SDOT is circulating what’s titled the “Delridge RapidRide Expansion Survey.” But it’s not just about buses. It asks you to take a look at Delridge, section by section, featuring the graphics you see below, which show how it’s configured now:
The survey asks about your priorities for each of those sections along Delridge Way – including transit, walking, biking, and/or parking. Here’s how the survey is introduced in e-mail from SDOT’s Dawn Schellenberg:
We’re working with our partners at King County Metro to deliver 7 new RapidRide corridors by 2024 to advance the Levy to Move Seattle’s promise of 72% of Seattle residents with 10-minute all-day transit service within a 10-minute walk of their homes.
Delridge Way SW is one of the corridors on which we’d like to make bus service better. We also have an opportunity to make it safer and more comfortable for people walking, biking, driving and delivering goods. Please take a moment to fill out our survey and share your thoughts about how the street could be designed and potential related trade-offs. The survey replicates information shared at an October Delridge Workshop, in case you were unable to make it. Please complete the survey by December 4, 2016.
If you haven’t already received it – find the survey here. (P.S. We covered the “workshop” referenced by SDOT, here.)