(Male pileated woodpecker @ Fauntleroy Park – photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Lots going on! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Halloween (etc.) Guide:
MONSTER DASH FUNDRAISER AT ZIPPY’S: All day/night at Zippy’s Giant Burgers in White Center, a percentage of proceeds will go to the West Seattle Monster Dash – the benefit for local Cooperative Preschools, coming up October 29th. More info on today’s benefit is in our calendar listing. (9614 14th SW)
EARTHQUAKE DRILL: You should already know whether your workplace, school, etc. is participating in today’s 10:20 am nationwide drill – but just in case it’s news to you and you see/hear something worrisome, it’s only a drill!
HAUNTED HOUSE: From the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide – Haunted House at High Point Community Center: “Enter and get ready to be scared in this amazing High Point Community Center Haunted House built by the neighborhood teens. All proceeds help fund High Point Teen programming.” 5:30-7 pm, ages 8 and up, $2. (6920 34th SW)
CIRCLE OF SINGLES: For singles 60+, at Copper Coin in The Admiral District, 5 pm. (2329 California SW)
WEST SEATTLE TIMEBANK: 6 pm orientation, 6:30 pm potluck, 7 pm presentation by the Urban Homestead Foundation. More info in our calendar listing; all welcome. At the Sisson Building/Senior Center. (SW Oregon/California SW)
SEATTLE SYMPHONY SIDE-BY-SIDE WITH WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY ORCHESTRAS: Come early to see the Chief Sealth IHS String Ensemble at 6:30 pm; Seattle Symphony and WSCO play at 7 pm. CSIHS Auditorium. Free! (2600 SW Thistle)
SEATTLE LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: 7-8:30 pm, prospective families are welcome to visit Seattle Lutheran HS. The open house starts in the gym. (4100 SW Genesee)
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: 7 pm at Alki UCC. Announced agenda toplines: City Council’s encampment-ordinance proposals; Westside Neighbors Network; new public-safety survey. (6115 SW Hinds)
NOT DEAD YET: They’re back! Live tonight at Whisky West in Morgan Junction, 7:30 pm. (6451 California SW)
KO ELECTRIC: Live “electric jazz” at Parliament Tavern, 8 pm. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
FIND MORE … on our complete calendar page.
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