TUESDAY MORNING: USS Turner Joy heading back to Bremerton

Back on February 2nd, we showed you the museum ship USS Turner Joy, photographed by Gary Jones as it was towed past West Seattle, on the way from Bremerton to Lake Union for maintenance. Just heard KING 5 mention it’s heading back through the Ballard Locks and cross-sound to Bremerton tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, and found this confirmation:

So if you notice a Navy destroyer passing at mid-morning, this is the one.

3 Replies to "TUESDAY MORNING: USS Turner Joy heading back to Bremerton"

  • Robin Lee February 28, 2017 (7:05 am)

    Beautiful photo!!  Love the mountain in the background!!  ☺👍

  • desertdweller February 28, 2017 (12:22 pm)

    From the Arroyos the view was equally as ominous.  

    • WSB February 28, 2017 (12:27 pm)

      Awesome photo!

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