(Rendering courtesy Hewitt Architects)
One week from tomorrow, the Southwest Design Review Board will consider the newest plan for the 108-apartments-and-grocery-store project featuring a new PCC Natural Markets (WSB sponsor) store at the site of the current one. Last week, architects Hewitt gave a “sneak peek” to the Admiral Neighborhood Association (WSB coverage here); today, their full “packet” for next week’s meeting is online, full of images for various parts of the project plus detailed information on everything from its floor plans to its landscaping. The 77-page packet is on the city website, and we’ve downloaded it to embed below:
This could be the final Design Review meeting for the project at 2749 California SW, which has already had two Early Design Guidance reviews. It’s at 6:30 pm Thursday, March 2nd, at the Sisson Building/Senior Center (4217 SW Oregon); if you can’t be there to comment in person, you can also comment on the project by e-mailing the assigned city planner, crystal.torres@seattle.gov.