive through the ravine – consider starting next Saturday by helping out, even if you can only spare an hour:

Fairmount Ravine Preservation Group will sponsor the 25th Annual Spring Cleanup and Reforestation of Fairmount Ravine, Saturday, April 8th at 8:30 am. Meet at top of the ravine (Forest St. and Fairmount Ave.). Wear long, rugged clothing, boots and gloves. Bring a pruning saw or large loppers if interested in removing ivy from trees. Delicious beverages and food from our local merchants will be provided.

We extend a special invitation to those who use the ravine to access the waterfront; please donate an hour or two of your time to keep this greenbelt healthy and pristine. Plus, we will have a lot of fun and meet our neighbors. More info – call Matt at 206 747-4167.

6 Replies to "Help make history! Be part of the 25th annual Fairmount Ravine Spring Cleanup and Reforestation"

  • Mark April 2, 2017 (5:51 pm)

    Hopefully the sun will be out next Saturday.  

  • Rick April 2, 2017 (10:45 pm)

    Now if we could just get an encampment there!

    • WSB April 2, 2017 (10:55 pm)

      I know you’re just snarking but the folks there have dealt with campers for years, long before that became a citywide issue, and when there are campers under the bridge, they have had police assistance in advance of cleanup day, as mentioned in the recaps we’ve published every year. However, there are many other challenges that make this annual cleanup a necessity, including litter thrown by people passing through, as well as – as mentioned in the invitation – the ivy choking trees along the ravine (a problem in many other places too). – TR

  • John April 3, 2017 (7:52 am)

    The City needs to make littering a 30 day jail crime.  I’m disgusted by the amount of trash I see in Seattle.  I feel like I’m in a 3rd world country….and ‘yes’ I’ve traveled through dozens.

  • MomosMom April 3, 2017 (8:11 am)

    @John…I agree with you whole heartedly our City is becoming a very disgusting place to live. I have lived here my whole life (61 yrs.) and I have never seen it look so bad.

  • Nancy R April 7, 2017 (11:06 am)

    So,  John and Momsmom,  will you be out there helping to clean up and make it better?

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