GRATITUDE: Hiawatha says ‘thank you’ to Rob Wunder for many years of volunteer leadership and advocacy

The unsung heroes of local city-run community centers are their advisory councils – and the one at Hiawatha Community Center recently said goodbye to its longtime president, and wanted to publicly share words of thanks:

The Hiawatha Community wishes to thank Rob Wunder on his 25 years of service to the West Seattle community as President of Hiawatha’s Advisory Council.

Rob grew up in West Seattle and spent a great deal of his childhood enjoying the activities offered at Hiawatha’s Community Center. As an adult, he felt that it was his calling to give back to a place that provided so much enrichment to him during his youth. Rob, in his capacity as President, has been instrumental in leading positive change for the community and the Seattle Parks system. All his actions were driven by his view of the big picture and his passion to make a difference for the community.

Rob was instrumental in two special projects that families will enjoy well into the future; The Hiawatha Field Replacement Project and Dakota Place Park Project. Do you remember when the beautiful turf and track was just dirt? Or when Dakota Place Park was an old City Light station? We now enjoy these beautiful amenities because of his countless volunteer hours, his ability to speak for positive change, and his passion for equity and access with affordable programs across the community, expanded programs in West Seattle, and support of our youth.

During Rob’s tenure as President at Hiawatha, important programs were implemented and grew, such as child care, athletics, preschool, tween, recreation, ballet, summer camp … the list goes on and on! Hiawatha’s special events attracted thousands, such as summer concerts, Halloween carnivals, and pancake breakfasts, because Rob was a strong advocate for his community.

While this is a short list, it doesn’t come close to covering Rob’s hard work or expressing our gratitude to him, as he is truly an exceptional individual. His selfless commitment to community, hard work, and strength as a leader has created a lasting legacy upon the residents of West Seattle, past, present and future. We thank him for all that he has done for our community over the years.

(The Associated Recreation Council partners with Seattle Parks and Recreation to provide lifelong learning opportunities and advocating for the success of recreation services at Hiawatha.)

7 Replies to "GRATITUDE: Hiawatha says 'thank you' to Rob Wunder for many years of volunteer leadership and advocacy"

  • Westside45 December 11, 2016 (4:28 pm)

    When I first saw the headline I thought Rob had passed on. Glad to hear he’s still upright. The accolades are appropriate. 

  • David December 11, 2016 (5:11 pm)

    As a kid every single time I was at Hiawatha playing sports and /or goofing around, Donkey (his old nickname ) was there – he was like a permanent fixture there as he grew up just across the street.  Way to go Rob! Every community needs someone like you that still cares and pays back.

  • Dale December 11, 2016 (6:25 pm)

    Hey, your efforts are appreciated. The ability to walk the talk is not left alone. Not anymore. Thank you sir for finding it in you to persevere.  To knock on that door. To relay a an unpopular position. You built a base. You’ve converted a child. I thank you. 

  • nw December 11, 2016 (8:35 pm)

    Thanks for your service!

  • Erik December 12, 2016 (2:50 pm)

    Rob, thank you for your years of service to Hiawatha and everyone that uses it. It’s been made much better by your leadership.

  • Tiffani December 12, 2016 (3:15 pm)

     I had the pleasure of working with Rob for 4 years at Hiawatha. Watching his passion and love for this community was inspiring!  Such an upstanding person!  Thank you for your dedication and service to provide programming and opportunities to West Seattle! (insert standing ovation!)

  • WS 84 December 12, 2016 (4:01 pm)

    Great work Rob. Your contributions to this among many  other WS  volunteer efforts, are truly appreciated . Z

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